Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Diri (PGV), is the property of PGV2.

Dirin by josedbaf2 ddmvf7i-350t
Anime name Diri
Manga name Diri
Alternate names Dirin
Debut Dragon Ball AF
Appears in Dragon Ball AF
Race Saiyan/Human hydrid
Gender Female
Date of birth ?????
Date of death ?????
Height ?????
  • Bardock (ancestor)
  • Gine (ancestor)
  • Ox-King (ancestor)
  • Chi-Chi's mother (ancestor)
  • Goku (ancestor)
  • Chi-Chi (ancestor)
  • Gohan (ancestor)
  • Videl (ancestor)
  • Mr. Satan (ancestor)
  • Miguel (ancestor)
  • Goten (ancestor)
  • Pan (ancestor)
  • Goku Jr. (ancestor)
  • Gotan (brother)
  • Diri (also known as Dirin) is a descendant of Goku Jr. and Goku's family, and the younger sister of Gotan, is a character of the series PGV's Dragon Ball AF.


    Diri is a girl similar to Pan, but with shorter hair is similar to those of Kid Gohan of the Namek Saga and also has blue eyes. The most common way is that she wears her light orange dress and the red stripe and she also wear a brown shoes and purple socks.


    Thanks to Goku, Baby has been definitively eliminated many years later.

    The peace returned prevailing on the Earth, but only for a short time. In fact one new threat has been introduced. Cause the Dragonballs have been used in improper way, their negative energy became so powerful to be in a position to destroy the whole universe. After a courageous battle Goku suceeded to defeat the 7 evil Dragons and to eliminate the negative energy.

    After this battle Goku became the new God of the Earth and went with Shenron, carrying the seven Dragonballs. 100 years later Goku came back on the Earth in order to restore the Four-Star Dragonball and to donate it to Goku Jr..

    From that time passed 600 more years and the Shenron Dragon is again able to realize desires, since Goku has restored a Dragonball every 100 years.

    In the center of the famous city where Goku defeated the last Dragon there are five statues dedicated to the five unbeatable warriors: Goten, Trunks, Gohan, Vegeta and Goku. There are hundreds of descendants of the Saiyans on the Planet Earth. The greater part of them live as the common citizens and ignore their own origins, only some of them have inherited the great power of the Saiyan and the ability to transform themself in Super Saiyan.

    A descendant of the Son Goku's family is about to lay some flowers to the feet of the family tomb with her brother; they are called Diri and Gotan.

    And now Zeel and his henchmen were all there, in the main Dragon Ball timeline, to a few minute distance from the Earth, ready to get the revenge for the destruction of Plant and the Tuffle. Finally Zeel's spaceship lands. Saber and Lord Nutti remain on it, while Zeel goes to eliminate the Saiyans with Greyn and Kutiengo. His brother immediately perceives an evil aura in the individuals and tells Diri to go home, but not in time to move that the beings came. Greyn creates an energy wave and kills Diri, the sister of Gotan.

    His brother is disperate for his uncapacity to save Diri, Gotan looks at her, and also the Gotan starts to cry and transform into Super Saiyan.

    Voice Actor[]

    • English: Missb