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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This page, Elibumo, is property of KidVegeta.


Featured in Across the Universe

Appetent Justice

A Shadow on the Wind

Pronunciation el-ee-boo-moh
Adjective Elibuman
Parent star type K-type main-sequence
Orbital characteristics
Orbital period 545.8 d
Satellites 1
Satellite names Tsuvei
Physical characteristics
Equatorial radius 8341.8 km
Polar radius 8313.9 km
Surface area 26.1% land
73.9% water
Mass 1.4315×1025 kg
2.40 M
Equatorial surface gravity 13.7298 m/s2
1.4 g
Axial tilt 14.33°
Surface temperature
Minimum -117.9°
Mean 2.5°
Maximum 103.2°
Composition 75.83% nitrogen (N2)
21.09% oxygen (O2)
2.05% xenon
0.99% carbon dioxide (CO2)
0.04% trace elements
Sentient Species Unnamed natives
Sentient species 1 population 0
Number of major cities 47
Technology level Tier 5

Elibumo is a free world.


In Age 749, Soba accidentally teleported to this planet. He found it thriving with life. He soon participated in a battle against a nexu predator in a coliseum before being saved by Udon, who grew enamored with the beast. The two teleported back to Udon's menagerie with the animal, never to return to the planet.

In Age 766, after being woken prematurely, Majin Sesami visited this planet and killed all living beings on it in a matter of hours.

In Age 784, Pikkon pursued Babidi here after the wizard escaped from Hell and fled Earth with the Sealed Ball of Majin Buu during the events of Dragon Ball Z: In Requiem. After a brief confrontation, Pikkon captured Babidi and returned to Other World with him.

While on the planet, Pikkon noted that there were charred huts and crumbling stone towers, though he sensed no other beings on the world save for himself and Babidi. The native species was likely wiped out by some unknown force at some point in the not-so-distant past. As this planet was relatively close to Earth and outside of the territory of Frieza's Empire (which by this point in time had become Kuriza's Empire), it is most likely that its natives were wiped out by space pirates.

Notable facts[]

  • In Across the Universe, Soba describes the native population thusly: "This planet was a temperate world with squat, indigo-furred creatures with four eyes and bowed legs, tail-less and with wrinkled, grey faces. The outskirts of some town was nearby, and he could see a few of them moving in lines, holding packages on their heads as they moved with sentient purpose.".
  • This planet has a strange species of aquatic trees that grow upwards of a hundred feet from ocean level. It is unknown if their roots go all the way to the ocean floor or if they are floating trees, as their saplings float through the air, carried by the wind, spreading pollen, before "planting" themselves in the water.
  • Pikkon killed three of Babidi's artificial creations on this planet.


  • Elibumo's native population:
    • At height: 34,759,091.
    • At lowest point: 0.


Elibumo is still around.

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