This article, Dragon Ball PD (Revival), is the property of Brudikai222. |
Dragon Ball PD (Peace Destroyed) Is a Fan made show (ish) set in the 93rd universe. Where Planet Vegeta wasn't destroyed but on the brink of war with Freiza's army. The Saiyans who were too weak to fight, infants and some children escaped the planet and settled on another one that could inhabit life. as the Original Planet was destroyed anyway, those who left began to thrive and taken up their old ways by selling and conquring planets. Around the ages 750's four saiyan children are sent to random planets it just so happens they all land on Earth at differant places and times. The Show tells of their stories, of friendsship and strength. Brudikai, Son of Broly and adopted son of Amaterasu. Asonja, Brudikai's best friend, and Cumber another friend of brudikai.
Age 779 Brudikai Joins the Time Patrol and manages to bring Asonja along as well as an enemy turned temporary ally in Lord Hail
Enter Theme: (0:00 to 1:27)
Closing Theme:
Movie Opening Theme:
Moving Closing Theme:

The Heros and the Villains so far
Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 Opening Theme Full Version (HQ) U.S Version
Dragon Ball Peace Destroyed Opening Theme, Full
Caulif the New King of Saiyans
Gigan Rossa
secondary characters[]
(characters who make appearneces but not as much as the main heros)
Marusia (villain)
Broly saga
Time Patrol Saga/ Towa and Mira Saga
Demigra Saga
Planet Vegeta II saga
Gigan Rossa Saga
Return of Broly Saga
King Caulif Saga
Invasion of the Demon Realm Saga
End of PD Saga
Show Length[]
24 episodes in 1 season