Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Dragon Ball: Raging Blast DLC/Zeon1, is the property of Zeon1.


Name: Redder


Character Type: Standard


To Brocc- "You look pretty strong... fight me! Right now!"

To Brocc (win)- "Good fight.... I definatley wanna fight you again!"

To Brocc (lose)- "Darn it! Another round? Please?"

To Ledas- "Kids can be as strong as adults, right? Then let's go!"

To Ledas (win)- "Till next time! Come back stronger."

To Ledas (lose)- "That was awesome!".

To Karaso- "Nice body..... Damn it, gotta get my head out of the gutter."

To Karaso (win)- "Haha! Told you I would win!"

To Karaso (lose)- "Heheh.... guess I didn't try hard enough."

Against Good Guys- "I don't fight alone!"

Against Good Guys (win)- "Pretty good! Let's fight again sometime, yeah?"

Against Good Guys (lose)- "Damn. Guess I've gotta bring it to the next level.

Against Bad Guys- "This Ki... been a while since I've fought someone like you".

Against Bad Guys (win)- "I told you. Don't understimate me."

Against Bad Guys (lose)- "No.... I can't.... give up here..."


Redder- "Come on! Give me everything you've got!"

Redder- "I'm disappointed..... *Yawn*"

Redder- "I won't even have to use Ki to beat you!"

Redder (near death)- "I can hear them.... I can't lose!"


Super Saiyan

Super Saiyan 2

Super Saiyan God

Super Attacks[]

Base Form[]

  • Wild Sense
  • Zakera
  • Kiai
  • Zenkai

Super Saiyan Form[]

  • Super Zakera
  • Energy Barrier
  • Afterimage 
  • Afterimage Strike

Super Saiyan 2 Form[]

  • Super Zakera
  • Twin Zakera
  • Zenkai
  • Kienzan

Super Saiyan God Form[]

  • God's Blast Zakera
  • Telekinesis
  • Zerg Rush
  • Tri-Beam

Ultimate Attacks and Signatures[]

Base Form[]

  • Super Zakera (Ultimate)
  • Small Zakera (Signature)

Super Saiyan Form[]

  • Twin Zakera (Ultimate)
  • Begone! (Signature)

Super Saiyan 2 Form[]

  • God's Blast Zakera (Ultimate)
  • Zakera (Signature)

Super Saiyan God Form[]

  • Twin God's Blast Zakera (Ultimate)
  • Super Zakera (signature)

Alternate Costumes[]

Damaged Outfit

Saiyan Armor

Broly Suit

Goku's Jumpsuit

Gohan Hair
