Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Dende (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..


Alternate names Earth;s Guardian
Debut Manga: "Namekian Fear"
Anime: "Defying Orders"
Fanga: "Cell-X Saga
Appears in
Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball GT
Dragon Ball Super
Race Namekian
Date of death December 24, Age 762 (revived)
Age 779 (reversed)
June 11, Age 855 (revived)
Age 950
Status Currently Alive
Address Kami's Lookout
Occupation Guardian of Earth (Age 767 - Age 950)
Allegiance Dragon Team
Time Patrol
Classification God
  • Future Dende (alternate timeline counterpart)
  • Grand Elder Guru (parent)
  • Future Kami (ally)
  • Tsuno (sibling)
  • Moori (sibling)
  • Nail (sibling)
    Cargo (sibling)
  • Moolin (sibling)
  • 104 other siblings
  • Conmoory (offspring)
  • 100 other offspring
  • Kami (predecessor)
  • Mr. Popo (attendant)
  • Shenron (reanimation)
  • Dende is a unique Namekian with ability to heal others and is the current Guardian (Until Age 950).


    Later life[]

    Sometime before Age 854; Dende had 101 siblings that soon populated Earth and chose Conmoory to become his heir. He has spent years training Conmoory along side Mr. Popo and Korin to increase his power and strength while honing his potential.


    After Age 854; Dende has since become much strong than he ever was in Goku's era and has enough power to be considered equal to Future Kami's Talisman Power.


    • Flight
    • Ki Manipulation and Sensory
      • Godly Ki Sensing
    • Far-Seeing Arts
    • Unlock Potential
      • Healing
    • Magic Materialisation
    • Resurrection
    • Namekian Fusion
    • Pyrokinesis
    • Agelessness - Sometime after Goku's passing; Dende can the power of Agelessness to make himself Guardian of Earth indefinitely, but later regretted the action.


    Xeno Dende[]

    In the Manga for Dragon Ball Heroes; Dende is placed under control of the Timebreakers where has a mind control device on his head with dark eyes. Since the defeat of Cell-X, and dissolution of the Timebreakers - this form is unlikely to occur in the fanga.
