Dragonball Fanon Wiki

RIP Akira Toriyama. The legend of your being will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Dragon Ball P, is property of Guysponge22.

This article, Dragon Ball P, is the property of TeamUnitedNerds.

This article, Dragon Ball P, is property of Gozon.

This article, Dragon Ball P, is the property of DrAssassin.

14trophy This page, Dragon Ball P, was a recipient of the official 2014 Dragon Ball Fanon Wiki award for “Best Collaborations/Roleplays”. Great job!

Dragon Ball P is a group-parody series created by Guysponge22. It it written with the intent for you to just be entertained and laugh. This series will parody all Dragon Ball shows, and will NOT be having the characters in new situations, but instead have the existing situations be humored up. You can request to join this group here.


Dragon Ball parodies[]

"Who the heck are you?!"[]

Narrator: What a beautiful day, the birds are singing, the deer are eating and-OH CRAP, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!

<A loud car is seen running over animals>

Deer: WTF?!

Bulma: Trolololololol...

<We see a little boy walking cheerfully>

Goku: Today's gonna be a great day, oh ye-OH SHIZ!

<Bulma's car hits Goku's nuts>


<He picks up the car and throws it>

Goku: There. Noooow, are you a witch?!

Bulma <whisper> Good God, this kid is weird. Maybe I should've killed him...

<Bulma slowly reaches for her gun>

<She pulls it and starts shooting>


Goku: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWW! I'm gonna kick your butt!

Bulma : Oh fu-

<Goku punches Bulma>

<The two make up and go inside Goku's house>

Bulma: A DRAGON BALL! Look, kid, I'll let ya see my boobs with me for it!

Goku: What's a boob?

Bulma: It's-nevermind...

Goku: Why nevermind?

Bulma: Just shut it and give me your ball.

Goku: NO! This is my grandpa's!

Bulma: <thought> I know! I'll trick him into going on my adventure to find the Dragon Balls, and steal it from him when I have all seven!

Narrator: And so, the idiot (Bulma) told Goku about the Dragon Balls, and they went on their stupid adventure!

Goku: Narrator, what are ya saying?

Narrator: As I said, stupid.

Goku: Who the heck are you?!

Narrator: I am surrounded by idiots...

Bulma <whisper>: Yes, you are

King Piccolo's Day[]

King Piccolo: There's nothing to do today-

<TV turns on to Dragon Ball Z Kai>

King Piccolo: Other than watch that stupid remake of DBZ, Dragon Ball Z Kai.

<Majin Buu pops out and punches King Piccolo and runs off>

Tambourine: The heck was that? <squints> I think that was Buu, but he's not supposed to be in this series.

King Piccolo: I don't give a <REDACTED>. I just wanna do something fun today, like kill an old lady.

Tambourine: Ahem, sire-

King Piccolo: Shut it and get me some humans.

<Tambourine comes with a human>


Justin Bieber: How the heck did I end up in crappy Dragon Ball?

<In another area>

Goku: Odd, I thought I heard someone say this show was crappy.

<Back to the place, with King Piccolo>

King Piccolo: IMMA KILL YA B***H!

<Justin Bieber is blasted and dies>

<Goku crashes through a window>


King Piccolo: Finally, some action!

<King Piccolo and Goku fight>

<Goku wins>

King Piccolo: Oww, my chest! You shall pay for what you've-<dies>

Goku: He was surprisingly a nice guy.

Narrator: IN HELL...

King Piccolo (dead): One day, I shall escape! I shall kill that boy! I SHALL GET MY REVEN-

Akira Toriyama: You're not in the series after this point, instead, your son is.


Akira Toriyama: Shut up. Also, reader, buy any merchandise! Buy it, or Frieza comes and destroys you!

Frieza: I really wanna know how I ended up here...

Goku: By the power of the writing, Frieza.

Frieza: Oh shut up.

Gotek/Gozon/TeamUnitedNerds: We're the writers of this show!

Narrator: Why do we always break the fourth wall?

Goku: The fourth wall isn't broken!

<Goku points to the 4th wall>

Gotek/Gozon/TeamUnitedNerds: Did Sponge have to make Goku an idiot?

King Piccolo (dead): HEY, WHAT HAPPENED HE-

Narrator: Shut it.

Bulma: I'm in this episode!

King Piccolo (dead): What are those hanging out your chest?

Bulma: ...My, nevermind.

King Piccolo (dead): Neverminds, huh? Why are they rounded and-

<Bulma punches King Piccolo>

The Terror Comedy of Piccolo Jr.[]

Piccolo Jr.: Soooo Goku? How does it feel, almost about to be beaten?

Goku: You, won't...

Piccolo, Jr: Uhhh, yeah I will.

<Goku slams Piccolo Jr. to the ground>

Piccolo Jr.: DA-<REDACTED>

Goku: Imma beat you!

Piccolo Jr.: NO, YOU WON'T!

<Piccolo Jr. kicks and punches Goku>

Goku: Bastard

Piccolo Jr.: What...?


Piccolo Jr.: All of them?!

Goku: No, you missed 1-yes, you missed them! Now, I must destroy you!

Piccolo Jr.: Oh heck no!

<Piccolo Jr. blocks Goku's jab>

Piccolo Jr.: Hey, uh... PIMP SLAP!

<Piccolo Jr. pimp slaps Goku>

Goku: God, woman, that hurt.

Piccolo Jr.: D-di-did you just call me a woman, whatever that is?

Goku: Noooo

Piccolo Jr.: But, I thought you-


Piccolo Jr.: But-

<Goku jabs Piccolo Jr. in the chest>


Piccolo Jr.: God, I get it! My goodness!

Krillin <faint yell>: Go get him, Goku!

<Piccolo Jr. stares at Krillin>

Piccolo Jr.: Where the heck did that bald man come from!?

Krillin <faint yell>: Hey I'm not bald, just shaved all my hair off.

Goku: Wuss

Krillin <thought>: I'm no wuss! Am I?

<Goku punches Piccolo Jr.>


Piccolo Jr.: Crap

<Goku gets Piccolo Jr. unconsious>

Krillin: Why'd ya not kill him? Or her?

Goku: For some reason, he feels important.

Krillin: More important than me?

Goku: No duh.

Piccolo Jr.: I'M NOT DEEEEAD!

Goku: We know that...

<Krillin punches Piccolo Jr.>

Krillin: There, now am I important?

Goku: Still nothing.

Krillin: I hate you.

The Death of Krillin (I Think)[]

<Goku looks at a photo of Krillin and drops single tear>

<Bulma comes in with paper>

Goku: Hey, Bloomers.

Bulma: It's Bulma!

<Bulma looks at Krillin's photo and goes to comfort Goku>

Bulma: His death wasn't your fault.

Goku: I let him go there!! <wipes tear> If I'd-

<Goku then remembers his death, and flashback occurs>

<It is now a couple hours earlier>

Krillin: ...And then, I say, 'there's a spider', and she gets scared, and brings me to her-

Bulma: Cut it out, Krillin, shut up.

<Goku and Krillin run to the others>

Yamcha: Aaaanyways, you guys got your stuff?

Krillin: Yeah

Goku: Ye-, wait... I don't have my power pe-pole.

<Goku readies to walk off>

Krillin: I'll go!

Goku: You sure?

Krillin: Yea- <stares at Bulma's panties>

Bulma: You- <slaps Krillin> go get the pole!

<Krillin runs>

Krillin <thought>: Gawd, lousy woman...

<Sees Tambourine and gets in fighting pose>

Krillin: What are ya doing?!

Tambourine: Innnterestinng younnng boy.

Krillin: <humphs> Let's go, tubby!

Tambourine: Bald boy, you will-

Krillin: I AM NOT BALD, just severely hairless!

<Tambourine flicks Krillin, making him stumble>

<Krillin jumps and kicks him in the stomach>

Tambourine: You will nnnnow die!

Tournament announcer: Umm...

Krillin: Ha! <punches Tambourine> HYAAH! <kicks Tambourine>

<Tambourine grabs him with his tounge, and breaks his neck>

<Krillin screams, and flashback ends>

<Goku runs out of a building>

Goku: I'm gonna defeat that prick! For you, friend!

Dragon Ball Z parodies[]

It's Over, ...8,999 (not impressive)[]

<The battle against the Saiyans>

<After Gohan used the Masenko on Napa>

Napa: You got a lot of nerve kid, that attack sort of hurt!

Gohan: For real?!

Napa: No.

Gozon: I agree with Napa, I mean, how could you honestly be stronger than Tien and Yamcha, I mean, just because you're the son of Goku, doesn't mean you are incredibly strong, they have more experience, you could possibly kill Chiaotzu, however.

Napa: I have no words for what just happened.

Vegeta: As do I. Why must he talk in run-on sentences?

Gohan: Who is he anyways?

Napa: I don't care, take my Bomber DX!

<Napa lets out Bomber DX>

<Goku sends out Flying Nimbus to save Gohan>

Napa: How does that happen?

Goku: I don't know, just roll with it.

Gohan: Yay! My dad's here!

Goku: Shut up Gohan, no one loves you. You're a freaking crybaby at one time and the next, you are the most annoying son of a b!*&$ in the world!

Gozon: IKR

Napa: I mean seriously, who is that guy?

Vegeta: It doesn't matter, just kill him!

Napa: That'll be easy Vegeta!

Goku: Oh really? I've been training with King Kai, one of the strongest ever!

Gozon: Actually, his power gets more un-impressive as Dragon Ball Z matures. Then compare with Omega Shenron...

Napa: No really, how does he keep appearing out of nowhere.

Vegeta: 4 words: What Would Hercule Say?

Gozon: He'd say: "Oh yeah, it's the champ baby!"

Napa: I'm seriously confused.

Goku: Then let's stop talking and start fighting!

Napa: Okay! Since you're so skinny, I'll give you the first move!

Goku: Well, okay. I am faster. I take my turn. I use Focus Energy.

Narrator: Goku uses Focus Energy! Goku charges up!

Gozon: Ah, Pokemon video game references.

Napa: Why just why?

Vegeta: Napa, your turn!

Narrator: Napa uses Swagger! Swagger fails, because Napa ain't got no Swagg.

Gozon: Wow...

Napa: What the heck? I got swagg!

Quagmire: Hm Hm! Oh right!

Napa: I'm done here!

Goku: Fine! I take my turn! I destroy this Pokemon setup!

Gozon: Aww. It was fun while it lasted...

Goku: Now, let me demonstrate my power!

<Goku practically blows up with power>

Napa: No way! Vegeta, what's his power level!?

Vegeta: IT'S OVER 9,000! Oh wait, actually, it's precisely 8,999.572. IT'S OVER 8,999!!!

Gozon: It's not that impressive actually. Krillin from the Buu Saga is probably much stronger.

Vegeta: Well it's not like I could have ever watched it! The Buu Saga is not in Dragon Ball Z Kai!

<Majin Buu appears and beats the crap out of Vegeta then runs away>

Quagmire: Hm Hm! Oh right!

Narrator: The F-ing end.

Napa: But I never die!

Narrator: You want to die?!

Napa: That's Raditz's line

Narrator: Well maybe I am Raditz!

Napa: Then I'm Ben Franklin!

Narrator: I said the F-ing end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Legendary Super Saiyan <cough> <cough>[]

<The battle against Frieza on Planet Namek>

Vegeta: How are we supposed to beat Frieza? We're no where near as strong as him! We might as well give up!

Vegeta: Wait a minute, that's it!

<Vegeta appears on the battle field, fully dressed with blonde hair dye and green contacts>

Frieza: Wh- What's this? Could this be the Legendary Super Saiyan?

Vegeta: Your fears are correct Frieza, I am the Legendary Super Saiyan!

Vegeta: Aaaaaaaa...

<Vegeta began to charge up>

<Suddenly, Goku appears on the battle field>

Goku: Hey, Vegeta! Sorry I'm late. By the way, what the sh*t is with your hair and eyes?

Vegeta: K- Kakarot, stop asking questions! I- I'm the legendary Super Saiyan!

Goku: Oh. Then I wonder what this is. Aaaaaaaa...

<Goku began to charge up into the Super Saiyan form>

Vegeta: Ah, ah, that's impossible! It's over 9,000!

<Vegeta's eyes popped out from the sheer awesomeness, knocking out the contacts. Water flew into his newly dyed hair, washing it clean>

Frieza: That makes no sense, I gotta sit down and think this one through,"

< Where he sat on an unconvieniently placed planet self-destruct button. The planet began to rumble>

Vegeta: Oh no! Frieza you idiot!

Goku: Vegeta, use the Dragon Balls and move everyone out of here but me and Frieza. I'm gonna beat 'im up for this!

Vegeta: NO!

Goku: But-

Vegeta: NO!

Goku: F**k you...

Vegeta: No, that's what Bulma's gonna do!

Goku: Hey! No spoilers!


Goku: I just love my new driver's license.

Vegeta: Why the heck did you even want one in the first place?!

<Goku stares at him blankly>

Goku <whisper>: My wife made me get one, along with Piccolo.


Piccolo: We need them for driving, dumbass.

Vegeta: ...Can I have one-

Goku/Piccolo: No.

Vegeta: Why can't I have a dang license?

<Goku and Piccolo laugh>

Goku: Silly Vegeta, you need to drive first.

Piccolo: Isn't that from TeamFourStar?

Vegeta: The freaking episode parodies the name, twit.

<KaiserNeko's tiger-head-thing comes out of nowhere>

KaiserNeko: IMMA SUE YOU B#%@&!

<Vegeta punches KaiserNeko>

<KaiserNeko flies off>

Goku: Hey, why not make our own team, like this episode title!?

Piccolo: I don't like where this is going!

Vegeta <whisper>: Me either...


Vegeta: Must we really parody TFS in the name?

Goku: Yes.

Piccolo: He keeps getting stupider and stupider, and stupider...

<Goku punches Piccolo>

<Piccolo b****slaps Piccolo>

Vegeta: Hey, that's my thing!

Gozon/Gotek: Oh, come on, we stole the name of this episode from TFS.

Guysponge22: SHHH! You're not supposed to reveal that!

Goku: Let's go on an adventure!

Vegeta: I'm afraid...

The Little Pink Nightmare!! :O[]

<Kid Buu stands on top of a cliff on The Sacred World of The Kais screaming and pounding his chest>

<Goku and Vegeta look at him, confused>

Goku: Is this supposed to be..... intimidating.

Vegeta: I'm.... not sure, it's just pitiful to me.

<Goku and Vegeta continue to stare at Kid Buu, confused>

<Kid Buu screams louder and starts stomping his feet>

Vegeta: I think it's throwing a tantrum.

Goku: Aww, it's kinda cute.

<Kid Buu starts firing Ki Blasts everywhere, while continueing to stomp his feet>

<Goku and Vegeta sit down on a rock and start to doze off>

<Kid Buu lets out an annoyed shriek and blows up the rock>

<Goku and Vegeta jump up>

Goku: <Yelps> What the heck was that for!

<Kid Buu turns out and crosses his arms>

Kid Buu: Hmph.

Goku: Ahh, I think it's mad.

Vegeta: It's getting annoying. Can we blow it up now?

Goku: Aw, fine.

<Goku somehow makes a Spirit Bomb in 1 minute, throws it at Kid Buu and instantly kills him>

Vegeta: Man, this feels like Dragon Ball Z Kai.

<Majin Buu pops up and punches Vegeta, then runs off>

Vegeta: Hey, ow, what the heck man!?

Dragon Ball GT parodies[]

Pan Meeting Giru[]

<Pan, Trunks, and Goku walk aimlessly>

Goku: I just saw that tree!

Trunks: No we didn't. I peed on the other tree.


Trunks: Being a Super Saiyan has its ups and downs.

<Giru pops out of the ground>

Giru: Actually, you did tinkle on me. You purpled haired pretty boy. I am Giru. Exterminate! Exterminate...I mean...Ummmm...Ponies.

Pan: He is so darn cute.

Giru: This is not war. It is pest control...I mean...meow.

Trunks: Should we really trust him? He seems a little shady...

Giru: I will tear out your organs and bite off your face.

Trunks: Never mind.

Goku: I want to eat stuff.

Trunks: Listen Goku. You've made GT bad enough. Please don't make this bomb worse.

Giru: The only ability you have is the ability to die...puppies.

Pan: I'll call you Mrs. Cuddles.

Giru: I will suck out your face in the name of the Daleks.

Narrator: Somewhere in jolly old England...

Steve Moffat: I am going to sue their faces off!

Other man: What do you suggest we do?

Steve: We send out the Cybermen.

Other Man: Which Dragon Ball also has. How ironic...

Steve: That's it, they're dead!

<Other Man walks up to Steve>

Other Man: Should we-


<Other Man goes back>

Other Man: God...

Narrator: Back to our "heroes"!


Trunks: Oh Lord!

<Giru runs up to Pan and hugs her>

Pan: He likes me!

Giru: <quietly> SCANNING... SCANNING... Scanning complete.

<Giru jumps off and does the same to Goku and Trunks>

Trunks: I think... he's, nevermind.


Goku: Shut it, you're the reason GT was so bad.

Dragon Ball GokuTrunks??[]

Goku: Welcome to Dragon Ball G-

Narrator: THAT'S MY JOB! <smacks Goku> Anyways, welcome to Dragon Ball GT.

Goku: That hurt...

Trunks: Hey, do ya know where Pan is?

Goku: She isn't in this episode. It's called Dragon Ball GokuTrunks for a reason!

<We see the duo fly to find Turles>

Trunks: How'd he escape <REDACTED FOR THE KIDDIES>?

Goku: Dunno

<In a split-second, the two are on the ground unconsious>

Goku: What...?


Trunks: Shouldn't that last word have been censored?

Turles: Shut up, all o' ya!

<Blasts civilians>

<Goku comes and fights Turles>

Goku: ...AND NOW, KAME-

Turles: Craaaaaap, why n-

Goku: HAME-

Turles: No, no, no!


<Turles gets sent back to Hell>

Goku: Well, that was easy.

Guysponge22: And you can thank me!

Narrator/Goku/Trunks: WHO THE HECK ARE YOU!?

TeamUnitedNerds: Sponge! What the heck?!

<TeamUnitedNerds grabs Sponge by the ear back to reality>

Guysponge22: Ow, the ear. Ow!

Goku: This day keeps getting weirder and weirder, doesn't it?

Trunks: Yeeeeeah, let's go.

<Goku and Trunks then fly off>


Narrator: I used to be a martial artist, but then I took a Kamehameha to the knee.

<Para Para Brothers come out of nowhere>


<The brothers go nude and dance>

Narrator/Goku: The light! It buuuuurns!

Bulma: Hey guys! I'm in GT! <sees Para Para Brothers nude> OH GOD!


<Para Para Brothers change back into clothes>

<Goku smacks all three brothers in the face>


Narrator: This is one weird episode...?

Bulma: Shut it, Connley!

Narrator: That ain't my name.


<Gohan and Bulma leave>

Para Para Brothers: Noooooo! We barely got any written time!

<The brothers disintegrate> Narrator: The end!

Goku: Wait, what?!

Narrator: Just kidding!

Goku: Oh, thanks...

<Cell comes out of nowhere and blasts Goku in the knee>

Narrator: Who wrote this episode?! A monkey? There's no plot!

Cell: I am working for AB Groupe!

<Cell punches Goku's back and hits him in his crotch>

Narrator: Ouch, hit in the crotch!

Cell: Everyones' weak spot is there! <realizes> Dang it, you don't have your-

Goku: Gotcha! <blasts Cell's crotch> How does it feel?!

Cell: It hurts like crazy, what the hell man?!

Narrator: And that's why you don't let a monkey write a damn episode of this show... YOU DON'T GET PLOT!

Guysponge22: Hey! I have plo-

Cell: Umm... can we... you know?

Narrator/Guysponge22: Oh, okay.

Goku <stupidly deep Japanese movie voice>: I will defeat you, worker of the forbidden dub!! I will destroy you! I will coll-

Cell: Yeah, yeah. <powers up> Let's dance.

<Goku tries to punch Cell and Cell blocks>

Goku: SUPER...

Cell: Crap...

Goku: KAME-

Cell: No!

Goku: -HAME-

<Goku readies Super Kamehameha>

Cell: Shiiiiiiiiiii-


<Goku fires it and kills Cell>

Cell: Noooooooooooo, I lost my written time agaiiiiiiiin! Well, wait for GT!

Goku: This... is... GT...

Cell: F**k...


Minisodes are short little episodes that are about one certain topic.

The Horrors of DragonBall: Evolution[]

<We find Piccolo rampaging with an angry mob>


Emmy Rossum: Craaaaaaaaap...

Justin Chatwin: Let's run!

<Emmy is hit with a pole and dies>

<Piccolo and the angry mob stop>

Piccolo: OK, we'll stop. <cough> Not. <cough>

Justin Chatwin: Did you-

Piccolo: No!

Justin Chatwin: But, I thought I heard you whis-

Piccolo: NOOO!

Justin Chatwin: But-

Piccolo: That's it, you're dead!

<Piccolo punches Juatin>

<Justin dies>

The Lost Battle[]

<Vegeta is seen on a mountain>

<Goku lands and gets in his fighting position>

Vegeta: Ready for your doom, Kaka-ku-Goku?

Goku: <pant> No, for it is you who shall be defe-

Vegeta: Enough talk... let's fight!!

<Vegeta punches Goku and stomps him to the ground>


Vegeta: You Kak-ku-ka-carrot cake, shall die today.

Goku: Is it so hard to pronounce 'Kakarot'?

<Goku gets back up>


Vegeta: Wait, Kaio-

<Goku headbutts Vegeta>

Vegeta: Shi-

<Goku loses current state then defeats Vegeta>

Goku: I don't ever wanna fight ya, Vegeta.

Vegeta: Curse you... Ku-kur-ky-kaka-brat.

<They leave>

Goku Realizes Something About Meta Cooler[]

Goku: Wow. So that's all that's left of Cooler?

Vegeta: You blew him into the sun!

Goku: And all that's left is his head

Vegeta: Right

Goku: So doesn't that mean that there's 20%...

Vegeta: Don't say it!

Goku Finds Out Toonami is Back[]

<Goku looks on a computer>

Goku: Paris Hilton dies in a car crash, Michael Jackson revived as zombie, Frieza causing chaos after being revived, huh, should get Frieza soon... TOONAMI'S BACK?!

<TOM walks in as 3.0>

TOM 3.0: Yeah, May 26th at midnight on Adult Swim.

<Goku looks at TOM shocked>

Gotek/Gozon/Goku: Does that mean DBZ is back, too?

TOM 3.0: <grunts> Err... <coughs> no.


TOM 3.0: Adult Swim hasn't considered!!

Goku: Oh, but... TOONAMI'S BACK!!!

<Goku runs excited and almost runs over TOM>

Who Wants to Be a Zenillianaire?[]

<Vegeta is seen walking up to a chair>

<Audience is cheering with an occasion of fright>

<Host glares Vegeta oddly>

Host: Hello, Veg-oo-ta, Ve-gi-ta-?

Vegeta: VEH-G-TUH!!

Host: Oh... well, welcome to Who Wants to Be a Zenillianaire! I'm your host, Mr. Patan!

<Audience cheers louder>

Vegeta: Gah! <shoots beam> Anybody make any more loud noises, you die!

Host: Anyways, question 1. Who was the person than killed Pefect Cell? A. Cell B. Vegeta C. Gohan D. Non of the above

Vegeta: B, it was me, all me.

Host: Sorry, you lose. Tune in next week when Goku decides... he can be a Zenillianare!

<Vegeta blasts the studio and leaves>

Vegeta: I hate Mondays.'

Not That![]

Note: If you have not heard of the Nickelodeon sketch comedy series, you just did now.

Narrator on TV: Fresh out the locks, watch or die, ready yet? Get set, it's NOT THAT!

Goku: I love this show!

<Theme song ends>

<Sketch rolls up>

Penan Lompsan: It's Dragon Ball P!

Del Pickell (Goku): I'm Goku!

Penan Lompson (Vegeta): I'm Vegeta, and let's fight Goku!

<Penan and Del fight badly and Penan wins>

Goku: This sucks.

Penan: I beat ya!

<Smosh Burger as Frieza flies in>

<Goku turns off the TV>


<Goku rides his Flying Nimbus and sees Roshi>

<He goes down to see it's Garlic Jr., in which he beats the crap outta him>

Narrator: ...That was... fast. No, really, two seconds flat...

Goku: Where's the Roshi? <grabs Jr. and shows small Kamehameha> Well??

Garlic Jr.: He's-he's--

<Goku drops him>

Goku: Why'd I ask you, you're a filler character.

Garlic Jr.: Hey!!

<Goku frees Roshi, who beats the crap outta Garlic Jr.>

Garlic Jr.: <thought> Nooo, I hate being a filler character!!

<Roshi then licks him in the closet and breaks key>

Garlic Jr.: Umm, can someone free me?! Anyone?! Heeeeello? Filler characters suck...

Running gags[]

  • Vegeta can't pronounce Goku's Saiyan name, Kakarot.
  • People ignore Krillin, because of his smallness.
  • In the Dragon Ball parodies, Goku always calls Bulma "Bloomers".
  • Giru acts like a Dalek, radomly shouting things like "EXTERMINATE" then taking it back.
  • Whenever Dragon Ball Z Kai is mentioned, Majin Buu pops out of nowhere and punches the mentioner in the face, then runs back.
  • The writers appear in episodes.
  • Characters break the fourth wall.
    • An example has Goku doing the opening narration instead of the normal narrator, which makes him slap Goku.


  • The 'P' does stand for something, but is never revealed by the creator or others.
  • Though this a parody series, cursing is very rare.
  • The "The Lost Battle" minisode is a remake of the popular YouTube video, Dragonzball P.
  • The "Who Wants to Be a Zenillinaire?" minisode title, is a parody of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?