This article, Dragon Ball Infinite Episode 3, is the property of GekuTheSaiyan. |
The Battle between Brothers?! Geku vs Saitoto!
SSB Geku: We shouldn't do this here!
SSB Saitoto: Fine, i'll allow it.
SSB Geku: * flies off *
SSB Saitoto: * flies off *
Sam: Them two, all ways in trouble.
Sakurio: You know they're battle hungry Saiyans like us.
In a Wasteland.......
SSB Geku: I will finally defeat you!
SSB Saitoto: Prepare to lose! KAIOKEN!
SSB Kaioken x2 Geku: Kamekameha!
SSB Kaioken Saitoto: Galick Blaster!
* beam struggle *
SSB Kaioken x2 Geku: KAIOKEN......
SSB Kaioken Saitoto: No....
SSB Kaioken x2 Geku: TIMES......
SSB Kaioken Saitoto: No no no!
SSB Kaioken x12 Geku: TWELVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SSB Kaioken Saitoto: FUC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * escapes the blast after damage *
Sam: You two! Stop trying to kill each other!
Sakurio: YEAH! You can't work and be dead at the same time!
Geku: sorry....
Sam: And plus with this huge ki coming to Earth, we've gotta train!
Saitoto: To the TIME CHAMBER!
Keyas: Finally a chance to get stronger!
In space.......
Kuriza: Brother, are we all ready? Cause dad had-
???: We can win, don't worry. We we're more prepared then dad. We will kill everyone then sell the planet.
Geku: 490,000,000 ( Base )
SSB Geku: 19,000,000,000,000,000
Sakurio: 500,000,000
Diyane: 474,000,000
Keyas: 399,999,999
SSJ2 Keyas: 1,000,000,000,000
SSG Keyas: 1,700,000,000,000
SSG Diyane: 3,000,000,000,000
Saitoto 430,000,000 ( Base/Supressed )
Keyaine: 13,000,000,000
SSG Keyaine ( Galactic Blazer ) 200,000,000,000,000
Sam: 250,000,000
Kuriza: 1,000,000,000
???: Unknown
SSB Kaioken x12 Geku: 25,000,000,000,000
SSB Kaioken Saitoto: 23,000,000,000,000