Level One[]
Opponent(s): Ledas
Difficulty: Normal
Mission: Win as your health slowly decreases
Player: Start at full health and max power mode. Health decreases gradually
Opponent: Extra bar of health
Level Two[]
Opponent(s): Basil, Bochok, Ado, Parsna, and Lutus
Difficulty: Hard
Mission: Win as you ki gradually increases
Player: Becomes High-Tension when only one bar of health remains
Level Three[]
Opponent(s): Prince Daikon
Difficulty: Ultimate
Mission: Defeat the enemy that appears
Both: Ki constantly recovers
Player: Loses health over time. Gets less stronger every 30 seconds
Opponent: Gets stronger every 30 seconds
Level Four[]
Opponent(s): Saibamen (∞)
Difficulty: Easy
Mission: Survive for as long as possible as enemies keep coming at you
Level Five[]
Opponent(s): Kid Goku (Great Ape), Prince Daikon (Great Ape), and Kid Vegeta (Great Ape)
Difficulty: Super Hard
Mission: Defeat the enemies before the sun rises in five minutes
Player: Starts in Great Ape Form; Start from Raging Soul
Opponent: Attack increases every minute
Level Six[]
Opponent(s): King Vegeta, King Onio, and King Blank
Difficulty: Hard
Mission: Defeat the opponents in the lowest amount of HITS as you can
Player: Start in Raging Soul
Opponent: Health decreases slightly
Level Seven[]
Team: Tharos and Prince Daikon
Opponent(s): Basil and King Onio
Difficulty: Extreme
Mission: Defeat the opponents as your health rapidly decreases
Player: Health decreases quickly; Power raises everytime you land a hit
Opponent: Start with extra bar of health
Level Eight[]
Opponent(s): Goku (Super Saiyan)
Difficulty: Extreme
Mission: How long can you hold your own against an opponent that gets stronger and faster every second? Defeat the opponent!
Player: Start as Super Saiyan; Ki decreases gradually
Opponent: Attack and Speed rises every second; Starts in Raging Soul; Ki increases rapidly
Level Nine[]
Opponent(s): Iced (First Form), Sub Zero (first form), and Brizzard (First form)
Difficulty: Hard
Mission: Win as your ki increases slowly
Player: Start as Super Saiyan; Ki Charge disabled; Ki increases slowly
Opponent: Ki Charge faster; Ki never goes down
Level Ten[]
Opponent(s): Pawa (Red), Junsuina (Blue), Kureiji (Red), Kibo, Okashii, Senbo
Difficulty: Hard
Mission: Defeat all enemies while having limited ki and health.
Player: 1/2 of health is already depleted; Ki charge unavailable and ki does not recover; Ultimate Attack disabled.
Opponent: Speed +2
Level Eleven[]
Opponent(s): Sub Zero (1st form)
Difficulty: Normal
Mission: Win before you ki fully depletes.
Player: Start off in Max Power Mode; Ki Attacks do 50% more damage; Ki gradually depletes
Opponent: Two extra bars of health; Defense +1