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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Diamond Demon Realm Soldier, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..

Diamond Demon Realm Soldier

Makai-hei Daiyamondo
Manga name Diamond Demon Realm Soldier
Alternate names Diamond Soldier
Debut Fanga: "Demon Realm Invasion Saga"
Appears in
Dragon Ball Advanced
Race Demon Realm race
Gender Male
Status Alive
Occupation Legendary Soldier
Allegiance Dark Empire
Classification Fusion
  • 1 Demon Realm Soldier Σ (fusee)
  • 2 Demon Realm Soldier Ω (fusee)
  • 3 Demon Realm Soldier Δ (fusee)
  • 2 Death God Soldiers (fusee)
  • 1 Golden Demon Realm Soldier (fusee)
  • Towa (general)
  • Mira (general)
  • Gravy (commander)
  • Putine (commander)
  • Shroom (commander)
  • The Diamond Demon Realm Solider is strongest variation of the usual grunts, and is the most powerful soldier in the army.



    The Diamond soldier has diamond plated armour with helmet that covers everything except for the face, diamond gauntlets, diamond boots, and diamond spikes protruding out the back. His fingers remain exposed while having red eyes, and has a golden face.


    The Diamond soldier was created from a Golden soldier after he was bisected and is arms wear severed from his body with addition of nearby soldiers. He battles again Hypabramia and is capable of holding his own.


    The Diamond soldiers power is comparable to Hypabramia is and capable of severely wounding him.


    • Corrupted Ki Blast
    • Ki Sense
    • Reaper Shot
    • Heavy Finsih
    • Extra Bloody Sauce