Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Dukeon (U93), is the property of Jodenku.


Dukeon 2 months before the Explosion

Dukeon was a Low Class Warrior of Planet Vegeta II! His powerlevel was equal to the original king of planet Vegeta,King Vegeta. He was weak.! He served under King Saiyan AND Hitzu! He looked like Tarble,Vegeta's brother,that was exiled from Planet Vegeta I... He also watched over the kids of Hitzu while Hitzu was busy,until the explosion when Jodenku was about 4. He was the last Saiyan to be able to transform..

character image
DragonBall PD Character
Vital statistics
Birthplace: Planet Vegeta II
Power level: 11,000
Homeworld: Planet Vegeta II
Species: Saiyan
Gender: Male
Birthdate: August 3,910
Date of Death: December 9,934
Height: 5'9
Weight: 186lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Personal Weapons Systems
Energy Basic Attacks: Ki Blast
Heavy Energy Attacks: Final Blaster Attack
Combat Gear/Armor/Uniform: Scouter,Saiyan Armor
Chronological & Political Information