The Earth Scouter saga takes place on Earth and is one of only two sagas (begginning and ending sagas) to take place on Earth. This saga formally introduces Doug and Rocky
Sent to Earth when the crown prince was a mere infant, Doug had been scouting the Earth, not only to size it up for invasion, but for capatibility for colonization. Doug soon got used to living on Earth, and took advantage of his orders to assimilate into Earth's population. He found it suitable for colonization, but was reluctant to leave, as he had grown quite used to the pleasures of Humans.
After Cell is defeated, Doug puts two and two together from the televised fight between Cell and Goku and Goku's transformation in appearance to surmise that there were four Saiyans that weren't accounted for by his king's government. Though it wasn't part of his assignment, Doug knew he would be amply rewarded for finding what his king deemed "perfect specimens of life". After a few years of searching he figured out the Saiyans' whereabouts.
What Doug did not expect was to find an orange boy on his way to Vegeta's residence. The boy, terrified at Doug's reaction to being bumped in to, says he's sorry. Doug questions who he is and the boy introduces himself as Rocky. Rocky then comments that Doug, while looking un related to him, that he had the same skin-color as his father. Doug, suddenly inquisitve, asks Rocky to describe his father. Doug soon realizes that the king of his race was being described. Doug declares that Rocky and his mother must come with him. Rocky tells Doug that his mother is dead.
The two of them round up Goku, Vegeta and their families (Goku went without a fight so long as his family was allowed to come as well. Vegeta, on the other hand refused and was more or less beaten into submission, hurting his pride.) With at least three of the Saiyans in tow (The fourth was nowhere to be found.) as well as another of his race, Doug set course for his home planet.