Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, E-type Super Saiyan (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

The Super Saiyan E-type is an evolution of the Super Saiyan form achieved by Demon-Saiyan Hybrids or Demons with Saiyan DNA and is mostly the same in terms of power similar to Super Saiyan D-type.



The users hair becomes spiky and an retains it's regular colour while he gains white pupils and the whites of the user's eyes become blood red. The user's muscle mass increases as they gain a black & dark green aura.


Bio-Warrior Mira first achieve this form after Robelu coldly informed Mira of Towa's death at the hands of Demigra prompting into transform as a result. Goku initially believed that Mira wouldn't be able to control his power due to his power being similar to Kale and Super's Broly, however, Mira proved him wrong while he was still enraged showed the same amount of control that Goku possessed during his first use of his Super Saiyan form.

Hybrid forms[]

  • Tuffleized Super Saiyan E-type - The Tuffleized variation used by Baby 17 while possessing Mira.
    • Strongest Form 1 - A variant used by a Tuffle/Demon/Saiyan Hybrid and the equivalent of the Super Saiyan 2 form
    • Strongest Form 2 - The Tuffle/Demon/Saiyan Hybrid equivalent of the Super Saiyan 3 form


Main article: [Fin]

Fin Absorbed[]

Mira is able to enhance his power by absorbing Fin - a fellow creation of Towa.

Demon God[]

Main article: Super Saiyan Dark

A Demon God(ess) is capable of achieving the Super Saiyan Dark form by transforming into Super Saiyan and combines the powers into Super Saiyan Dark.

Giant Demon God[]

Main article: Super Saiyan Dark: Giant

A Demon God(ess) is capable of achieving the Super Saiyan Dark form by transforming into Super Saiyan and combines the power into Super Saiyan Dark: Giant.

Transcended Demon God[]

Main article: Transcended Super Saiyan Dark

A Demon God(ess) is capable of achieving the Super Saiyan Dark form by transforming into Super Saiyan and combines the power into Transcended Super Saiyan Dark.
