Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki
Main Characters Sagas

List of the sagas for each Groups in Dragon Ball Sparkling.

Ize Group[]

Beyley Saga[]

  1. Journey through the Female Saiyan, Her Name is Beyley!

Ize Saga[]

  1. The Son of Frieza Marches! Earth's in Danger!
  2. Awakened Gohan, Super Saiyan 4 vs. Ize!
  3. Pan's Life in Peril, A Glimmering Hope!
  4. The Saiyan who Calls Beyley! Super Saiyan vs. Ize!
  5. The Last Resort! The Vengeful Platinum Ize!
  6. Beyley's True Power! The Conclusion Battle!!

God Broly Saga[]
