Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, DragonBall PD: Supreme 5's Intense Training, is the property of Jodenku.

January 1,959 - 8:58AM - Earth

Chapter 1: Want to train?[]

-jodenku wakes up the first day of the year 959-

Jodenku:Ahh..happy new year earth..

-jodenku does his morning stuff and goes outside-

-he goes to brudikai's house,finding kazuto there-

Kazuto: Hey....

Jodenku: W..why are you here?

Kazuto: Just a stay over...

Jodenku: Oh...ill be over at our training spot in the waterfall.

-jodenku leaves-


-jodenku texts everyone in supreme 5 about a training-

-they all arrive-

Chapter 2: A new Training[]

Jodenku: How about this! Majinks & Asonja Vs Brudikai. And me vs Kazuto!

Kazuto: Alright.

-jodenku and kazuto fly towards eachother,going into a combat clash-

Jodenku: You're getting faster.


Chapter 3: Masenko Combination![]

Chapter 3 coming

Chapter 4: Majinks' Super Attack against Brudikai![]

Chapter 4 coming soon

Chapter 5: The Super Saiyan Four Battle[]

Chapter 5 coming soon

Chapter 6: Free For All[]

Chapter 6 Comng Soon

Chapter 7: Intense Attacks[]

Chapter 7 coming soon

Chapter 8: Jodenku's Victory[]

Coming soon
