This article, Dragon Ball: The Mrovian Series, is the property of Hyper Zergling. |
Dragon Ball: The Mrovian Series is a fan fiction created by Hyper Zergling, written partially by KidVegeta, focusing around Cuber, a saiyan who escapes the Genocide of the Saiyans.
Genocide Escape Saga[]
- Main article: Dragon Ball: The Mrovian Series: Genocide Escape Saga
Nitro Saga[]
- Main article: Dragon Ball: The Mrovian Series: Nitro Saga
Hidden Memories of Chaiva[]
Return of the Ancient Enemy[]
Kaperssian Saga[]
- Main article: Dragon Ball: The Mrovian Series: Kaperssian Saga
Cold Vengeance[]
- Main article: Dragon Ball: Cold Vengeance