This Fan Fiction, Dragon Ball: Another Legend, is property of Zeon1. |
This story, Dragon Ball: Another Legend, is written with the intent to preserve and respect the official Dragon Ball canon, and to fit perfectly into the established Dragon Ball universe, per this policy. |
Dragon Ball: Another Legend is a fan fiction series written by Zeon1. It is somewhat lazily written, designed to be fun to read, not entirely deep. It follows the Saiyan Maiz.
- Saga 1: Namek
- Saga 2: Earth
- Saga 3: Python
- Saga 4: Ascension
- Saga 5: Space
- Saga 6: Two
- Saga 7: Ouroborus
- Maiz
- Goku
- Gohan
- Pan
- Piccolo
- Namekian 1
- Grand Elder Moori
- Trombone
- Clarinet
- Harp
- Vegeta