Dragonball Fanon Wiki

RIP Akira Toriyama. The legend of your being will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Dragon Ball NG: Episode 19 - Last of Frieza,Birth of Izel, is the property of Uchiha Saskue.

Last time on Dragon Ball NG, Goku had returned from being wished back to life by Vegeta and faced off with Kuriza.

Vegeta and Goku brought Potara earrings and gave them to Austin and Forest as a new warrior named Faustion was born.

But then Kuriza used 100% percent power and changed the look of the battle.

He mopped the floor with everyone,even Goku.

Kaizen tried a Kamehameha wave with everything he had and it still did nothing.

And so despite losing,Goku has taken extreme measures by going Super Saiyan 4.

Does Goku have the upper hand or does Kuriza exceed the power of a Super Saiyan 4?

Find out today on Dragon Ball NG.

Eps.19 - Last of Frieza,Birth of Izel

Kuriza:"You'll amount to nothing!"

SSJ4 Goku:"You'll pay..."

Kuriza:"If I can't live then none of you can live either!" He created small destructive Death Ball.

Kaizen:((So helpless...))

Kuriza tries to punch Goku but grabs his fist and smirks.

SSJ4 Goku:"You've brought me in this form.Your the first I've fought in years...impressive."

Goku throws Kuriza up and delivers a Kamehameha x10.

Kuriza had blocked it but his tail was blew off.


SSJ4 Goku:"Dragon Fist EXPLODE!" He rushed at Kuriza punching right through his chest penetrating the skin going through him.


Goku continued to punch through him as there was no holding back.

Kuriza had one last moment as he was in his mind and saw his father out in the cold windy rocky mountains.

Kuriza:"Why'd you leave me!? Why'd you leave me father!?"

Frieza:"Your even more worthless then me...." He faded away and Kuriza fell on the ground fading away from his own thoughts.

Kuriza:"Izel.....the last....one..." *Dead* His last words as he whispered it dying.

Ize 1st form v2 by db own universe arts-d4snse2


Goku powered down.


Kaizen:"Whoever he is he sounds dangerous..."

Izel watched from above a Namekian home.

Izel:"Today the Saiyan race will become exstinct..." He glared at them all.


Kaizen and the others wonder who the mysterious Izel is but the have soon to find out. What connection does Izel have with Kuriza and does he want revenge of some sort? Find out on the next Dragon Ball NG.


Dragon Ball Z Ending Theme 1
