This article, Dragon Ball: Other, is the property of Kameron esters-. |
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Dragon Ball: Other is a fan-made series folowing the adventures of a young Saiyan child named, Shiku that was supossed to destroy the Earth but instead,he doesn't see why, Causing him to lose focus and destoys all of Ginger Town.He is later found by Tien and is housed and trained.He also knows the difference between good and evil.While he stays, he trains with Tien through-out his childhood.One day a a band of creatures surround the entire Rocky Land.They soon relize that the creatures were already dead!Tien and Shiku were winning with flying colors up until one of them punches Tien in his chin and stomach and was about to end him with an energy wave until,Shiku jumps right in front of Tien and gets burned terribley!Shiku gives his last goodbye to Tien and dies.Tien,upset of his students loss,uses his Dodan Ray on the creature that killed him.The creature was hit in his right chest.Just before the creature died Tien ask ferociously who sent them.The creature says it was the Demon King Gregis,Father of King Piccolo and Captain Ginyu.The creature than tells Tien that Gregis plans to control the Other World by using a falling star to destroy it and rebuild it in his his own image.Tien now knows that the Other Worlds only hope is Shiku.Tien then uses his abilites to try to make contact with Shiku.Shiku hears Tien's voice and receives the same news about Gregis.Shiku now knows what he has to do,put his trainning to the test and defeat Gregis before he destroys the Other World.