This article, Demon Realm Invasion Saga (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time.. |
The Demon Realm Invasion Saga is the first saga of the Demon Realm Assault Group and eighth saga overall of Dragon Ball Advanced. This saga is composed of several sub stories for each volume.
- The Invasion Mini-Saga covers Invasion of Earth
- Dark-Masked King Mini-Saga covers the King and the low-class Warrior
- Clone Vegeta Mini-Saga covers the Reunion
- Broly Dark Mini-Saga covers Broly's Return
- "Future" Piccolo Mini-Saga covers Future Piccolo's Ascension
Invasion of Earth[]
It's Age 950; Chronoa is running away from a squad Demon Realm Soldiers as transforms the rooms of spirit and time into capsules before reaching the portal to the Time Nest and transforms in it to a capsule. Taino and her Taino Force attempt to destroy them with their Team Buster Cannon, but they fire a Energy rifles at them and overpower their energy blast - resulting in their destruction, and multiple buildings being destroyed in the process. Hypabramia manages to trick several soldiers into killing each other while avoiding each attack as Chitate's Platform is assault and pieces fall into the abyss. Namasu and Leka are killed along with the rest of inhabitants on the platform while Rola is kidnapped by Putine. Hypabramia watches as Dial's statue disappears, and most of the Recreation Area is destroyed. A Demon Realm Soldier Ψ approaches him as he manages to destroy numerous soldiers, and is blown to pieces by his Demon Realm Rifle. However, he regenerates while Chronoa runs between cover to get to Face, but an energy bullet pierces the Eternal Dragon of Time - killing him. He falls down atop the Time Miniatures and destroys them as the Business District falls along with him. Chronoa runs to a spare Time Machine and climbs into it as Hypabramia districts the soldier. Percel takes the energy bullet of one of the Golden Demon Realm soldiers and pierced in the head; resulting in his death. Chronoa's time machine falls into the abyss before she can select a year and timeline and disappears as the city falls around Hypabramia. Putine uses Dark Fusion to merge the Demon Realm Soldier Ψ with his rifle, and delivers a heavy blow to Hypabramia. Hypabramia extends his arm to grab him by the face, and smashes him into the ground. A dark blue mass than engulfs the soldiers and Hypabramia proceeds to absorb him; gaining a new form and new power. He easily destroys numerous soldiers and destroys multiple rifles in the process while Putine uses her power to force the remain soldiers to use Dark Fusion to merge with their weapon. Even with their combined individual powers they are unable to overpower Hypabramia and eventually only 20 Demon Realm Soldiers and 2 Demon Realm Soldier Ψs remain merge into a Golden Demon Realm Soldier. Hypabramia engages him with physical combat, and knees him in the stomach resulting in him flying through Chitate's Platform and nearly falling into the abyss. He manages to withstand most of Hypabramia onslaught as he continues to pummel him. He fires several weak energy blasts at him, but he deflects them into several buildings. He grabs the soldier by his helmet and slams him into the ground as he delivers a barrage of punches and kicks to him. Eventually he ends up tiring himself from the amount attacks he has used allowing the soldier to use Chest Energy Wave to blast him into the abyss, and wipes out the rest of platform with no interference. Chronoa crash lands in the ocean of an unknown timeline and becomes trapped in the time machine.
23 years after Future Trunks' return to Age 797; Future Trunks visits Future Bulla in the Capsule Corp Training Room as Future Boxers returns from Conton City. They discuss the grand opening of Future Goku's dojo in Orange Star City and plans to meet up with Future Gohan and his wife Cus after. Future Bulla chooses to stay and train while Future Boxers and Future Trunks leave to go to meet up with Future Gohan, but Cus appears in front of them to tell them about the new and improve Metamo-Rings before he greets Future Gohan as he trains in the mountains with Future Pan. Meanwhile Future Goku and Original Future Goten are at the Grand Opening with several Earthlings gathered around. They invite aspiring Martial Artists in as he opens the doors, and are greeted by Future Kami. As they train amongst each other; Future Goku trains himself to become stronger while Future Piccolo and Future Vegeta train alone in the ice lands. Future Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon manages to deform the ice lands and pushes an object to the surface as Vegeta trains himself mentally. Future Piccolo recognises the object as a Time Machine and goes over to investigate it. Due to the frost on the cockpit; he is unable to see who's in it, and pries it off to find that Chronoa is it while in stasis. Future Vegeta recognises her and flies over to see her. They take the time machine to Capsule Corp where Future Bulma investigates it and manages to free her from stasis. Chronoa stumbles out of machine and slowly tries to regain her senses as Cus asks how long she was in stasis for, and reveals that she fell into the abyss and arrived in a time before the universes were created. She placed herself into stasis and was meant to awake at the time of Earth's creation, but the time machine became damaged and stasis was increased. Cus uses her healing technique to help her mental health as she has been in stasis for aeons. She finally manages to tell them about Chidock and Zune exiting the Room of Spirit and Time with an eight year old Tabaga, and after that she fast-forward Conton City to Age 950, and soon came under invasion. Cus asks whether the Time Nest was protected and she says yes, but the her New Time Patrol was decimated. Future Trunks asks whether Face survived to which she shakes her head, and causing him to become shocked. Cus takes her for some fresh to recover while the others state behind to discuss what happened. Future Trunks and Future Gohan put on their old Time Patrol outfits while Future Vegeta believes that it's not their fight. However, Future Trunks tells that if wasn't for the Time Patrol he'd still be dead, and that ignoring such deed would bring a thousand years of shame to him. Future Vegeta considers it while Future Goku is on board with it as Future Gohan materialises him an outfit to use. Future Bulla and Original Future Goten agree to go as well along with Future Piccolo. Future Vegeta agrees to to go Age 950 and Gohan produces several outfits for him to use.
Chronoa gives everyone a Time Pass and encourages everyone to use her Room of Spirit and Time while Future Kami offers to train anyone else in his own. Original Future Goten while Cus offers to train Future Bulla and Future Pan personally. Chronoa reminds them that 1 Earth Day in her chamber equals 8 years. Future Kami and Original Future Goten arrive in the Kami's Room of Spirit and Time with equipment provided by Cus and begins to train him. Cus creates several training gear and has them run laps in extremely heavy clothes while dragging an extremely heavy rock behind them. As result of the weight it takes 1 day in chamber for them to walk 1 mile. Future Kami trains Original Future Goten in a similar fashion, but he is only able to walk 0.9 miles before the days ends in the chamber. They rest in their respective time chambers while eating their share of sustenance. After several chamber-days while it's only been a few minutes or so in the real world; Original Future Goten has been given an heavier weighted suit while being ordered to Super Saiyan for the whole day, while Future Bulla and Future Pan fight against clones of themselves while in the same weighted clothes. Future Bulma works a some new equipment for the fighters to use and some new armour for Future Vegeta to wear. She repairs and improves the Time Machine with assistance from Future Mai. Future Trunks hands her tools while he trains with Future Vegeta for the upcoming battles. Future Goku subjects himself to mental training while Future Gohan tries to get Future Piccolo to train with him, but is ignored. They finally arrive at the frozen lands, and Future Gohan makes a deal; defeat him and he'll stop asking or train him. Future Piccolo agrees and fights with him as blocks all his attacks effortlessly before kicking him into frozen mountain. Future Bulla's clone delivers a powerful kick to her chest as she turns her attention on Future Pan to aid Future Pan's clone. Future Bulla watches as she tries to get away as yellow ki pools from Future Bulla. Future Bulla assaults her clone with Amazing Impact, but is knocked down by Future Pan. The two clones fire a Galick Gun and Masenko respectfully at Future Pan and launches her into the hourglass. Future Bulla unleashing her power in anger, and transforms into Super Saiyan. She destroys the clones with her Super Galick Gun as Cus heals her daughter allowing them to proceed with the next stage of training. Future Kami pushes Original Future Goten even harder in his training as he successfully completes his weight training and moves onto mental training. Future Kami gets him to meditate while in his Super Saiyan form, and tells him not to move for a while. As he meditates the aura of his form changes frequently to large to small, and later to wide. Future Vegeta powers up to Super Saiyan, but Future Trunks' easily dodges every attack with ease. Future Trunks manages to push him into using his Super Saiyan 2 form confusing Future Bulma, but he reveals that he acquired the form while training under Cus. By the days end; Future Bulla and Future Pan exit Chronoa's Room of Spirit and Time while Original Future Goten exits Future Kami's version. They regroup above Capsule Corp with Future Gohan and Future Piccolo arriving late at the lookout. Chronoa arrives as she thanks them for helping before setting up the gateway in the Room of Spirit and Time while giving everyone that she hadn't given a Time Pass to. She sends them to Age 950 as she uses the Time Vault to view their progress with Future Bulma and Future Mai.
The Future Fighters arrive on Conton City as they scan for Putine, but find the area unguarded until a Demon Realm soldier in strange garb tries to attack them. He announces that he is a Death God Soldier before firing an energy blast from his scythe. Millions of Death God Soldiers begins to assault the Future Dragon Team, and as they battle; they realise how just tough the Death God Soldiers are - as they are having difficult time in defeating them. Future Piccolo knocks one of the soldiers into the ground causing a miniature crater while Future Gohan effortlessly knocks several into the Resort District crumbling it away as Future Trunks finishes them off with Masenko. The Golden Soldier returns and knocks Future Vegeta into the mushroom district. Future Vegeta is swarmed by Death God Soldiers as he attempts to use Galick Gun, and slams him into ground by grabbing the back of his head. Future Vegeta angrily transforms into Super Saiyan 2; he manages to blow them all away as he kicked away once again by the Golden soldier and is knocked into the mountain as debris falls into the abyss. Future Vegeta uses Genocide Breaker on one of the soldiers; killing him, while killing another with Final Blow and breaks the back of another with Final Strike. He manages to damage the Golden soldier's armour with Atomic Blast before trying to attack him with Elite Assault, but is intercepted by numerous ki blasts. Future Bulla is subjected to a brutal assault by more Death God Soldiers than she can handle as Future Vegeta witnesses the attack resulting in him exploding in rage, and takes on the Strengthened Super Saiyan 2 form via Quake of Fury. He manages to shatter the Golden soldiers armour with Elite Assault, and knocks him into the ground with ease before disintegrating the Death God Soldiers attacking Future Bulla. Future Bulla gets annoyed with her father for underestimating her before Shroom emerges. Future Bulla powers up to Super Saiyan and tries attack him with amazing impact, but he dodges all her attacks with ease as he slashes her with his scythe. Even her Elite Assault and Meteor Crash is useless against him as he effortlessly dodges all attacks. He impales her in the chest before elbowing her in the cheek - knocking her into the side of the city. Future Vegeta deflects his Flame Death Scythe strike as Future Trunks heals her before she resumes fighting. Future Vegeta is critically wounded as Shroom impales him in the shoulder and blasts him away with ki blast resulting in Future Bulla becoming furious and attacks in retaliation. Shroom senses energy swelling from Future Bulla and hurls his scythe at her, but Original Future Goten manages uses himself as Wall of Defence and his impale in the chest as result. Shocking her as she slowly becomes breathless in sight of her dying friend; cursing Shroom for nearly killing her bestfriend, and she finally loses as she transforms into Super Saiyan 2 and attacks him as Future Trunks heals Original Future Goten before assisting Future Vegeta. Several Death God Soldiers blanket them with ki blasts as they try to stand up, but before they can move in for a killing blow Future Gohan kills them with Super Masenko as Future Bulla attacks Shroom, but even with her new power; she has no effect on him. Future Bulla uses a fully charged Final Flash on him, and manages to destroy a large portion of the platform, but Shroom survives the blast with an Energy Shield before firing energy wave of Corrupt Ki at Future Bulla causing her to be launched out of the city and falls into the abyss. Future Vegeta witnesses her falling and as he attempts to save her she suddenly disappears causing him to become shocked and angry at the event as he believe she is dead. His resulting explosion of anger results in him transform into a Super Saiyan 3 as he stares down Shroom ready to engage once again.
Future Vegeta launches himself at Shroom and manages to send him flying into a tree stump with punch as he uses double axe handle on him before he has the chance to get up; deforming the ground around. Shroom is unable to detect his ki as he manages to surprise him each time to attack him, and notices that his punches are 8 times more impactful than normal and notes that his normal punches would still hurt. Shroom impales him in the wrist with his scythe only to have Future Trunks heal him, and knees him in the face - knocking him into the mountain in the Mushroom Area before using his Dark Fusion to transform. Future Bulla meets with Naraku as she introduces herself, but Future Bulla already knows her as Future Trunks told her about Naraku. Naraku offers to augment her power before drawing out her dormant power; Future Bulla at first refuses her help until she points out how she adds nothing to the current situations in her current power, and is able eventually convinces her. Future Bulla asks if she should power down, but Naraku tells her not as she'll augment her Super Saiyan 2 form into the strengthened version. Future Bulla sits in front of her as she places her palm on her forehead; she enters her Namekian God form in order to boost her efforts as platform slowly cracks from the pressure. Future Bulla senses her energy swelling while more electricity surrounds her body, and her aura becomes even larger. Hypabramia arrives as he witness Future Bulla's power as he reverts back to normal. He subjects himself to some mental training as he drinks the Ultra Divine Water and manages to increase his true form with the power he got from absorbing the Demon realm soldier. He tries once again tries to fly out of the realm; noting that he has tried before, but an unknown force knocks him back down. Future Bulla finally notices him and asks how Chronoa manage to get out of the realm. Naraku explains to she fell into the deepest reaches of the realm which increases the risk of appearing in foreign time. Hypabramia asks why he can't return to which Naraku says that anything that goes into the realm cannot return to location they came from. Naraku says that the Abyss of Time was created to be a place outside time to enable one to get to times much quicker, but was abandoned. Future Bulla asks why, but a loud roar answers her question - prompting both of them to ask what the roar came from, and Naraku tells them that the abyss was converted into a prison for a dangerous creature known as; Mangandr. Hypabramia asks what Mangandr is resulting in a long story by Naraku. Zeno converses with the Grand Priest's predecessor while he thinks of making himself a pet to play with, and proceeds to looks on an unknown red planet and becomes mesmerised by the worms on the planet to the point starts creating him. However, Grand Priest's predecessor ends up distracting him while he creating his pet, and creates the gigantic worm known in the present day as Mangandr. Mangandr proves to be a handful as he consumes an entire galaxy in a universe designated as Universe 30, and proceeds to continue consume all in his path until he starts consuming temporal energy causes rifts in time to open through out the universe. Zeno tries to get it to stop, but it continues on his campaign to consume all and resulting in Zeno trying to destroy it by erasing all 30 of the current Universes, but doesn't work as Mangandr continues to move. Zeno seals the empty space into another location, and creates 18 new universes before asking a Shinjin to watch over the space; thus the first Supreme Kai of Time is named, and calls the realm the Abyss of Time. Visibly shaken by the story; Hypabramia becomes even more determined to leave. Future Bulla asks why he just doesn't use the rifts, and Naraku replies that he can't see and the platform that was created doesn't project any light or dark aspects to enable Mangandr to find it. Thus; they are safe even though Future Bulla's Super Saiyan form is illuminating the platform. Naraku takes her hand of Future Bulla and she powers up to Strengthened Super Saiyan 2 before letting her know that she also wants to draw out her dormant power. Naraku asks her to return to her base form before it finally sees her, and uses a similar ritual to Old Kai's ritual.
Shroom emerges from some rubble with blood from his mouth having failed to use his Dark Fusion due to Future Vegeta's interference. Shroom tries again, but Vegeta interferes again as he delivers a powerful punch to Shroom's face and deforms the ground as Shroom is launched into the ruins of the academy. Shroom fires a barrage of corrupted ki blasts in rage, but Future Vegeta deflects all blasts with ease. As he is continually harassed; the more agitated he becomes and tries to impale Future Vegeta in the chest, but his armour has enough damage resistance to absorb the blow. Shroom unleashes his Makaio-ken against Future Vegeta, and manages to crack his armour with one punch, but his ankle his halted as Future Vegeta grabs it and hurls him into Chitate's Platform. Shroom launches himself at Future Vegeta to use Makaio-ken Attack, but he blocks each combo. He increases to Makai-ken x5 and fires his Death God Flash at Future Vegeta, and manages to push him into the ground of the main platform. Despite the area around being deformed by the blast; Future Vegeta is unscathed due to his Saiyan Shield and fires a crimson Galick Gun through his own shield at Shroom sending him into a nearby platform. Shroom uses Makaio-ken Finish on him, but manages to survive most of his heavy hits and has his spine dislocated as a result requiring Future Trunks to heal him before Shroom has a chance to finish him off. They manages to clash with a powerful punch from each from the two causing the platform to shake as a result. Shroom tries to punch him in the stomach, but Future Vegeta grabs his scythe and impales him in the abdomen with it. However, Shroom's wound immediately heals as reveals that if he's injured by his own scythe - his scythe's power while heal him immediately. After Future Vegeta uses his Explosive Wave to intercept his Death God Flash; he powers up to Makaio-ken x15 knees him in the back as Future Vegeta in order to knock him into ground before firing his Super Death God Flash; deforming the ground and almost putting a hole straight through the main platform. Future Vegeta survives with a few bruises and punches him away from the platform as they exchange punches and kicks as they get further and further away from the platform before Shroom manages to deliver a heavy strike to the back sending him into the ground of Chitate's Platform and greatly deforms the ground. Future Vegeta bleeds from his nose and from his mouth as he realises that he is much stronger than before, and is able to rival his power as a Super Saiyan 3. Future Vegeta struggles to stand up as Future Trunks as a Super Saiyan God attacks Shroom from behind. They enter an exchange of fists and punches as they go further away from the platform as they clashes manage to shake both platforms, and shatters windows. Future Goku senses that Shroom is just shy of Future Trunks' power as Shroom's power grows with each damage he sustains as he finishes off the last of the Death God Soldiers. Shroom powers up his max as he uses Makaio-ken x30 and fires his Hyper Death God Flash at Future Trunks and manages to deal heavy damage to him; causing him to crash into the ground before Shroom knocks him into the abyss. Angering Future Vegeta to the point that he manages to upgrade to Evolved Super Saiyan 3 and assaults Shroom while withstanding the Demon God's brutal assault and power of his Makaio-ken x30. He survives until the point that Future Mai is able to be sent in and heal him allowing him to have his Saiyan Boost while Shroom loses his power-up, and returns to his normal Demon God form as Future Vegeta delivers a critical blow to him. Shroom seems to be out for the count as Future Vegeta launches himself at him to finish him off.
Shroom blinds Future Vegeta with Eye Flash and manages to avoid his attack before he gets close allowing him to eat a Senzu Bean. Future Goku demands to know how he got a hold of one, and Shroom explains that he has buyers for Korin's Senzu Beans and that not even he is aware of it. Shroom notices that Future Goku managed to protect his eyes with a pair of shades from one of the stands before he masks ki as he creates dust with ki blast in order to give him time to use Dark Fusion to transform. Future Vegeta manages to spot him after his Eye Flash vanished and tried to attack him, but Shroom easily blocks his punch with one hand before using his Flame Death God attack on him. Future Vegeta is severely injured by the attack as he attempts to get away and falls into the ground as he attempts to standard up, but Shroom crashes down on him; kneeing him in the back, and breaking his back. Future Mai manages to heal him before Shroom can attack him again and tries to parry his punch, but manages to lacerate the back of his hand before headbutting him into a large piece of debris, deforming it and becoming wedged. Future Vegeta frees himself with his Explosive Wave and the two clashes once again, and once again clash until they are a sizable distance from the platforms. Shroom grabs by wrist and delivers a heavy punch to the gut and although his armour absorb most of the impact; Future Vegeta still feels some impact and coughs up blood as Shroom continuously punches him before using a spinning kick on him, and heel drops him in the shoulder. He strikes him downwards with a double axe handle, and knees him the stomach sending him back before knocking him back down onto Chitate's Platform; deforms the surface, and causing a massive mushroom cloud. Due his ki-masking gloves; Shroom has hard time looking for Future Vegeta, and as the cloud disperses; he sees Future Trunks and Future Gohan staring him down as Super Saiyan Blue. Chronoa asks how Trunks came back, and he tells her that Naraku's time fragment give him a hand. Future Goku, Original Future Goten, Future Boxers, Future Trunks, and Future Gohan assemble around Future Vegeta. Future Trunks tells his father that it's the ritual for Super Saiyan God and they begin. Goten and Goku become Super Saiyans while Boxers gains the golden hue, but Future Trunks and Future Gohan remain in their Super Saiyan Blue form. The ritual however is sped by 10% due to Future Trunks and Future Gohan already possessing the form as Shroom tries to blast them with ki. Future Vegeta emerges from the smoke caused by the explosion from Shroom's ki blast in his Super Saiyan God form. Future Vegeta fires his Super Galick Gun at Shroom shattering apart of metal encased around his body. Future Vegeta battles against Shroom and forces Shroom back onto the the defensive. After knocking him into a destroyed house; Future Vegeta powers up to an enhanced version thanks to his previous power-ups and the involvement of two Super Saiyan Gods in the ritual. They continue to battle through out the dimension as they go further and further away from the platform, and breaks away some of Shroom metal encasing as they fight. He fires a God Big Bang Attack at his chest while Shroom's fires his Death God Buster at Future Vegeta's chest. Titanic explosion ensues and nearly reaches the platforms as it expands, and while Future Vegeta's armour was completely destroyed - Shroom nearly falls into the Abyss of Time. Shroom fires his Mouth Energy Wave to stop himself, and uses Dark Fusion V to transform once again into his new form. He dispatches Future Vegeta with Death God Flame Flash as he goes after the other fighters.
After Future Trunks leave; Future Bulla and Hypabramia asks Naraku to open a portal to Earth in order to warn the inhabitants, but as they arrive - they find the planet overrun with Demon Realm Soldiers. They battle against the soldiers and manages to effortlessly dispatch them, and as Future Bulla power sup to Super Saiyan she is easily destroys several Demon Realm Soldiers while the two effortless the defeat them as Hypabramia returns to normal true from, and leave the West City littered with their corpses before the Golden soldier arrives to attack him, but Hypabramia dodges his attack and throws him by the ankle into Capsule Corp Headquarters. The golden soldier tries to use heavy finish to punch in the gut, but he is not fazed by the attack. He fires his Corrupted Ki Blast at Hypabramia from his chest and hands, but he survives the blast while a second Golden soldier arrives while more are formed face off against, but he uses Super Explosive Wave to dispatch while they fire corrupted ki blasts at him. Several are destroyed in process while the city is left in a crater. The original Golden soldier survives the explosion, and tries to attack as a Demon Realm Soldier Σ, 2 Demon Realm Soldier Ω, 3 Demon Realm Soldier Δ, and 2 Death God Soldiers observe as the Golden soldier is being beaten down by Hypabramia and eventually falls into the crater. Hypabramia uses his Urusuruha ability and manages mortally wound him as he several his severs his arms and lower half leaving him immobile on the ground. However, instead of accepting death he uses the merge technique on the soldiers observes his battle, and fuses with them into the Diamond Demon Realm Soldier. The Diamond soldier punches Hypabramia in the gut and manages to knock him through several mountains, and he gets up seemingly unscathed, and he dodges the soldier's Reaper Shot and flies down to him to for a double flying stomp, and deforms the ground around the mountain. Future Bulla realises that Hypabramia is being toyed with as the soldier grabs him by both ankles and hurls into the Spindletop Flats and crash into one of the hoodoos. A punch to Hypabramia's gut by the soldier deforms the ground around him, and knocks over the hoodoos as he grabs him by the ankle and repeatedly smashes him into the side of a mountain before Future Bulla is attacked by a Golden soldier and blocks all his attack before powering up to Potential Unleashed and knocks him into a mountain behind the diamond soldier. The diamond soldier watches as the golden soldier gets his ass handed to him before she kills him with heavy punch to the head. Future Bulla tries to help, but he powers up to his Pure Majin form; allowing him to cut loose and fight without any inhibition as he uses the Mystic Ball Attack on the soldier, and nearly cracks his armour. He manages to pierce several mountains forcing to him out of the flats and lands at north-west area of Parsely, but he stops him with hand and uses Extra Bloody Sauce on him resulting in the rest of West City being complete destroyed leaving a massive canyon in its place. He manages to reform most of his body except for his feet as they were separated from his body. As he mocks his strength; Hypabramia control his limbs and turns them into goo as it creeps up behind the soldier as he reverts back to his True Form. The soldier leaps at him and as he punches him into the ground; the goo encases the soldier resulting, and absorbs him. After transforming him regroups with Future Bulla, but as he helps her up - he is hit by a dark energy blast pierces him through chest and Future Bulla to see two masked men in cloaks.
In the capital building of the Demon Realm; Towa joins hands with Mira welcoming him as her husband, and introducing her son to the world. Towa cradles Fu as she enters her tower. Chronoa enters the Abyss of Time to meet with her old mentor, and asks her to augment her power even further. She sits down in middle of the platform used by Naraku and feels her energy swell as she surrounded by white light. Mangandr seemingly because interested in her, but as a barrier prevents him from going near her. The red-cloaked Dark-Masked man grabs Hypabramia by the tail and spins him at an intense speed before launching him at Future Bulla and knocking them intot he ground while the other Dark-Masked Man uses Dark Dynamite Kick on the two, and deforms the entire flats while Hypabramia absorbs most of the impact. Gravy flies onto top of a destroyed hoodoo, and mocks them for taking a blow from Mr. Satan and his Dark-Masked King. Dark-Masked Mr. Satan blocks Future Bulla's rush move Elite Assault while deflect each blow from her rush move Amazing Impact, and grabs her by the wrist before kicking her into a collapsed mountain. Hypabramia uses Mystic Attack to wrap his left arm around Dark-Masked Mr. Satan's neck before extend his opposite to punch him, but the Dark-Masked King kicks him in the back forcing him to let go and smashes him into the ground with double axe-handle. The fight causes the soldiers to cease their current actions to sense it while those closer leave the area. Future Bulla stands up with blood from her forehead and tries to punch the Dark-Masked King, but he blocks her punch and unleashes his ki which disrupts the area around him and breaks up the ground until they are standing in a deep crater. She uses vanish to try and knee him in the back of the head, but he dodge her before kicking her into Hypabramia as he attempts to get up. Future Bulla spots a book in front of her and believes it to be But's Grimoire resulting in her crawling up to it, but turns out to be an textbook. The Dark-Masked King and Dark-Masked Mr. Satan land next to Hypabramia. Before he can react; Dark-Masked Mr. Satan kicks him towards the king as he kicks him back to him as Mr. Satan barrows into the ground, and lifts a large portion of the ground and crush Hypabramia under it. Hypabramia uses Mystic Attack to force his arms through the ground, and knocks down Mr. Satan with Double Axe Handle. His buried beneath rubble as he crashes through a collapsed hoodoo, and before he can get up; he giant fist slams down on him. Hypabramia emerges from the ground beneath Dark-Masked King and uppercuts him in the chin before kicking him in the side and following up with a double axe handle sending him into tunnel created by Hypabramia. He vows to stop them before they have a chance to gain the upperhand, and begins to transform once again.
Hypabramia transforms into his 100% Form and knees Dark-Masked Mr. Satan in the chest as he tries to help the Dark-Masked King. Future Bulla grabs Dark-Masked Mr. Satan by the neck, and flips so his back is facing Hypabramia as he fires his Extra Bloody Sauce ability as Future Bulla fires her Big Bang Flash as she releases Dark-Masked Mr. Satan resulting in him being hit by both energy beams. An massive explosion covers the flats, and reduces the area to a crater. The Dark-Masked King survives by flying out of the way while Dark-Masked Mr. Satan loses a part of his cloak on his shoulder as he bleeds from it, and has few tears in his gloves. He heals his wounds and restores his clothes as he kicks Future Bulla into the edge of the crater before using Dark Dynamite Kick to knock Hypabramia to the opposite side before the Dark-Masked King fires his Dark King's Flash at Hypabramia and decimates the landscape; reducing it too a chasm. Hypabramia reforms his body as he senses his ki rapidly draining. The two assault the Majin-Frieza Race Hybrid relentlessly as Future Bulla tries to intervene, but is simply outmatched as well. Hypabramia is palmed in the face before he is knocked into the ground by a Double Axe-Handle, and is unable to keep up with them due to his oversized muscles and returns to his 100% True Form to use less energy. However, it's already too late as he doesn't have the stamina to avoid the Dark-Masked King's assault, and sent hurtling into the ground. Future Bulla attempts fire another Big Bang Flash at the Dark-Masked King, but Dark-Masked Mr. Satan grabs her by the wrist and redirects her attack to the ground beneath her. Hypabramia fires his Violent Uzusuruha at the Dark-Masked King and manages to tear some of his cloak before he deflects the blasts into the ground. He grabs Hypabramia by the face and violent smashes him into the ground until he loss consciousness. After his brutal take down of Hypabramia; he turns his attention back on Future Bulla, and as she remains focused on the king - she is slashed in the back by Dark-Masked Mr. Satan's Nodachi and backs away from them both. she avoids each second swing as the first manages to slash her shoulder, stomach, and cheek respectively before Hypabramia creates her a mace to use against him. She parries his blade and shatters it as she smashes him in the chest with it, and sends him through several clouds. The Dark-Masked King grabs her by the neck and begins to strangle her as Hypabramia watches. He fully regains consciousness and starts focusing his energy as he becomes increasingly angry and transforms into the Super form. He launches at the Dark-Masked King and punches him in the mask; cracking it, and sending him flying into the ground. However, he proves it to be fluke as the crack vanishes, and knocks him into the centre of the crater; the deforming the ground. The two collapse on the ground heavily wounded and exhausts from their fight as the two masked men march up to them ready to finish them off. Future Bulla returns to her base state and tries to punch Dark-Masked Mr. Satan, but he knocks her back down before she gets up and tries again as Super Saiyan 2 only to fail a second time. Future Bulla gets back up refusing to fight as she become increasingly furious. The bio-electric around her reaches more outward, and the frequency of her aura changes. Her swell in energy causes the planet to shake, and large waves to form as windows shatter, and TVs explode. She begins to glow as her eyebrows become thinner by the second, and her muscles slightly increase. As explosion surrounds the two; the masked man back away as Future Bulla emerges as a Super Saiyan 3 and casually walks up to them. The Dark-Masked Mr. Satan drops his guard as Future Bulla begins rapidly attacking him, and kicking through multiple clouds as the battle takes to the sky. The Dark-Masked King simply watches the battle as Gravy tries to order him to help, but shows resistance. Putine tells Gravy that Mr. Satan is pretending to lose to give her false hope before striking her down. And he does that as just as she is about reach the stratosphere; Dark-Masked Mr. Satan uses Double Axe Handle to knock her back into the ground resulting in heavy impact and causes colossal amount of damage to the surrounding areas, before Hypabramia can save her from the fall by using his Soft Body technique; he blocks into pits by the Dark-Masked King. Future Bulla is mortally wounded by the fall as she is unable to move, however Hypabramia uses his heal beam from his antennae as he reforms himself and Future Bulla receives a power-up before powering back up to her Potential Unleashed State as Hypabramia finally faints again.
Meanwhile; Future Vegeta emerges from pile of rubble heavily wounded and still in his Enhanced Super Saiyan God form. He begins to rapidly attack Shroom with punches as he flies through a building on Chitate's Platform as he blocks each punch by covering his face before grabbing Future Vegeta's left fist and then his right fist before kneeing him in chin with each knee sending him into a mountain with a kick to head. Shroom uses vanish to get in front of Vegeta as he stands up, and in similar fashion to Goku Black in the anime - Shroom lifts Vegeta's chin as he pokes his neck. He launches Shroom with a punch and crashes through a damaged pod as he relentlessly assault Shroom as the demon god blocks his attacks. After crashing through a collapsed building, and eventually knocking him into the ground as he gives a barrage of punches, and nearly punches through the entire platform; leaving a sizable crater behind before sending Vegeta back to the mountainous area with a kick to the gut. Future Vegeta and Shroom fly at each other and punch each other in the face before Future Vegeta delivers several blows to his gut, a knee to the neck, and knee to stomach. Shroom throws a barrage of punches at him as he block each of them before kicking Future Vegeta in the gut, and attempting to hit with power punch, but he dodges it and double kicks them into the gut; sending them ground leaving a gaping hole. Shroom flies into the hole in order to go after Future Vegeta and is seemingly unable to find thanks to Vegeta's Ki Masking Gloves allowing Future Vegeta to catch the demon god by surprise as he attempts bunch, but Shroom blocks it his attack a single finger as he throws barrage of bunches at him as it deforms the ground eventually he powers back down to his base form in order to recover some of his stamina, and proceeds to bunch him into the ceiling of the tunnel, and forces him back into surface. They clash with each other on the surface until he is punched away by Shroom, knocked into the ground, knocked back into the sky, and knocked into a cliff with a Double Axe-Handle before smashing him into the side of the mountain twice. Future Vegeta powers up to Super Saiyan 2 after realising his error in powering down and attempts kick, but is thrown by the ankle into ground. Future Vegeta dodges his attack as he attempts to punch, and knocks him into side of the entrance of the hole after entering his regular Super Saiyan God. Shroom hurls him into the ground, but flies right back at him as he slams him back down into ground before going hand-to-hand throughout a mountainous area, and knocks Future Vegeta into the side of a jagged rock with punch to the gut, and nearly blasts him into the abyss with his Death God Buster. Future Vegeta begins to remember his time fused with Present Vegeta and when EX Vegeta fused with Future EX Gotenks as Future Trunks watches his further struggle to stand up after the attack. Finally he manages to remember what he has to do, and how to use Ultra Instinct "Harbinger" as focus his mind, and begins to clear it. The dimension begins to shake as he focuses his power, and pillar of energy raises from the prince resulting in him successfully entering the Ultra Instinct "Harbinger" form. As he approaches Shroom; he suddenly appears behind him, and kicks him into several mountains while dodging every ki blast he fires at him. Shroom attempts to punch him, but he blocks it without even looking at the Demon God and hurls him into the peak of a nearby mountain as he casually walks up to him. The fight continues as they relentless battle with Future Vegeta dodging every attack and countering every kick swiftly. Shroom becomes confused at Future Vegeta's new state as does everyone else except for Future Trunks, but he tells them that it's simply the evolved state of Ultra Instinct "Omen"; an ability that allows one to react automatically while this form allows him to attack and react entirely on instinct as Future Vegeta delivers a powerful kick that result in Shroom crashing through every mountain, and crashes into the ground of the entrance arch of the academy. Shroom reflects on his previous battle with others after knocking down Future Vegeta after transforming into his Dark Fusion V form, and admits that he regrets fighting Future Trunks and Future Gohan. Future Vegeta lands punch in Shroom in the gut and manages to force him through the platform before he flies behind Future Vegeta, but is kicked in the collapsed academy. Before he chance to stand up properly; Future Vegeta fires his Hyper Galick Gun at Shroom destroying the academy's grounds and the sending the debris and building into the abyss along with Demon God. Future Vegeta manages to power down after a while, and is offered training by Cus along with Future Goku with help of Chronoa. Future Trunks finds stasis machine with Dial in it and Bella in the next to him; he examines to find it damaged, and forces the doors off releasing the two. Dial asks how he got in the stasis, and he says that after Chronoa left Chitate's Platform was exposed to the dimensions timeless nature, and thus everyone stayed younger after he returned in Age 904 and decided to placed themselves in stasis until Chitate's Platform was also aligned. Future Trunks begins to inform of what has been happening.
Meanwhile back on Earth; Future Bulla is panting with injuries from her battle against Dark-Masked Mr. Satan. She attempts to kick him in the head, but he knocks her through the ground and as she gets up contemplating on how to defeat him; he uses Dark Dynamite Kick deforming the area around him as she is knocked into a tree. A large gust of wind nearly knocks the trees over as several rocks fly at her. Future Bulla knees Dark-Masked Mr. Satan in the ribs before kneeing him angering with her opposite knee, and tries to kick him away by hitting him on the opposite side, but he grabs her leg and tears her left stocking off as he throws her into a chasm. He picks up by the collars, and is about to through her until she breaks free by uses his stomach as leverage before using an arm lock behind. He breaks free and attempts to lunge at her, but she trips him before Dark-Masked Mr. Satan uses Dark Water Burst and feels the crater and chasms with black water as waterspouts swallow up Future Bulla and manages to heavily lacerate her. Eventually she is chucked out and is sent into a cliff. She continues to battle him hand-to-hand despite being weaker, and unable to land a blow; she refuses to give up even as she is heavily injured. He grabs her wrist as she tries to punch him in the mask, but despite that she fires Big Bang Attack at point-blank range; causing him to be pushed back until he deflects into a plateau with numerous soldiers on it; killing them. They continue to fight hand-to-hand, and even with Hypabramia's plea to withdraw and heal; she refuses. She misses every time she throws punch or kick, and is eventually knocked into the pool of dark water created by Dark-Masked Mr. Satan and is kneed in the back as she floats to bottom, and deforms the area around them. She flies out of the water and attempts to fire her Super Galick Gun, but Dark-Masked Mr. Satan kicks her into Radtiz's Landing Spot and deforms the crater even more before he fires his Super Galick Beam Cannon at her. She fires her Super Galick Gun to counter his energy wave, and enters an energy clash for a few seconds before she is completely overpowered and drags her across the form and into nearly lands at the Spinach Wastes-Northern Mountains border - leaving behind a large chasm. Future Bulla struggles to stand up as she is heavily injured, and disorientated by the blast. She crawls up to Dark-Masked Mr. Satan and punches him while on her knees, but is kicked back into the chasm. Gravy orders the Dark-Masked King to kill Future Bulla as she passes out from the amount of injuries she has; he lands in front of her and walks up to her with his arm extended. Putine after she assuming that he was hesitating - she shocks him in an attempt to make him fulfil his orders and kill her, but the shock doesn't work and fires his Corrupted Ki Blast at her, but Hypabramia was able to protect her by using himself as a human shield while she is knocked further down the chasm. The Dark-Masked King grabs her by the wrist and once again charges his blast, but this time he is stopped by a mysterious man. He grabs the Dark-Masked King by the wrist, and knees with such force that it sends him through multiple mountains and buries him under snow as Gravy is shocked at the man's arrival. Putine identifies him as Bardock as he immediately enters Spectral Super Saiyan and prepares to face against the Dark-Masked King.
The King and the Low Class Warrior[]
Shocked at his arrival Gravy orders the Dark-Masked King to change his target, and solely after Bardock. He rushes Bardock as he is knocked down to ground as by Bardock's Final Revenger rush move as he uses Heat Phalanx while is still down. The clash in hand-to-hand combat despite Bardock seemingly winning, and cracks his mask to point that he can't restore it to normal. The Dark-Masked King burrows underground with Bardock in pursuit as they continue to clash underground, and cause tremors throughout the Northern Mountains. The clashes causes some of the ground to collapse and chasms form as they crash through the surface, and take their fight to the sky. He is able to predict each of the Dark-Masked King's moves with ease as he counters each of them, and kicks him into the ground with a double kick to the gut before deforming the ground even further by continuously punching him before an avalanche nearly buries them. Their fights takes to the stratosphere as they continue to clash before Bardock is sent back down through the peak of mountain with Double Axe Handle and causes the area around the base of the mountain to deform. The Dark-Masked King lifts the entire mountain and smashes it back atop Bardock, but he simply flies through as he punches the King through mountain and into the side of Mount Frappe. Their clash topples the mountain as they continue to go hand-to-hand, and once again take the battle underground where they deforms most of the ground. Their battle takes them beneath where Buu's House use to be, collapsing several buildings in Yahhoy, and finally emerges on mountain in Yunzabit Heights. Future Bulla watches the battle with shock and admiration at the fact that Bardock is pushing him back while Hypabramia slowly regenerates. They fly away to regroup under Korin's Tower and watches the battle from their instead as their next clash causes a massive gust of wind to upturn several cars, and collapse several buildings. Their clashes deform the area around even though they are in the sky, and punch each other into a cliff each. Their two enter a clash of kiai and crumbles the surrounding mountains and cliffs as it expands. Bardock flies through his own Kiai wave and punches his opponent through the cliff and smashes him into the ground after grabbing the back of his head. The Dark-Masked King gets up with little scratches and a slight cracked mask as Bardock realises that he wasn't fighting seriously and uses a powerful Kiai wave the shatter a portion of Bardock's armour as he is hurled through several mountains before landing face first into the ground. Bardock becomes angered that he was humiliated by the king faking his power and attempts punch him, but he is stomped in the shoulder; resulting in his arm becoming dislocated, and enabling the Dark-Masked King knock him into tree with a kick to the ribs.
The Dark-Masked King picks Bardock up by the wrist, and blasts him with a corrupt ki blast into a building in Yahhoy. The dark warrior lands just outside the city, and fires his Dark King's Flash at him as he uses Kiai try to repel it. The force of the energy beam force Bardock to the edge of cliff near the city, but manages to deflect it away from the city. It lands in ocean near Gengoro Island resulting in a massive explosion that the destroy half of the island, and nearly destroys the island of Kame House. Master Roshi seems unfazed as he scares several soldiers from his island as they fly themselves into the energy wave. Master Roshi remains still and senses the fight between Bardock and the Dark-Masked King. The Dark-Masked King is knocked through several buildings and before he crashes into the back the dark warrior kicks him into the sky before smashing him down into the street with a Double Axe Handle and causes a large crater. Bardock powers up to Spectral Super Saiyan 2 and fires his Super Arcane Rebellion Trigger at the Dark-Masked King and causes a massive explosion that levels the city, and wounds the dark warrior. He gets slowly before turning to face Bardock as he reveals that he has finally been injured as blood runs his mask from a crack in cheek area. Dark-Masked Mr. Satan tries to help as the Dark warrior attempts to assault him, but he hits them before by firing his Twin Rebellion Trigger in two different directions, and incapacitates. Dark-Masked Mr. Satan transfers all the dark ki that he has into the Dark-Masked King and increase his power while his comrade passes out, but before he hits the ground Bardock tears the mask off him and releases him from the Demons' control. Mr. Satan at first confuses Bardock for Goku, but he corrects him as he tells him that he is Goku's father. He asks him to get as far away as possible before facing the Dark-Masked King once again; he obliges and runs into Future Bulla whom takes him to Kame House. Master Roshi welcomes the two to his island along with Hypabramia and that sense the battle from the island. As he moves to battle him; he finds himself easily knocked away with two kicks and even tries to attack him from behind, but the dark warrior dodges him and throws into the ground as he assaults him with a barrage of kicks in the gut before delivering a heel drop to him deforming the area around him and shattering windows in the process from several cities despite being far away from them. Bardock burrows underground and attempts to crush him with large piece of the ground, but he is kicked back into the crater he just created as it falls back on him, and nearly crushes. However, he manages push it off and him through into the water as he clashes underground with the him. He slashes the dark warrior in the chest, but his cloak takes most of the attack and is left with cut. He delivers several weak punches to Bardock's gut before double kicking him into ocean, and proceeds to drag him to bottom while punching him in the gut before smashes him into an arch with heel drop to the back. Bardock flies back to the surface and tries to blast the dark warrior with his Kiai, but he dodges it as he kicks him in the rib - sending him back into the crater. Bardock is pinned to ground as the Dark-Masked King continuously punches him in the ribs, and eventually causes him to cough up blood as he feels one his ribs crack. The side of his armour breaks off as he delivers stronger punch, and deforms the ground around him. He eats half of Senzu Bean before punching him in the gut and taking the fight to the sky as they clash. Their clashes causes the clouds to disperse and before Bardock can land a kick to the back of the Dark-Masked King - the dark warrior grabs his foot and proceeds to punch him brutally while hanging him upside down. He throws him further into the sky before double kicking him in the gut, and kneeing him in the ribs. With a punch to the face; he is sent back down the ground at such speed it causes a massive crater to form, and causes him to stubbles as he struggles to stand.
Finally having enough; Bardock starts powering up and enters Spectral Super Saiyan Blue as he proceeds to deliver a heavy punch to gut; promising to remove his mask from his face. He manages to drag him across the sky as he applies pressure to the dark warrior's gut, and before punching him in the mask. He sends him hurtling in the street of Purple City and completely destroys the city as he impacts the ground, but the dark warrior stands back up and hurls a destroyed building at him as Bardock splits it with a punch, and smashes the dark warrior back into the ground with a knee to the chest. The Dark-Masked King punches him the face and sends him a mountain with a second punch to to the face. Meanwhile several Diamond Demon Realm Soldiers attack Parsley City and destroys most of the surrounding buildings, and killing the inhabitants. They are confronted by Earth's Military once again, but are able to destroy them with just a few punches and kicks. Just as they are about to leave the recently deserted city; a ki blast flies into the city, and decimates it along with the soldiers in the city. Hypabramia in his Super form flies away from the city as focus his attention on the battle between the Dark-Masked King and Bardock. Their battle nearly causes Hypabramia to lose balance while fly due to the shock waves created by each clash, and speeds away to Kame House. While fighting through out the sky; Bardock notices a chip in his mask, and realises that his attacks are working. As the Dark-Masked King stands up; he is unable to locate Bardock as he searches for the Saiyan warrior, but can't see him or sense him. The ground beneath begins to shake as the crater begins to ascend in the sky, and tries to find the source as he flies off. He finds Bardock lifting the entire crater and slams it back down on him to trap him, but the Dark-Masked King unleashes his Super Arcane Dark Explosive Wave to destroy the crater, and nearly hits Bardock with it. He punches Bardock in the gut, and before knocking him into the ground with a backfist to the the back of the head. He double knees him in the back and deforms the ground around him, but Bardock grabs his knees as spins him as he smashes him into nearby mountain with a hammer fist. He flies upwards as the Dark warrior stands up with piece of his mask from the left side fall off and breaks as it hits the ground while the rest of his face is still covered. The Dark-Masked King is still under control of the mask and smashes Bardock on the head with a double axe handle; deforming the ground around him as he continually smashing him in head as he deforms the ground around him before heel dropping him in the head. Bardock gets up after being knocked to the ground before grabbing him by the face, and flies him up to the stratosphere as the Dark-Masked King jabs him in the rib. He delivers a barrage of punches and kicks to the gut as he blocks most of the attacks, and dodges the kicks before kicking Bardock in between the shoulder blades and sends him hurtling back to Earth; he stops himself before colliding with the ground. As the Dark-Masked King flies down to him and delivers punch with all his strength to his mask before kicking him into the crater he formed with his explosive wave, and deforms the ground around him. As his mask crumbles from his face leaving only his mouth cover; he undergoes a dark evolution, and transforms into his Demon King Vegeta form as Bardock identifies him as King Vegeta.
Looking down on the low-class warrior; King Vegeta remarks that he didn't think there any more Saiyans left with everyone dead, but Bardock corrects and tells him that both their sons are alive. However, King Vegeta doesn't believe him and knees him in the gut as he tells him of his survival; King Vegeta invades Frieza's ship prior to destroying the planet, and goes directly after the tyrant. He tries to attack, but all his attacks are dodged as he is kicked up against the wall. He fires his Galick Fire at Frieza, but he is uninjured by the blast and delivers a heavy punch to left chest cavity; shattering his armour and sending him against the wall again. King Vegeta asks Frieza if Beerus was the one to order his race's destruction and Frieza responds by telling him yes; making him an agent of destruction. King Vegeta passes out as he seemingly dies, but when as Frieza is busy destroying the planet; Putine and Towa arrive from Age 904. She tells him that all Saiyans are dead, and that if he wants to live to avenge them; he must receive a heart transplant due to his damaged one is about to fail. He agrees to terms, and as result his body morphs slightly due to his new demon heart. Over the course of his time in the Demon Realm; he is subjected to heavy training by Towa, Mira, and Shroom as he proves in strength while taking him to Universe 1 to receive power augmenting training from the evil Naraku as his dormant power and strength grows. He is able to bruise Shroom with a punch after 20 years of training as while he strangely hasn't aged and Towa credits it to his new heart. He dedicates the next 36 years to rigorous training and was offered the cloak and mask as his new outfit and allows him to be under their control. They order him to destroy the Brench-seijins in order to test his power, and he manages to defeat many of them before destroying their planet outright. He is than sent to destroy Gure's Planet before settling for their invasion of Earth. He destroys most of the cities while eliminating most of the military, and manages to destroy military base by throwing a submarine at installation, and destroying all infantrymen with a volley of ki blasts. He crashes through the King Castle killing all the guardsmen while toppling the tower over killing the king and all nearby citizens. He meets with the heroes of Age 950, and successfully dispatch of the several punches and kicks. As he finishes his story; Bardock seems disgusted at how he destroyed weaker races instead of seeking out stronger opponents, and punches him in cheek. However, King Vegeta isn't fazed as he simply smiles at the low-class warrior and tells him that he is naive as he smashes him into the ground with double axe-handle in the head. Flies back up to the sky and clashes with King Vegeta more as he tries to convince him that he has been fed a can of lies, and needs to wake up. King Vegeta kicks Bardock in the stomach before punching him in the face; resulting in him crashing into a cliff, and landing face first in the ground as the King lands in front of him and steps on his head as he means to assert his position as the king and an attempt to prevent him from getting up before kicking him into a pile of debris. He punches him in the gut; ignoring his pleas, and manages crack the ground as result before picking him up by the hair and blasting him in the gut with a corrupted ki blast. He hurls him into a chasm - as he watches him fall to the ground, and finally enters Spectral Super Saiyan Rosé. He attempts to attack King Vegeta, but he dodges as he realises that he's gotten more powerful than him. He is punched in the face - crashing into the ground as a result, and given a bloody nose after kneeing him in the cheek; he enters his Out of Control form.
He punches Bardock in the gut and attempts to knock him into the ground, but only manages to knock him a few feet away before he punches him in face and sends him into the ground kicking to the gut. He throws several punches at him, but it has no effect on Bardock as he easily thrashes him while trying to get through to him about the current situation. Bardock becomes convinced after double axe handling him in the gut that the heart is making him impossible to get through to and vows to correct it by creating a Saiyan's Heart and vowing to free him from the lies that he has endured. Seeing how genuine Bardock is King Vegeta begins to doubt the Dark Empire before he powers up to Super Saiyan and knees in the gut after telling him that he won't believe Bardock's lies before knocking him a few feet away with a punch to the face, and tries to knock him into the ground with a double axe handle, but he grabs him by the wrists; kneeing him twice in the stomach before throwing him into a chasm. He enters the stance for his Dark King's Flash, but is different as he charges two massive energy spheres in both hands causing the energy waves to destroy the nearby chasms, and widen the crater that was once Purple City. He continues to charge his attack as he disperse the clouds around him as tornadoes, tsunamis, and earthquakes around them. Bardock kicks him in the gut and sends him into the several mountains leading to Mount Frappe and smashes him in the face with a double axe handle before using a backflip kick on his head - knocking him into the ground as the energy spheres destroy the area around him including the mountains. He merges the energy spheres into one massive energy sphere before firing a massive energy wave. Bardock seems to have a lack of care for the energy wave, and uses his God Arcane Tyrant Lancer as he passes through the energy wave without taking any damage, and connects with his heart as he uses scalpel rebellion edge to sever his demon heart and replace it with the saiyan heart before it kills him, and manages to knock him into the ground as King Vegeta. Bardock descends next to him as Future Bulla arrives with a Senzu Bean each to heal them, and waits as the Saiyan King awakes to find his granddaughter looking over him. He takes one look at her and recognises her features from his own son, and Bardock finally convinces him of the truth as Gravy lands in front of him angered at the loss of King Vegeta. He looks his granddaughter and realises that the mask made him do it resulting in him becoming furious and awakens his Super Saiyan 2 form. He furiously attacks the Demon God after transforming, but even with his power up; he is easily knocked to the ground with Lightning Sentence before smashing him in the chest with his hammer. Gravy seems to be confused on our there was less effect than he expected from his hammer before realising that Bardock as a Super Saiyan 2 managed to slow the descent of his hammer as he has grabbed him by elbow and throws him into a cliff. King Vegeta flies pass Bardock without paying any attention to him and punches him in the shoulder before being struck in the leg. Gravy powers up to his Dark Fusion form and delivers a heavy punch to King Vegeta's shoulder and dislocates it as he dislocates his right arm with second punch, and knocks him to the ground with Thunder Flash Fist before attempting finish him with a punch to the head, but his ankle is caught by Bardock and manages to deliver a kick to the gut before sending him into the ground. King Vegeta realises that the demon heart is responsible for most of the power he had, and he must reclaim it with the heart of Saiyan. He says that he'll reclaim his honour as a Saiyan as he manages to distract him with his old cape before punching him in the face, but injures himself in the process. Bardock powers up to Super Saiyan 3 and manages to cracks his metal plates with a double axe handle to the back, and sends him into the ground. He enters his Dark Fusion V form as he is punched in the face by Bardock before punching him in the gut and knocking him away as he vows to defeat them as he heads for Potaufeu.
Crisis Expands[]
The fighters on Earth regroup at the Lookout with Dende healing everyone as Future Trunks and the others arrive to greet Bardock and King Vegeta. They discuss the current events while resting and eating on the lookout. Future Vegeta and Future Goku arrive giving King Vegeta a semi-reunion before realising he is the future version of his son, but despite that still feels compelled to treat him the same. Future Piccolo sits the edge of the Lookout as Future Kami talks with his present self's successor and talking to Mr. Popo as he is assisted by Thirith. Future Trunks greets him, but he attempts to hide thinking that he is being scolded only to have Future Trunks reaffirm him that he has nothing to fear. Gravy's arm emerges in Age 781 and snatches Vegeta from the present timeline as he trains in the gravity room and throws him against a cliff on Planet Potaufeu; smirking sinisterly. Putine emerges as she fires an Ice Death Ball at Amenbo Island and freezes the island along with city and the invading soldiers. She shatters the island with a Corrupt Ki Blast before heading off to the Lookout. Future Kami takes Dende to his timeline to head to Future New Namek for something special as the others remain behind to discuss how they are going to get to Potaufeu as Chronoa arrives on the Lookout. She tells them that she'll take them as soon as they are ready to go, and gives them a moment to finish eating before they get ready to head off, however just as they are about to leave Future Pan is frozen solid as she is hit by an Ice Beam as they look all around the area only to find Putine hovering in the air above them.
She declares that she won't let them go just yet and will stop them from going anywhere as she powers up to her Dark Fusion form. Future Vegeta and Future Goku power up to Super Saiyan Blue as she they assault her and knock her through the edge of the Lookout. She recovers as she manages to get behind Future Goku and manages to knock him into the ground with a simple flick to the back of the head, and destroys the village beneath the tower. Future Vegeta blasts her with God Big Bang Attack, but she freezes it as she kicks him in the stomach as the frozen energy sphere falls into the ground; resulting in a massive explosion. She punches the two in the stomach before elbowing them in the back of head as they punch her in the stomach, and nearly kills her with a combined energy attack. She powers up to her Dark Fusion V form as she reveals her immense training and power by punching the two into a rock each before crashing down on the legs. She creates her Ice Bow and fires a barrage of ice arrows at the two; nearly pinning them on the ground, and however they manage to knock her to ground with a few kicks and punches as she tries to block each attack. She manages to punch Future Vegeta in the face before kneeing him in the stomach and then finally knocking him to the ground with a headbutt to the back. Putine powers up further to her Dark Fusion W form and manages to knock Future Goku down with one punch as Future Vegeta fires his Hyper Galick Gun at her as she counters with Ice Destruction Wave - causing a huge energy clash that causes a massive blizzard as the area is blanketed with snow. The ground beneath Vegeta begins to deform as the pressure from the energy clash forces him into the ground as a cave is formed as he is pushed further in; he enters his Ultra Instinct "Harbinger" form in order to boost his power, but Putine is able to overpower his form and feels the area with an icy explosion as the collision finally explodes. Future Vegeta gets up severely injured from the attack, and falls to the ground. She blasts Future Goku in the back as he attempts to surprise attack her, and crashes into Future Vegeta as Putine flies back up to the Lookout. 'Future Gohan powers up to Super Saiyan Blue and tries to punch Putine in the face as Future Piccolo fires his Special Beam Cannon at her attempting to distract her, but she stops the energy beam while blocking Future Gohan's fist before knocking him into the namekian warrior and crashes through the Lookout and crashes through the hole for the power pole. She knees Future Gohan in the chest and sends them through Korin's Tower and crashes into the ground; deforming the ground and cause barrels of senzu beans to fall to the ground. Future Gohan manages to lure her to South City where he fires several energy waves through the buildings, but she blocks as she uses her magic to create city of the current one; destroying many buildings and killing many citizens. Future Gohan is trapped beneath debris as Future Piccolo attempts to attack her, but she grabs him by the ankle and severs him from the waste down; leaving him in the cutter as she flies back to the lookout as Future Bulla and Hypabramia attempts to attack her, but they are knocked down easily. Future Trunks and Original Future Goten punches Putine in the face as she is about to kill Chronoa, but she manages to knock Future Goten down with a punch to the gut before deflecting Trunks' own Finish Buster back at him. Future Trunks is able to damage her with a punch to the gut, but she is able to trap him in some ice as he attempts to attack her a second time while Future Gohan returns as a Spectral Super Saiyan Blue only to be frozen as well. She gloats over her battle while beckoning Chronoa to join them and is unaware that she has already approached her.
She laughs at her wondering whether she is being serious in fighting her and surprises her as she transforms into her a new form. Chronoa punches her in the gut and manages to send her into space as she continues to strike her stomach with heavy punches. She double kicks her in the gut and knocks her into a comet as she tries to block each attack, but fails to as Chronoa is more powerful than she realised as she smashes her through the comet with a double axe handle into a bit of space debris. She picks her up by Putine's Hair and sends into a space rock with a punch to the gut before knee her in the face, and finally smashing her face first into the ground. Putine gets up as she berates Chronoa for turning her son against her, and refuses to acknowledge her sins as she fires an energy volley in multi-directions as she furiously proclaims to be her slayer as she pushes her in the face before knee her in the stomach, however she manages to grab her knee before she connected and sends her spinning into the ground. She attempts to punch her, but with a slight movement her head; Chronoa dodges the attack before punching her in the gut a second time. She tries to shoots an ice arrow in Chronoa's back, but she manages to melt it with her aura before piercing her with a punch through her gut and knocks her to the ground with a kick to the back of the head. Putine manages to use her Super Heal power to save herself from a mortal wound as she furious raises her ki and tries to choke. Chronoa grabs her by the shoulder and drags her through several space rocks as they land on an unknown planet as throws her into a cave causing it to collapse as she increases her power even further as she floats above it. She uses a Time Judgement ability creating a cloud of energy as beam of energy strikes down the cave as Putine is subjected to tremendous pain as she slowly begins to disintegrate her body. As she is reduced to nothing; she curse Chronoa and tries to move, but is unable to as her limbs disintegrate before the rest of her body vanishes as she finally disintegrates completely. Chronoa returns to Earth as everyone and everything frozen by her unfreezes including the shatter humans and islands. A shadowy figure informs Towa of Putine's death and orders her to tell everyone to give her a moment of silence before continuing with their work. Mira is surprised by Putine's death as she made sure everyone was expertly trained and stronger before going out to invade of Earth. King Yemma greets Putine as she is escorted up to him and decides to send above instead of below as she'd enjoy it too much. Future Vegeta is surprised by Chronoa's new power and she tells them about Naraku's Fragment shocking Future Trunks and Dial while the others are confused about her situation. Original Future Goten asks to had to her as does Future Piccolo and she agrees to send them to her. As they leave; the others prepare to leave Earth as Dial opts to stay behind and clean up the loose ends as they head off. They agree as Hypabramia enters the time chamber for a few minutes to train and emerges to safeguard Earth with Dial.
On a Planet Potaufeu; Gravy blasts the planet with corrupted ki blasts and manages to destroy the entrance cave to the Superhuman Water before vaporising the last inhabitant of the planet. However, before he can move forward he is assaulted by a Pirate group consisting of members of Jiya's Race, members of Vamp's Race, and Mogans. He smashes the Mogans with his hammer as they swarm him as Chronoa briefly stops at the Headquarters of the Galactic Patrol to talk with the new Galactic King about Potaufeu while the others wait for her to finish. He tells her that planet is uninhabited and therefore restricted by the common people requiring permission to access planet. She tells him of the situation and seems to be arguing with him over the need to go to planet while he openly refuses her access. He orders the arrest of the Saiyans, but she transforms in order to assert her authority. She causes the headquarters to shake as the patrolmen change their mind about apprehending the Saiyans and give her a stamp of approval in order to go to the planet. Llyrg leader of the pirates manages to steal the key to Superhuman Water jar from the body of the last Potaufeu inhabitant. However, before he can open it - Gravy smashes him in the back with his hammer and knocks him through the Cave of the Commeson. He stands up as he seemingly survived the blast and prepares to open the jar while Gravy watches him. Original Future Goten sits a meditation position with Future Piccolo as she uses her powers to augment their powers at the same time. They feel power growing as they remain focused and try to remain perfectly still. Naraku manages sense Chronoa's power and smiles at her new found power while increases the power of her new students. As they prepare to leave; a squad of Diamond Demon Realm soldiers assault the headquarters and kills several Galactic Patrollers. The soldiers smashes several of the patrollers in the ground and kick the king in the window of the tower. Future Goku and Future Vegeta power up to Super Saiyan God and fires energy wave into a group of soldiers; vaporising them before dispatching the rest with hand-to-hand combat. After finishing them off; they power back down, and help repair the damages before setting out to Potaufeu once again as the Galactic King is out of commission for a while. Dial senses an unusual energy from far away as he observes the actions on Earth while attempting to sense the energy on Potaufeu. Dende is standing over a cliff looking over Future Elder Moori's Village contemplating a decision he made as the planet looks more deserted than usual. Future Kami walks from the village after puking out an egg in middle of village and talks about the village as he talks about Future Dende. Dende asks why he fused with the entire race of his timeline, and Future Kami tells him that he has a plan. Llyrg disappears as along with his host's body as Cloned Llyrg clashes with Gravy as he smashes him into the ground with his hammer. Bardock arrives to find Vegeta of the Present knocked out on the ground as Cloned Llyrg turns to notice the low-class warrior.
With his back turned; Gravy uses his hammer to force Cloned Llyrg into a Dark Evolution shortly after he has Vegeta cloned. King Vegeta punches Cloned Llyrg in the cheek causing him to fly through cave and be knocked to ground with a heel drop to the back by Future Trunks. Cloned Vegeta turns his attention to Bardock and Future Goku as they power up to Super Saiyan Blue and kick him into the ground before powering to Super Saiyan God. He sends Future Goku to the ground with a punch to the gut before being knocked to the ground himself by Bardock. He is order to attack King Vegeta and Future Trunks instead as he struggles to fight against, but he refuses the order a blasts him with away to focus on his own battle. Future Trunks delivers a strike similar to Final Blow to Cloned Llyrg as he attempts to get up after being attacked by his own underling and is knocked into several mountains. King Vegeta knees him in the rib before punch him in the forehead. Future Kami training on the deserted Future New Namek as he fires an energy blast at himself and defends himself from it. Dende looks on as the planet is visibly damaged by each energy blast, and notices the stones that was once Future Porunga's Dragon Balls and attempts to grab them before Future Kami fires another energy wave. However, his energy wave at himself again, and causes a massive explosion that reduces the Dragon balls to dust. They arrive in Cell's Future Planet Namek to talk with Cell's Future Moori about combining their power, but he refuses - noting that he already has sufficient power from the Namekians from his timeline. Back in the present timeline of Age 781; Dende notices that Vegeta is missing as he attempts to communicate with King Kai, but his unable to reach him due to unknown reasons. He talks with Bulma about the situation as he grows concerned, but not even she knows where he is. Future Bulma from the Time Nest watches in horror as Cloned Vegeta easily dispatches both Future Goku and Bardock while receiving a message from her present self. Future Bulma asks the device is and Future Mai senses she managed to create a device that enables one to communicate with individuals across different timeline and as such manages to tell her of the situation. She asks if they should send more through, but Future Mai tells her that it would be necessary as Cus watch Future Pan become frustrated at being side-lined again. As Cloned Llyrg is easily thrashed by the grandson-grandfather duo; Future Pan finally loses her temper as she uses Sonic Rush on Cloned Llyrg and takes over the battle annoying King Vegeta as she mentions that fighting one so weak should be degrading to King. She easily overpowers him with several kicks and knocks him down with Strike of Revelation. He manages to wake and attempts to make a clone of her, but she manages to get behind him and kicks him in the chin before landing a powerful blow to his gut. Original Future Goten manages to complete his training and arrives on the planet in the Super Saiyan 3rd Grade form before being told by Future Trunks to not use it as due to his weaknesses. Future Piccolo arrives back on Earth to help watch over the planet as he senses the battle. Their battle continues as Future Pan easily dispatches him several times before finally ending the battle with another Strike of Revelation.
Cloned Vegeta in the Saiyan beyond God state shocks both low-class Saiyans as he easily dispatches them; showing that Vegeta has become exceptionally powerful in his time in his era. Future Pan takes Vegeta as the others retreat to regroup and plan their next plan of attack. Chronoa blasts him to prevent him from following everyone both escaping in order to join the others. At a far away area; Vegeta is not only surprised that a copy of himself exists, but his father is alive and well. King Vegeta chooses not to interact with him as he voices that he thought the "Superhuman Water" increased the drinker's strength thousand-fold and refers to it as the "miracle water" that he once set Nappa's father and a group of Saiyan to try and obtain. However, Chronoa reveals the truth as she uncurls a Scroll of Eternity to correct him, saying that the "miracle water" doesn't exist. She then says that the name "Superhuman Water" was the result of misinformation from people foreign to the planet. As Chronoa reveals the origin of Commeson; the weapon's true name, and its abilities, reveals that the whole universe is in imperil if they don't reseal the Commeson. She tells Vegeta if Cloned Vegeta is not defeated with a certain time limit; he will eventually die allowing him access to his full power. Vegeta asks whether it can be "destroyed" with Destruction and she reveals that if Vegeta knows Destruction than so does Clone Vegeta and it would be difficult to defeat him with it. He asks how to stop him from dying, and she reveals that Cloned Vegeta must be destroyed in order - questioning whether he was listening only to be reveal that is finding it difficult to see let alone to hear. Later, Clone Vegeta confronts the group and fights against Future Pan and Future Bulla. They constantly attempt to attack Cloned Vegeta, but his attacks are ineffective, as he is a copy of Vegeta. Chronoa throws Future Pan and Future Bulla a Metamo-Ring each fuse into Future Bulpan after Chronoa explains what they are to them. Clone Llryg senses their power and thirsts for it. Despite using many of her fusees rush attacks, and her own combined one Sonic Impact; which caused shockwaves, Future Bulpan still can't deal damage to Cloned Vegeta. Vegeta's body begins to become transparent, a sign of his body disappearing soon. Clone Vegeta berates the "empty shell", then lands a hard blow to her gut. Back in Cell's Timeline; Future Kami is given an old talisman with Ancient Namekian written on it and attempts to decipher it, but it is difficult. He summons Porunga to help him decipher it, but even he has hard time deciphering it. He becomes frustrated with it and throws it onto the ground; causing it to glow brightly before absorbing him into the talisman. As he passes through mass of energy bashing against him; he feels his power growing to height like no other as he becomes increasingly confused about situation and is eyes become blank. The talisman begins to crack as pillar energy rises from it followed by a massive explosion as the ground deforms around it and the sky turns dark. Future Goku powers up to Super Saiyan Blue and starts walking up to Cloned Vegeta.
Future Goku then grabs Cloned Vegeta by the hand, and Bardock as a Super Saiyan Blue punches him square in the face. He stumbles a few feet backwards as he recovers from the punch to face him. Cloned Llryg tries to control him after he refuses to absorb their power, but he overcomes his control with sheer will and punches him in gut, causing devastating damage. They resume their battle as Future Goku is knocked to the ground, and Bardock teleports behind him. Bardock notes even though he is just as strong as the real Vegeta; they'll destroy him and then goes after him as Cloned Vegeta powers up to Super Saiyan Blue. They accept it as battle to the death, and change their fighting techniques. They continue to fight as it turns to be pretty clear the Cloned Vegeta still holds the title of being stronger as Bardock transforms into Spectral Super Saiyan God. Cloned Vegeta tells Bardock that he can defeat him like that as he aggressively knocks Future Goku away before pushing the low-class warrior back. By constantly using Instant Transmission; Future Goku manages to land a blow, and starts turn the battle in their favour as Bardock slashes him in the arm with his Rebellion Edge. Vegeta starts getting frustrated at his copy for failing to dodge attacks, and tries to cheer for him when knocks Bardock away. Future Trunks reminds him that he'll die if he's copy is defeated, and Chronoa taps her boot on the ground causing it deform around them in order to avoid a shockwave caused by Bardock parrying Clone Vegeta's punch. Losing his patience; he tries to attack his clone, but he phase through him completely. He berates his copy for his sloppy fighting style and tells him to win as fast as possible while telling the two low-class warriors to not hold back before flying back to ground. They exchange looks at each other as they wonder who's side he was on before resuming their fight. Bardock manages to bruise him and knocking him into the ground; as result Copy Vegeta transforms into Spectral Super Saiyan Blue much to everyone's surprise as does Bardock. Their battle takes to the next level as the landscape is demolished forcing the others to relocate as he fires continuous energy bullets at Bardock, but he blocks while Future Goku fires his God Kamehameha at him. Chronoa points out that if they find the core; they'll be able to weaken Clone Vegeta and destroys him if it's damaged or destroyed. Future Trunks heads off to where Cloned Llyrg was last seen while the battle escalates even further as the surface crumbles into chasms, and mountains deform. Cloned Vegeta emerges from the ground behind Future Goku and fires a Galick Gun at him causing massive explosion while Bardock splits the energy wave in half with a Full Charge Rebellion Edge and attempts to cut Cloned Vegeta in half, but fails to hit him. Bardock punches Cloned Vegeta in gut while Future Goku leaps over him and punches the copy in the face as Bardock knees him in the rib as Future Goku backflip kicks him the back head before Bardock finally sends him into a cliff with knee to the face. Clone Vegeta fires another barrage of ki blasts at them, but Bardock reflect each blast back at the copy and as he is covered in explosions; he kicks him in the gut, and sends into the ground with a double axe handle to the head. Cloned Vegeta places Future Goku into a Full-Nelson, but Bardock frees him with a punch to the face and uses Kiai by punching the air such force creating an air-burst strong enough to push into the ground; leaving a massive crater behind. Ace arrives on the planet on the orders of Chronoa along with New Future Trunks and they stand with Original Future Goten, Future Gohan, and Future Bulpan as they gather around King Vegeta at Chronoa's request in order to help achieve Super Saiyan God. King Vegeta asks to go to Naraku in order receive some training while Future Kami emerges in his new form. A large pillar of energy emerges from the crater as Cloned Vegeta emerges in his Ultra Instinct "Harbinger" form, and proceeds to effortlessly take down Bardock while kicking Future Goku through several mountains. After aggressively attacking and defeating Bardock after a while King Vegeta returns in his new Potential Unleashed form ready to face his son's copy.
Cloned Vegeta is confused that Naraku's training was so quick only to reveal that King Vegeta actually trained in area that felt as he spent an eternity, but thanks to his Time Pass manage to keep his age. King Vegeta fires his Saiyan King's Flash at him, but manages to dodge it before punching him in the gut and sending him into a cliff. He punches his son's copy in the gut before he realises it and fires Super Saiyan King's Flash at close range causing a massive explosion, and sending him into the ground. He briefly powers up to Super Saiyan Blue to redirect Cloned Vegeta's Hyper Galick Gun before again catching him by surprises as he punches him the stomach again returning to his Potential Unleashed form. Chronoa explains to them the Room of Eternity where one can train with seconds as opposed to hours or days. She admits that she hates using it as it takes away much of warrior's training and time to progress properly, but the situation required a convenient thing and so she used it. They continue as the landscape is destroyed by their battle and planet's weather changes as they take the battle to the sky. King Vegeta is punched in the jaw causing him to cough up blood as he is knocked into the ground, but flies straight back up to him in order to punch him although his son's copy automatically dodges it before knocking him down again with a double kick to the gut. He uses Kiai deform the ground and causes him to cough more blood, and deforms the mountain into massive crater. He double kicks in the stomach as chasm is formed as result of the impact, and hurls him into a cliff. Cloned Vegeta is grabbed from beneath by his ankle and drags underground while repeatedly punching him in the stomach before falling knocking him away with a kick to the gut. He deforms the surface as he crashes into a cave system before recovering and taking a stance to face off with King Vegeta again as he punches him in the face. Their battle through out the planet as the planet shakes resulting in massive shock waves and fissures being formed. The saiyan copy hits him with a barrage of kicks and punches as he smashes him into the ground with a double axe handle before smashes into his gut with a double kick. He continues to pummel him in the gut with punches and kicks as he deforms the ground before sending him flying in the air with a kick as King Vegeta convinces himself that he can use Super Saiyan Blue injunction with his new form as its not because he can't, but because he doesn't need to. He transforms into a combined version of the forms and manages to land a blow Cloned Vegeta's gut as and clashes over the planet as Future Trunks finds the gooey remains of Cloned Llyrg. He prepares to destroy the core with Buster Cannon, but a piece of the goo latches onto the prince's son as he is encased in it as Future Vegeta tries to assist him, but it's too late as he slowly drained of his power as the core reappears in the mass. The copy dodges a ki blast as the saiyan king fires his Super Saiyan King's Flash at the copy and manages to cover the sky with a massive explosion. The explosion causes Future Vegeta to be blown away as the clouds disperse and a gust of wind cakes the are. The commeson spits out Future Trunks as it begins to take form as Cloned Vegeta looks at him; smirking at the situation. King Vegeta punches him in the face before knocking him down to the ground with a kick to face as he first a barrage of ki blasts at, and before he is about to attack the copy; an energy blast hits the king in the back, and causes him to fall into a chasm.
King Vegeta stands up to see Cloned Trunks standing with his "father" in his Super Saiyan 2nd Grade form and assaults him with Amazing Impact, Elite Assault, and Atomic Blast before kneeing him in the chest and sending him into the air with double axe handle. Cloned Vegeta broods over the fact that King Vegeta dodged his attack, and tries to punch him in the gut before being knocked into Cloned Vegeta. He fires a volley of ki blasts at his grandson's copy, but Cloned Trunks uses his "father" as human shield to avoid the blasts as he powers up to his max. He fires his Super Buster Cannon at him in order to knock him into Cloned Vegeta, but he deflects it into space while grabbing Cloned Vegeta by the hair and throwing him into his "son". King Vegeta manages to study his fighting pattern as their battle continues; resulting in massive shock waves and knocks him to the ground. Cloned Trunks enters Super Saiyan 2 as uses the same method against King Vegeta, but is injured for the first time while changing to Super Saiyan 3 to blast him and Cloned Vegeta with a ki blast. He becomes Super Saiyan Blue as decides to become serious and kicks King Vegeta in the gut, but the king manages to grab him by the ankle and throws him into the air. Cloned Vegeta kicks King Vegeta in the gut before kneeing him into Cloned Trunks as he punches him in the gut, but once again blocks the attack by grabbing his wrist and spins him into his son's copy before double kicking both of them into some debris. He aggressively continues his assault on his grandson's copy with the thought of his grandson dying on his mind and his son becoming even more transparent. His attacks become even more heavier as he become increasingly angry. Cloned Trunks manages to recover from his brutal attack, and changes into Super Saiyan Blue Powered Up in order to knee him in the face, and manages to make him stagger while Cloned Vegeta automatically attacks him aggressively and dodges several attacks with ease. Cloned Trunks slashes the king in the back with his sword before knocking him into ground while using his "father" as a shield while charging his ki before attempting to stab King Vegeta in the chest. Cloned Vegeta automatically grabs King Vegeta by the wrist as he attempts to punch Cloned Trunks and launches him into the side of crater. Cloned Vegeta fires his Super Buster Cannon at him and manages to driver him further into the ground, but he manages to get away in time and flies up to air. King Vegeta charges his Blue Saiyan King's Flash as he causes the environment to change as everything glows bright yellow and sky turns blue. The energy spheres become much large as Cloned Trunks fires a volley of ki blasts at him while Cloned Vegeta uses the energy blast to hide his present and launches King Vegeta into a hoodoo with a heavy heel drop, but still remains stronger as he charges his attack. He flies backwards in order to get some distance from them as he brings his energy spheres together and fires a massive energy wave that breaches the atmosphere and flies out towards a massive asteroid. Both copies are caught in blast as it sends them flying into the ground and Cloned Vegeta loses his left arm, but Cloned Trunks heals it; giving him a new one as he powers down to a mere Super Saiyan Third Grade and is mocked by Vegeta and Future Trunks for using it as it has a huge disadvantage, but he manages to use it to his advantage as his lures King Vegeta in while Cloned Vegeta aggressively assaults him. He still uses him as a human shield to avoid an barrage of punches and kicks to the gut, but nevertheless uses his complex strategy to get the upperhand on King Vegeta as he notices a Metamo-Ring falling out Future Trunks' pocket and takes it from him while using Cloned Vegeta as a human shield and takes a second one. They look over at another; contemplating whether they want to take it to the next level, and after long time of battle against King Vegeta; they finally decide to fuse together and decide to do it in their current forms. They manage to distract each of them by creating a blanket of dust with ki, and while the dust covers their vision; a bright light illuminates the battlefield as shadowy figure emerges from the dust and tries to attack King Vegeta as he launches himself at him, but he dodges it as he faces him. Revealing that he is Cloned Vegenks and lands a powerful punch to his face as he launches at him again, and sends him flying.
Cloned Vegenks follows him automatically and starts auto-fighting as he manages to deliver some powerful blows to King Vegeta. His Demonic Rush manages to send the king into the ground and the force of each punch nearly makes him puke. He continues to brutally assault King Vegeta with blows to the gut, and eventually knocks him down with his Buster Gun before kneeing him in the back, and sending him into the Commeson's Cave with a punch to the shoulder. Gravy notices Chronoa going for the jar and the key, and manages to uses his powers to force Cloned Vegenks to absorb the items. Chronoa places Time Fields around Future Trunks and Vegeta; as he smashes King Vegeta into the air with a knee to back before grabbing him by the hair, and repeatedly punching him in the rib before flicking him in the head; nearly sending him into a chasm, but he recovers in mid-air as they clash throughout sky causing cloud to disperses, and tremors to occur. Their battle carries own as they cause massive shock waves and massive gust of winds; resulting in everyone being blown away and nearly causes them to fly off the planet. King Vegeta is heavily scathed and begins to bleed from the mouth as he subjected to multiple aggressive punches and kicks as he attempts to protect himself from the assault. He is knocked away with a kick to the shoulder, but he manages to recover before fighting against him again as they clash even heavier than before. Cloned Vegenks grabbed him by the hair as he is knocked into the ground and brutal punches him repeatedly as he slowly losses consciousness before he is thrown onto the ground. Chronoa heals him as he recovers his strength and managed to power back up to his Potential Unleashed state as he dodges each attack. The fused copy keeps trying to assault him as he dodges him each punch and attempts knock him away with kick to the gut, but only budges him slightly from the attack. Chronoa continues to try and prolong Vegeta and Future Trunks' death as she heals them, but Vegeta is still transparent as Future Gohan had enough and attacks him in his Spectral Super Saiyan Blue as King Vegeta falls to his hand after heavy kick. He uses Quiet Rage against, but is only able to cause several lacerations on him before knocking him into the ground as Future Goku powers up to Super Saiyan Blue as he fires his God Kamehameha at him, but he redirects at Super Saiyan Original Future Goten as he attempt to attack him. He is kneed in the back by Future Bulpan, but she is unable to damage the copy as he grabs her by the hair and hurls her into Bardock as he tries to grab her before colliding with him. As he holds her in his grasps and as look furiously at him while area become illuminated in a purple light before finally transforming into his Spectral Super Saiyan Rosé form. He puts her down and punches him in the face; sending him into a mountain, but he gets up straight after. Even with his autonomous actions; Bardock is able to use his Divination to see each move he does before doing so, and successfully knocks him into air as the continuously clash throughout the planet. However, even with his power he is fully aware that he isn't powerful enough to take him down permanently as he dodges each attack from Cloned Vegenks while he manages to hit with each attack he uses. They collide with each other as they attempt to punch each other, and managed to cause a massive shock wave. Chronoa tells King Vegeta about Potara Fusion and manages to persuade him in using it to finish off Cloned Vegenks; King Vegeta throws one to Bardock and Chronoa tells him not be in a Super Saiyan form before fusing. Chronoa encourages King Vegeta to remain in his Potential Unleashed state and they fuse into Vegeco. Before anyone has time to get a proper glance at Vegeco; he launches himself at the copy as he effortlessly thrashes him with several punches and kicks before sending him flying with a powerful punch to the head. The battle continues as he follows after as he knees him into the back as he falls to the ground and kicks him back in the air before kicking him back to the ground and repeats the step 10 more times before elbowing him away. He shoulder charges him in the rib before continuing to aggressively attacking and manages to send into the ground. He charges his Twin Rebellion Flash as Cloned Vegenks attempts to get out the way as he is able to easily charges two energy sphere before firing the giant energy sphere and manages to catch him in the energy wave as the energy wave burrows through the ground and eventually goes out the opposite of the planet as the energy goes into the vacuum of space; leaving a gaping hole in the planet. He transforms into Super Saiyan and proceeds to easily humiliate the copy before promising to finish it one attack as he begins to transforms even further.
Vegeco enters his Spectral Super Saiyan Rosé form and begins charging his Destruction Flash before firing it after it the energy spheres reached maximum size. He fires the energy wave as he is slowly disintegrated completely and the energy wave hits a ship filled with Demon Realm Soldiers and destroys the ship in the process. Vegeco manages to defuse himself as the other rest while Vegeta approaches father only to be struck in the face for allowing himself to be copied only to be offered a fist bump. Chronoa heals each fighters as they prepare to go back to Earth, but Future Bulla asks to go back to Naraku in order to train some more and get power augmented as does Future Pan. Vegeta and Future Vegeta exchanges looks at each other before looking away as Future Trunks asks Chronoa if there's away to be ready for the next enemies, and Bardock suggests the Sorcerer God's Ritual before she can respond. Vegeta asks Chronoa to explain, and she tells him that the ritual allows the user to evolve a form of their choice into a more powerful variation. While the evolution doesn't erase the user's ability to use the form; it can essentially render it outclassed. Vegeta asks to be subjected to the Ritual, and Chronoa agrees to be the one to use do it. Vegeta chooses to spend some time with a father before leaving as he ventures onto learn the form, but King Vegeta goes with him to observe the ritual. Vegeta sits on a floor in a mountainous area where he is surrounded in a circle of candles that are lit with Natural Fire, Esoteric Flames, Empathic Fire, Cosmic Fire, Primal Fire, and Poison Fire. He asks if would be able to be in his Spectral Super Saiyan Blue Powered-Up state without it running out due to time, but she tells him that his Doors of the Mind training should of eliminated the time limit. He reveals that both him and Goku were able to complete the training in their own era. She tells him to transform into Spectral Super Saiyan Rosé instead as it would be a better option. He sits in the circle as the candles paralyse him and his aura proceeds to become bigger as Chronoa notes that it would take longer for him to complete than Dial and that he is fine with it. King Vegeta looks on as he is amused at the power that he trying to obtain and wonders if it is even possible for a Saiyan to become a Sorcerer God. Bardock bids everyone farewell for the final time as he flies off to his son's era to meet with him. Each of them bid farewell to him, and he leaves with assistance from Future Trunks as they wonder what to do for their next course of action. Future Goku says he'll move everyone back to Earth with Instant Transmission in order to get to Earth, but for some reason Future Trunks is asked by Dial to wait for a while before returning. While meditating; Vegeta focuses his mind on Bulma before focusing on surpassing Goku as he senses Future Bulla becoming stronger. Future Bulla is also sitting in a meditation position while her power begins to swell even further included her potential while Future Pan is also having her power augmented at the same time. Future Pan senses the deepest potential in her increases as more powerful circles her with more swelling energy. Future Goku trains by himself as does the others still on Potaufeu as Gravy leaves sulking after the loss of the Commeson, while Vegeta's aura starts fading away. Future Gohan and Future Goku train with each other as they increase each others powers as Future Bulma and Future Mai discuss their enemies and away to defeat them more easily. Cus points out that their ability to predict their enemies strength is impossible as they don't know who they may face next. Future Mai asks if there is different "dimension" where different version of the fighters exist, and she confirms asking if they want her to bring in a warrior for another dimension. They tell her yes and ask her to bring another Bardock from a time period where he was never killed and was able to thrive with the Saiyans. She agrees with her request and manages to open a wormhole; sending her message to the other Bardock in hope that he'll receive it.
Meanwhile on Earth while the battle with the copy raged on Dial senses a powerful ki coming their way, and prepares for it's arrival. Shroom is spotted on top of the main building with a fairly individual wearing a crown-like object; resembling the time breaker symbol. He warns them that he has no control in his bodily functions and will be unable to properly regained control. Shroom uses his abilities to transform Broly into the Golden Great Ape form and forces him to attack the three fighters they stayed behind. Hypabramia assaults him with Violent Uzusuruha, but he is able to deflect each energy blast while Dial is able to knock him down with a single kick to the head as Future Piccolo tests his new power by sending Broly flying with an Explosive Demon Wave. They effortless take him on as they clash throughout sky while Hypabramia has trouble keeping up with them. After Shroom realises that they are more powerful; he forces him to initial his transformation into Super Saiyan 4. In a massive explsoion; Broly emerges in the new form as the others look shocked while Dial request that he doesn't use the form in front of anyone else except the three he's fighting. Broly tries to resist the control as he begins to fight back - he attempts force the device off his forehead, but even with his mighty strength - he is having a tough time. He bashes himself in the head in order to break it as he struggles with causing a large surge of dark energy to flow from it as he tries to force it off. His rage and pride take over as he begins to change the atmosphere as rain storms cover the entire area, and the planet shakes. He finally transforms into Legendary Super Saiyan 4 before losing control his body again and forced to face Hypabramia. He clashes with the warrior and manages to knock him into ground with single punch and before kneeing him the gut as he gets up. Dial enters his God True Form and proceeds to kick Broly in the back before being kneed in the gut by Future Piccolo; sending him flying several miles away from the Lookout. Hypabramia draws power from his absorption victims, and enters a Diamond Demon Realm & Demon Realm Soldier Ψ Absorbed form before punching him in the gut, but barely does any damage despite his new power. As his attacks fail; he attempts to transform into his Pure Majin form, but instead transforms into something else entirely - he transforms into his Super Majin form. He is able to do slightly more damage than before and starts feel like that he's no longer a burden before being punched in the face by Broly sending him into the ground. As Shroom looks over the battefield; Xeno Cooler walks up to him and asks to be in the battle to which he agrees to. Xeno Cooler transforms into his Super form, but before he do anything Hypabramia absorbs him gaining his power and manages to block Broly's attack and send him into the ground with a knee to the chest. He fires his Supernova at him, but Broly manages to stop it with one hand before dispersing it. Hypabramia senses his stamina rapidly decreases and powers down to his Super Evolution state while still in his Super Xeno Cooler absorbed state. He clashes with him as he blocks each punch before sending him into the air with an uppercut, but before he can strike how down with his tail - he struck in the head by Broly and sent flying through the floor of the Lookout. Dial kicks him the back as Future Piccolo sends him flying with his Kiai before the two simultaneously kick him in the stomach. The battle carries as Dial contacts Future Trunks to get him to wait for a while before returning Xeno Mogans arrive through the wormhole that Xeno Bardock arrived in, and begins to attack Earth. Chronoa senses their invasion and contacts Zeno to help with situation as an Assassin from Universe 6 of Xeno Bardock's dimension and a Universe 8 Bounty Hunter also from the dimensioned are after Xeno Bardock. Zeno agrees to it and erases the Mogans from existence and speaks with his Xeno counterpart before ceasing communication after telling her that Xeno Universe 6 and Xeno Universe 8 will be erased from existence and as the figures prepare to attack Broly and the others they begin to glow as result and are erased from existence as result. The others look at each other confused at the situation before Shroom forces Broly to resume fighting again. Their battle continues on until Gravy arrives and uses his powers to cause a Dark Evolution to occur. As the smoke clears; Broly appears in a new form, and begins to approach them mindlessly.
Broly Dark unleashes his Darkness Wave and blows everyone away while Future Piccolo manages to recover and punch him in the chest, but he has cleared become much stronger as he withstands the punch a little better. He fires his Darkness Cannon at him, but he deflects into a mountain as he goes to punch him. However, he notices his arm is melting away and tears it off to stop it from melting the erasing him before regenerating it. Gravy is scarred by the attack before being healed by Towa while Chronoa heals Hypabramia and Dial before returning to Vegeta. Broly is grabs Future Piccolo by the face and smashes him into the ground as he attempts to cause massive damage to him, but he knees him in the stomach and escapes his grip before kneeing him in the back. Future Piccolo uses the Great Namekian form in order to become the same size as Broly Dark and try to intimidate him, but fails as he grabs him by the elbow pits and uses his Rotating Piledriver Skydive on him and deforms the ground around the tower even further. Future Bulla and Future Pan continue to have their power augmented as their auras become erratic and the floor has become cracked. Naraku notices Mangandr's movements have become erratic as it seems to sense something as light poor into the abyss at a rapid rate as it seems to glow before vanishing - causing her to break her concentration and runs to edge. Future Pan and Future Bulla go to check it as well as, but nothing is left of the giant worm. Vegeta senses a massive ki passing through the world as continues the ritual as he become concerned with ki, but Chronoa tells him not to worry about it. Broly Dark stands with a few scratches on him and slowly walks up to Future Piccolo as he cracks the ground beneath him. Future Piccolo shocks him with Thunder Shock Surprise in order to stop him from moving, but he manages start resisting it as he manages to move his arm as in order to fire a ki blast at him and manages to send him into the air. Gravy announces that Broly Dark is getting more powerful by the second, and each attack increases his power. He is grabbed by ankle and thrown into the ocean as goes after him and smash him in the back with his knee before kicking Future Piccolo into a sea anemone before powering up to his Red-Eyed Form. He punches Broly Dark in the gut before sending him into the air with a kick to the face and nearly destroys his mask. Chronoa uses her powers to merge Naraku's spirit with her time fragment and thus revives her completely with all the power her normal body had and all memories she had, but thanks to the fact that Demigra no longer has influence of her - she remains on their side and officially becomes Guardian of the Abyss of Time. Broly Dark ascends into the air as he gains even more power as a dark aura surrounds before kneeing Future Piccolo in the gut and sending him into a beach. Broly Dark grabs him by the head and dangles him for a few seconds before punching him really hard in the gut before hurling him into the remaining hoodoo at Spindletop Flats before kicking in the chest sending him into the air, and sending above the Lookout they continue to clash as they battle through out the sky before landing at Skull Valley and chasing off the Demon Realm Soldiers before continuing their battle. Broly grabs him by the ankle and throws him into the ground, but Future Piccolo flies back up to him and tries to smash him into the ground with Double Axe Handle, but is simply sent a few feet closer to the ground before flying above him and sending him back into the ground with a flip kick. The battle begins to become one-sided as Future Piccolo' loses round one and round two becomes much more intense as he continues to thrash Future Piccolo effortlessly with blows that should be easy to dodge. Future Piccolo at first believes that Broly Dark is faster, but realises a strange energy being emitted by his mask and is causing his body to incorrectly perceive the events and Shroom confirms that he is hallucinating how close he is, and Future Piccolo asks if the Mask is making him hallucinate Broly's rapid improvement as well, but he tells him that Broly Dark is truly becoming stronger than him. Growing tired of waiting; Future Goku asks Chronoa to let him train in the Room of Spirit and Time for 8 days his timeline and she agrees, but secretly drops him off in another time period of his own timeline, and returns a minute later. He reveals his ability to use the Super Saiyan Blue Powered-Up state, but Future Vegeta says that an hour ago; he too got bored and trained for 9 days in the Room of Spirit and Time; causing Future Trunks to become confused with Chronoa remarking that she took them to another era in their own timelines as she wasn't sure when Dial needed them. Future Goku teleports to Naraku as he is not satisfied, and asks her to augment his Super Saiyan Blue Powered-Up form while he waits. Broly punches Future Piccolo in the gut following with a knee to the gut and finally kicking him away with a kick to the gut before headbutting him in the head and sending him into a cliff. He brutally clotheslines Future Piccolo before brutal kneeing him in the back, and sending him flying a with ki blast to the back. Recovering from the blast, Future Piccolo attempts to blast him with his own ki blast, but Broly Black breaks his wrist and knocks him into the ground. Future Piccolo places Broly Dark in a bear hug as he stands up, but he is struck in the head by a double axe handle and is knocked to the ground by Broly with a punch to the gut. Dial finally seeing enough flies into action with Hypabramia in hot pursuit.
Powers of a Namekian[]
Broly Dark punches Dial in the gut and manages to stun him for awhile before being sent away with a kick to face and Hypabramia being thrown in his direction as he attempts to kick him. Dial powers up to Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution - Desesperación and manages to deliver powerful kick to gut before using his Hi-Speed Hook Kick to send him into a cliff. Broly flies up to him as his power increases and attempts to punch Dial, but his wrist his grabbed by Hypabramia and Dial exploits his Majin body to deliver powerful kick to Broly sending them both away, but Hypramia is able to recover first due his regeneration. He is than grabbed by the ankle, but Broly has he slams him into a cliff multiple times before being thrown into Hypabramia and launching him into a cliff. He clothesline both them as he continue his brutal assault before they land in a building of West City, but manage to get up as Dial activates his Nature Pulse in order to finish of Broly Dark, but is stopped by Future Piccolo as the attack would make to stronger. Dial releases his Nature Pulse, but is unable to move in time as Broly Dark punches him into the Capsule Corp Building and reverts to normal as Future Piccolo faces off against him trying to figure out how to stop him without hurting him and making him more powerful. Piccolo grows to the height of a large of skyscraper and begins to crush Broly Dark in his hands. His mask crack as result and manages to stop his mask from increasing his energy and manages to knock him down with a kick before Broly burst through his chest as he attempts to crushing again as Broly Dark stands up, and is knocked into the ground as begins the regenerate his stomach back. Dial stands up and manages to knock Broly Dark to ground before he seriously injured Future Piccolo any more and Hypabramia wraps his arm around his neck in order strangle him, but he manages to rips his arm off with his great strength and is about to finish him off before Dial uses his Nature Pulse to kick him into a tree and cracks his mask even more. The hallucinating energy caused by his mask becomes more rapid as Dial attempts to block a punch from Broly Dark despite him being several feet away and is instead kicked in the gut; sending him into a tunnel. 'Dial recovers as Broly Dark bursts into the tunnel and clashes their fists resulting in the tunnel being destroyed and exposing the underground area. Hypabramia uses his severed arm to punch Broly Dark as Future Piccolo kicks him with his giant foot and Dial finishes up by knocking him down with a Spinning Tail Whip resulting in the ground being mildly deformed. Dial is punched away as Broly Dark stands up and tries to kill with a punch to gut, but is stopped by Future Piccolo as he attempts kick him, but his leg is severed instead. Future Piccolo regenerates his leg as he extends his arm to drag Broly into the ground causing a large cave to form, but Broly Dark manages to free himself. Dial extends his tail as in order to swipe him in the back and sends him flying into the ground before kicking him in the gut. Hypabramia powers down to his True Form in order to his pre-absorption form and tries to attack Broly as he attempts grab Dial, but is knocked away before connect. Hypabramia begins to power up as Dial notices his bio-armour glowing as result of him increase his power, and notes that he is getting more powerful due to people he absorbed and his aura changes. He finally finishes his transformation and become Onyx Hypabramia as result, but before he can do anything Broly Dark punches him into several buildings knocking him out. Dial is shocked that he drops his guard as Broly Dark knees him in the ribs and sends him flying into the old Capsule Corp Building and reverts to his True Form. Future Piccolo is knocked out with a blow to the kneecap and an uppercut to the jaw as Broly Dark looks on to survey the fighters as the remain on the ground, and flies into the sky.
Broly Dark uses Blaster Meteor to burn off the excess energy and sends the energy blasts in multiple streets and buildings. Future Kami arrives in his base form and is told by Future Piccolo to stand down, but he doesn't listen as Cell's Future Dende arrives with his present counterpart and heals the other fighters. Future Kami powers up to Namekian Master surprising Future Piccolo with his new power, and delivers a powerful kick to the gut; sending him into one of the remaining buildings as he launches his Explosive God Disk at him result in the remaining buildings being the destroyed as Broly Dark tries to evade it before destroying it with his Darkness Cannon. He uses Magic Materialisation to drop a cube of Katchin on him, but he manages to burrow through the ground and crushes him with section of the destroyed city as Future Kami attempts to surprise him with another Explosive God Disk, and uses an Explosive Wave the send section flying into space as he punches Broly Dark in the face and sends him into the ground. Future Kami waste no time as he assaults the masked Saiyan and clashes through out the destroyed city as he repels most of his attacks and even dodges his punches as he sends Broly Dark flying with numerous kicks and punches as he attempts to dodge them. Using Instantaneous Movement; Future Kami moves around in every remaining section of the city as Broly Dark attempts to keep before stopping behind him and punching him in the gut as his hand glows white and after moves back Broly Dark falls to the ground unable to return to the sky. He walks forward, but an explosion erupts under him injuring him as he he is launched to another side of the road where it unexpectedly explodes sending him over to another causing another explosion. He grabs Broly Dark by the hair and throws him into another landmine and causes another explosion as the destroyed city is covered in smoke as result of each explosion. Broly Dark stands as he is visibly damaged by the explosions and slowly regains his ability to fly and as soon as his flight returns he punches him in the in face, but is knocked away before he get near him. Future Kami lets his guard down as he knocks Broly Dark away from him with a knee to the face, and grabs him by the back hand as he drags his face through the ground and eventually smashes him into cliff. However, he shows that was faking it as he decimates the area with Hyper Explosive God Wave and knocks Broly Dark several feet away before being pinned to a cliff. Future Piccolo is shocked that Future Kami is able to do more damage than they could, and is even more shocked that he has acquire a former he's never seen before. Future Kami double kicks him the chest as he drags him through the cliff and sends him flying into air as flies after him to battle him in the sky as their clashes are visible even from the ground from Dial's perspective. Future Kami kicked Broly Dark in the gut as he leaps at the Namekian and is about strike him down, but Broly Dark is again knocked away. Future Kami grabs a damaged motorcycle and smashes Broly Dark in the back without as it snaps and begins the destroy the bike as he smashes Broly Dark with it and manages to seriously injure him. They continue clash as they exchange punches and fists as Shroom manages to tell that Broly Dark's energy is swelling. Future Kami strikes him down into the ground, and as he lands Broly Dark gets up with his hair beginning to glow.
Shroom sends him some energy that results in him powering up even further and accesses new power referring to the form as Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Full Power. Even with his power-up; Broly Dark is unable to do much damage to Future Kami and is almost killed by punch to the chest. Broly Dark begins to exert more energy as he begins to ascend even further than before resulting in his entire body glowing, and his fur begins to disappear as his returns to normal. His aura becomes more vivid-like and as a light blinds Future Kami as he watches on. Cus watches the fight while obscuring it from Future Bulma and Future Mai and senses that Broly Dark is trying to break his self-limit as he powers with the energy boost he received from his mask and Shroom. He manages to shave off some energy due too much build up as he powers up and changes the sky to night sky with large storms and typhoons forming while the ground around the saiyan raises. He finally finishes transforming and emerges in his new form as walks up to Future Kami punches him the gut sending several feet away as he begins to assault him. He begins charging his Limit Breaking Darkness Omega Blaster returning his muscle to normal size as noted in his base form, and fires it at him while Future Kami fights back with Explosive God Wave. They energy attack eventually mutually explode, but thanks to Jamidroid - the planet survives the explosion while everyone is blown away. Broly Dark assaults Future Kami and knocks through the ground the he was standing on and continues to assault without giving him the chance to defend himself. He breaks his nose with a heavy punch to the face and delivers a powerful kick to the gut sending several feet into the stratosphere as it becomes the new battlegrounds. Dial finally sees fit to let them return and they slowly do as Future Goku notices Broly Dark fighting and notes that Future Kami is being thrashed by Broly Dark as he battles him evenly and goes up to help him as he becomes Super Saiyan Blue Powered-Up and joins the battle as he knocks Broly Dark back a few distance before hitting him with a barrage of punches and kicks. Future Piccolo looks on as he has fully recovered and is shocked how much begins to power-up as they battle above continues, and nearly loses concentration in the process. An explosion erupts and Future Goku emerges with several bruises and his half of his orange coat is destroyed leaving only his blue undershirt intact. Future Goku begins to focus his energy into strength and speed as his hair begins to glow and his aura becomes more violent. He finally unleashes an explosion and emerges in his new Upgraded Super Saiyan Blue form shocking everyone except Future Vegeta and begins his relentless assault. At first; Future Trunks thinks that Future Goku has surpassed Future Vegeta, but realises that Future Vegeta also possesses the form. Future Goku delivers a heavy punch to Broly Dark and manages to knock him far enough to allow Future Kami to deliver his Explosive God Fist and sends him hurtling back to the ground. Future Goku and Future Kami prepares to dive-bomb him, but he manages to clothesline both of them before they have chance to dodge and are sent back into the stratosphere. Future Goku blocks a punch from Broly Dark as Future Kami knees him in the back before being elbowed away by Broly Dark as he headbutts Future Goku away. Future Goku manages to stun him temporarily with a kick to the gut and manages to cut him in the chest with a punch and knocks him away with a barrage of kicks in the gut. Dial appears behind Broly Dark a launches his Double Destructo Disk at him having revealed that he remembered Krillin used against Vegeta and copies the technique perfectly although Broly kicks away the first one while grabbing the second and hurling it back at him; nearly cutting Dial as he dodges it. Future Goku uses Destructo Disk Triple Blade while Broly Dark is distracted and nearly cuts his mask as he manages to dodge them. He grabs both of the fighters by the necks and slams them into each other as one of the blades circle back revealing that Future Goku was in control and cuts Broly Dark's shoulder as a result. Dial and Future Goku attack Broly Dark simultaneously and try to kick him further away from earth into the thermosphere, but Broly Dark hurls him into the planet's new moon and makes a large impact crater as result while Future Goku is knocked back into the troposphere. Future Kami kicks Broly Dark in the gut as he attempts attack Future Goku again, and is knocked into the ground by Dial. The three of them gang up Broly Dark and manage to overpower him while Future Piccolo continues power-up and nearly catches the attention of Future Kami as they briefly clashes on the ground before clashing again in the stratosphere. Dial manages to predict each of Broly Dark's punches and dodges with ease as he uses his Sensory Mastery to detect each of his move at higher rate and knocks him into the ground with a super hi-speed hook kick; deforming the ground as result. Future Piccolo's sclera begins to glow as powers his power increases and his energy ripples from his body form a ripple-like aura. The fighters become distracted as his energy continually increases and the ground his pouring with energy from Future Piccolo. He unleashes an explosion of energy that disperses the clouds from the battlefield, and is covered by a dust cloud as it begins disperse - he's new form is revealed.
Future Piccolo takes gander at is body in his new form as Broly Dark proceeds to fly down to him and takes brief pause before launching at Future Piccolo only to be effortless knocked away. He effortlessly thrashes Broly Dark and manages to nearly force him into the vacuum of space, but Broly Dark is able to continuing battling Future Piccolo in the exosphere before being blasted back down into an ocean - causing a massive tsunami that covers most of the land and eventually recedes back into ocean with assistance by Chronoa. Future Piccolo lands in the desolate land that once was West City and with the fight currently taking place in the area - Chronoa decides to restore rest of the planet's cities and areas back to normal. With a strong punch Future Piccolo finally manages to shatter almost all of Broly Dark's mask leaving only his mouth piece and still under it's control, but seems to be able resist more as he refuses to attack Future Piccolo a couple of times as he he knocked to the ground, and even is smashed into the ground. Future Kami watches as he continues to battle Broly Dark despite the obvious resistance and is asked by Future Gohan if he intends to help, but states that he doesn't need to. Future Piccolo punches Broly Dark into the sky and follows him with using his Rotating Piledriver Skydive to send him back into the water again. Broly Dark emerges from the water as walks up the coast line to Future Piccolo and attempts to punch him, but Future Piccolo redirect his fist by grabbing his wrist and than punches him in the gut before using a pronating wristlock to hold him place while pinning him to the ground with his knee as he tries to take off his mask. Broly Dark manages to break free by tunnelling underground and flies up to the stratosphere with Future Piccolo in pursuit before breaking his back with hard punch to the back before sending him back down to earth. Future Piccolo arrives in order to remove the rest of the mask, but Gravy manages to heal Broly Dark before being intercepted by Upgraded super Saiyan Blue Future Goku before he can completely heal him - sending him into a chasm. Future Piccolo extends his hand - sending Broly Dark through multiple mountains as he grabs the back of his hand, and let's him go as he soon as his hand is over the water. Future Piccolo sends him crashing into an underwater cave before trying to sandwich him between two underwater mountains. Broly Dark flies to the surfaces, but is knocked back down by Future Piccolo as he smashes him in the shoulder with a powerful strike. Future Piccolo lands on small mass of land as he awaits for Broly Dark to return to surfaces, and examines his new form a little more as he feels muscles straining as result of his new form. Broly Dark tries to surprise attack him, but Future Piccolo manages to stun him with a punch to the chest, but before he throw his left hook - the pressure of his strength causes the bone in his wrist to crack and gives Broly Dark the opportunity to attack him as result and knocks him through the land mass and into a cave. He blocks a punch in the gut from Broly Dark and attempts to strike back with kick, but feels his shin crack as he attempts kick. Future Piccolo flies to the surface as he meets up with Chronoa whom suggest that the stress his muscle as his body isn't designed to use 100% of his muscle and as result his bones are being damaged as is his muscles being strained. Future Piccolo curses his new power for it's weakness, but manages to muster enough willpower to land a final blow on Broly Dark freeing him from control, and return him to his base form. Future Piccolo passes out as he returns to his regular form. Gravy and Shroom look exceedingly furious as they begin to power up immensely and result in the sky turning black as result.
Invasion Ends[]
Gravy continues to power up as does Shroom resulting in them entering their Dark Fusion forms, and as Gravy prepares to resume his fight against Future Goku - Future Vegeta springs into action against Shroom. However, before Future Vegeta can face off against Shroom - Future Bulla arrives with Future Pan to announce the completion of their training. She powers up to her Potential Unleashed form and proceeds to deliver a right hook to Shroom sending him into the ground as Future Goku continues to pummel him underground. Miniature earthquake are a result of the underground battle and sends Gravy through a cliff, and onto the surface. Future Bulla parries Shroom's scythe blades as he breaks one off his back, but the blade is cracked as a result before kicking him through the cliff and into the ocean. Future Bulla manages to dodge each blade thrown at her as Shroom breaks them off his back before attempting to knee her in the chest, but she grabs his shin before smashes him into the floor of the ocean. With every ounce of his power; Shroom manages to transform into the Giant Demon God and proceeds to attack Future Bulla. Despite his immense power and the ability rival Future Bulla's new power - he struggles to keep up with her due to his size, and knocked away as he attempts to come close to her. Shroom manages to use the element of surprise to get behind her and kick her away into Gravy. Gravy enters his Giant Demon God form and attempts to swat Future Goku away, but he grabs his wrist and hurls him into several stalagmites and stalactites; collapsing the underground area onto him and causing a small sinkhole in the desolate area that was once West City. Shroom questions how Future Bulla can have the same power as them despite not having Super Saiyan God, and she reveals that Naraku transferred some of her godly ki to her. She reveals But's Grimoire and uses it on herself to obtain Mage Transformation before continuing the battle. She use her ability to create a Inferno Neon Mace and begins swinging it at Shroom eventually knocking him into the old subway and nearly deals a deadly blow before he grabs it and destroys it. Future Pan impatiently waits for her turn to fight Shroom and nearly blasts him, but is stopped by Future Gohan. She huffs as she sits on a rock to meditate as she waits her turn to fight with the other fighters. Ace powers up to Future Super Saiyan and attempts to attack Gravy, but he knocks him away and is asked by Future Goku to not interfere as silently nods his head. He punches Gravy into wall of the cave sending him into the old subway as he stands next to Future Bulla. She uses Inferno Neon Punch on Shroom sending him further into the tunnels as she leaves Future Goku to face Gravy alone at his request. Using the lack of lightning to try and catch her surprise; he attacks her from behind, but she kicks him with Inferno Neon Kick; sending him in the tunnel walls. She continues to attack him with a barrage of Inferno Neon Punches before knocking him away with a regular kick and hitting him in the back of the head with a regular punch. She raises her hands to the ceilings and begins to causes a swirling vortex of rainbow fire with her magic before directing it at Shroom bursting through the ceiling and causing a massive explosion that can even be seen from space. However, the fire begins to swirl again as if it's being sucked in by something along with the debris before it glows a dark purple colour and disappears as Shroom continues to glow as he transforms before attacking Future Bulla and sending her into a wall. Future Bulla reads the Super Saiyan's Grimoire in order to get her next magic mode, but is unable to free herself from the wall. He walks up to her slowly as he reveals his new power to her by powering up and causing everyone to panic as they assess his new power before grabbing her by the neck. He promises to send her father to meet her real soon before crush her neck; killing her. Future Pan senses her death and flies directly towards him before being knocked out with punch to the face. He prepares to kill her as Gravy pins the distracted Future Goku to the ground.
Future Vegeta bursts through the ceiling in his Super Saiyan Blue Powered-Up form and attacks Shroom before he can finish her off. Future Vegeta spots Future Bulla's lifeless body and begins to become furious - he focuses his power to become an Upgraded Super Saiyan Blue, and angrily assaults him without letting him have the chance to overpower him. However, he survives the ruthless attack causing Future Vegeta to become angrier and as result explodes with rage as result. He reveals himself in his new form as Future Pan looks on shocked at his new form and attempts to fly away before Future Vegeta gets her to stop. He asks her for assistance as she his a part-Angel and should have the natural ability to use Godly ki like Cus and reveals that she has better control of it now as she powers up to her max. He suggest she uses the grimoire to gain Mage Transformation and does so as her Saiyan blood maybe too diluted for the Super Saiyan's Grimoire. Without any coordination; they attack together and managed to knock Shroom away as the the lack of coordination is throwing him off as attempts to block each punch, but each time he does so he is kicked in the gut. Future Piccolo is confused as Future Pan is using godly ki, but Cus explains that since she's an angel or at least part angel - the godly ki that she possess is natural godly ki and as such is not required to use the same methods as the other Saiyan hybrids to obtain it. Future Pan uses Sonic Rush to stun Shroom so Future Vegeta can wound him with Elite Assault. Their clash continues as they manage to reach above the clouds and Future Vegeta is given a Vacuum Barrier by Future Pan as they take the battle into the vacuum of space. The clashes can be felt on Earth as they continue to exchange punches and kicks with each other as they injure each other as result of the battle. Future Pan breaks Shroom's nose with a heavy punched and prepares to knee him in the ribs, but he grabs her knee and throws her into Future Vegeta as he attempts shoulder charge his elbow. He grabs them both by the face and drags them across an asteroid before kick Future Pan through it and splitting it in half by smash Future Vegeta through the other side. The two hit Shroom over the head with a heel drop sending several feet away before knocking him away with side-ways double axe handle. Shroom recovers from the attack as he flies up to Future Pan in an attempt to take her down, but Future Vegeta intercepts by kicking him in the back and dislocates Shroom's shoulder with a heavy punch. Conmoory asks if he can assist and Dende regrettably says no as he isn't powerful enough to lend a hand. Future Pan gives Shroom little chance to dodge as he relentlessly attacks him as Future Vegeta manages to get behind and deliver a powerful punch to the back. Future Pan follows him as he's flown several feet away an elbows him in the rib before kicking him to Future Vegeta in order to let him kick him in the kidney. Future Pan asks Future Vegeta to buy her sometime as she begins to charge an attack in her hands causing them to glow. Future Vegeta knocks Shroom away with a kick to the cheek and brutally assaults him before he grabs the saiyan prince by the head and smashes him into an asteroid as he continues burrow deeper into it and wedges him in middle of the space rock. He flies up to Future Pan and nearly grabs her before Future Vegeta kicks him away. He throws Future Vegeta back into the asteroid and is about to kick him before Dial intervenes with a kick to the back, but Future Vegeta requests him to stay out of it. Future Pan takes on a new form as she and dubs it Power of Inferno Neon as she continues to charge her attack while Future Vegeta continues to assault Shroom. Future Vegeta and Shroom manage to assault one another to no end giving each other wounds and completely destroys Future Vegeta's upper clothes. They head up sending themselves flying into each opposite corner of the asteroid and stand up as they wipe the blood away from their lips; smiling as they enjoy the battle. They unleash their full power as they charge at one another and causing a massive shockwave by clashing fists and destroys the asteroid as a result, and send each other flying eventually Shroom crash into a comet while Future Vegeta manages to stop himself from going to far. Shroom is about launch off at before Future Pan gets his attention, and focus on her.
Future Pan fires her Inferno Neon Super Masenko at him resulting in the comet being absolutely destroyed as the blast hits earth and causing a massive explosion as result of the attack. However, Shroom uses Makaio-ken x30 and pushes her energy wave back with Final Death God Flash sending it back into space, but Original Future Goten powers up to Super Saiyan to launch his Super Kamehameha as he gains a barrier like Future Vegeta and stands with Future Pan. Original Future Goten unleash his power that he got from Naraku and enters Future Super Saiyan, but in Shroom's eyes he is only a fraction stronger. Shroom is about to be overpowered, but he manages to send a homing ki blast to Future Pan and knocks her away allowing him to overpower and vaporise Original Future Goten. Shroom incapacitates Future Vegeta and Future Pan by crashing them into the ground and prepares to kill them before being blast in the back by Future Piccolo. Future Goku struggles get up as he is now heavily wounded as his blue part of his top is destroyed and slowly powers down to his regular Super Saiyan Blue form before passing out as Gravy in his Giant Demon God form stands over him. Future Piccolo kicks Shroom into Gravy and knocks him several feet away as he battles against him. However, Shroom states that he was faking it as he easily smashes Future Piccolo into the ground and Gravy prepares his Lightning Radiance Ball while Shroom powers up to Makaio-ken x5 to prepare his Flame Death God Radiance Ball. They fire their energy spheres simultaneously and manage to hit Future Piccolo; he gets up and complains at the fact that he already fixed his outfit as it is destroyed again. Future Piccolo struggles stand up due to his recent form causing damages to him and is now currently effecting and as result is unable to dodge correctly and is knocked easily by the Demon Gods with ease as they gang on him and knocks him down into the ground. He tears his arm off to regenerate it while taking some damage from the two demons and as result manage to gain arm free of damages from his bones and is hit by Gravy's Lightning Radiance Stream severing his legs. He manages to battle with the two demon gods as his legs regenerate and is nearly completely healed as he powers up even further. They continue clash throughout the planet as the others watch and Chronoa heals Future Goku, Future Vegeta, and Future Pan. Future Piccolo is smashed into a cliff over looking the sea and is faced with a barrage of punches from Shroom while Gravy lifts the section of the cliff into the vacuum as Future Pan gives him a barrier. Gravy kicks him through the cliff and sends him into an oncoming meteor and redirects it away from earth as they continue to battle through out the vacuum. He sent hurtling back down to Earth after a full on clash and crashes into the heart of where West City was and causes a large impact event. Buried beneath the rubble; it seems that he is unresponsive as he hasn't got up in a while before a large pillar of energy emerges from the rubble. He emerges in his new form and begins to walk up to the both them ready to fight against them, but is surprised to see that Shroom is able to overpower him while Gravy is critically injured by the pressure creating by a single swipe of his fist. He sends a pressurised wave by kicking the air to Gravy and manages to knocking further away before sending a barrage of waves at him by rapidly punching the air. Shroom knocks him down while Gravy recovers and strikes him while he is down, and causes extremely light damages to him. He grows to their height and manages to dodge each of their attack especially Gravy's attacks as his muscle mass is affecting his speed. He grabs both of their fists and surprises Shroom by smashing the two together before sending flying with heavy punch. With few swings; he creates razor sharp pressure blast with his legs and nearly severs Future Kami and destroys a cliff. They continue clash with another across the sky as several clouds are dispersed and a meteor as Gravy kicks it to earth. Gravy dodges Future Piccolo's Ultra Special Beam Cannon as it destroys several space rocks, and reaches the centre of the galaxy. Gravy and Shroom stand shoulder to shoulder as Future Piccolo walks up to them while they trying figure out a plan to defeat him. They launch at each other in preparation to attack each other as the others look on and Chronoa continues to heal the fighters.
As they are about to clash with one another Future Piccolo uses vanish to get behind Shroom and knocks him away with a kick to the face as the born in his upper leg cracks. He punches Gravy in the face with the back of his hand, and unleashes a wave of pressurised force on him sending him into the sea. He drops Shroom on his head and manages to incapacitate him before firing his Thunder Shock Surprise at Gravy behind him before having a clone fire Special Beam Cannon at him. Both energy attack begin to glow and immediately disappears as Gravy begins to glow, and transforms into his Giant Demon God Dark Fusion form. He casually approaches him and begins to assault him as he now as similar energy to Future Piccolo's new form and manages to match his punch with ease causing a large tremor throughout the planet, and continue to exchange fist as they take the fight to the vacuum of space before landing back on Earth and clashes with one another again. As the pressure of his form start becoming too great again; Future Piccolo decides to power down, but that proves to be an error as he is knocked away easily as Future Kami arrives to assist him. He harnesses all the energy he gained from the Namekians he fused with and enters the Red-Eyed form and is able to do better in the battle against Shroom due to his master state and combines the two states together. The two Namekians team-up as they battle against the two Demon Gods as Shroom awakens, but is once again knocked down leaving Gravy to battle them alone. Gravy breaks Future Piccolo's arm as he attempts to attack him while Future Kami kicks him in the head in order to prevent him from doing any more damage. He uses his tail to grab Future Piccolo by the ankle and drags him across the ground until releasing him as he kicks him in the back and sending him flying into the ground before being struck in back himself by Future Kami. Future Piccolo insists that he leaves and let's him handle it as Future Kami is a Dragon Clan member and not a Warrior Clan member, but he refuses to leave and continues to battle against him. Gravy gets up - bruised and battered - before preparing his Lightning Slam attack. Future Piccolo and Future Kami stand their grand as Future Piccolo powers back up to his new form and they manage to stop the energy sphere. They attempt to compress it, but it keeps expanding back to it's original size as they reach the edge of cliff and are nearly plunged into the the sea before compressing it to a manageable size and using themselves to take brunt of the explosion. Future Piccolo reverts to his Red-Eyed form while Gravy smirks at the fact that Future Kami has vanished and claims that he destroyed him completely only to be struck by a heel drop from the Dragon Clansman as Future Piccolo smirks at him and berates him for falling for their deception. Gravy tries to get up, but is knocked down again as he he dragged across the planet before sending him hurtling through several mountains before knocking him into Shroom as he attempts to get back up. Gravy grabs Future Piccolo by the wrist and throws him into Future Kami as he attempts to strike him down while Shroom strikes them down with a spinning kick. The two Namekians crashes into the ground, but manage to get back up and fly out of the crater and up to the Shroom as they continue to battle against him as the others try to avoid their feet as they fight in their giant forms. Gravy double axe handles Future Kami between the shoulder blades and is sent to into the ground while Future Piccolo blocks Shroom's punch. Future Kami assists Future Piccolo in knocking him down as they punch him into the stratosphere before sending him hurtling into the ocean. They deliver a powerful strike to his gut before delivering a barrage of kicks before striking him with another powerful punch. The anger of losing finally gets to him and result him entering an Angered State and manages to knock the two away with ease. Gravy uses Dragonthrow on Future Piccolo to send him into the thermosphere before punching him in the gut and using a tail attack to send him into the ocean. Future Kami attempts to knock the demon god away as he prepares to attack Future Piccolo again, but is punched in the gut and sent into the ground. Future Kami unleashes his ki and uses all his might on Shroom as he attempts to take advantage on the fact that his guard was down, but is incapacitated and reverts back to his Demon God form. Gravy momentarily reverts back from his angered state due to being shocked at Shroom's defeat and as a result is overpowered by the two namekians; causing him to the revert back to his demon god form. After returning to their regard size; Gravy enters his Dark Fusion V form after mustering enough power and prepares to faced them as Shroom comes up with an idea.
Shroom uses a ki blast on the ground in front of them as they managed to get away and mask their key. They attack Chronoa as they steal her Potara Earrings and attempt to put them on only to be knocked away by the Namekians. Once again they managed to cover their escape and put the earrings on, but before they fuse Future Piccolo kicks them to the edge of the cliff as Future Kami follows up with his Explosive God Wave. As the dust disperses and Shroom's arm flies out of it; Gravoom knocks out Chronoa with a single kick and turns to knock down Future Piccolo with a swift punch to the back head before hammering Future Kami in the back of the neck. Future Trunks powers up to Super Saiyan Blue Powered-Up while Future Vegeta attacks Gravoom in his Royal Super Saiyan Blue form, but he manages to stop their attacks by grabbing them by wrist and launches them into ocean after breaking wrists while Future Gohan in his Spectral Super Saiyan Blue form places him in a rear naked choke and attempts to knock him out, but blows him away with Explosive Wave. Broly powers up to Legendary Super Saiyan 3 and attempts attack him, but he critically wounds with Burning Thunder Scythe. Dial gets Hypabramia to take Broly and Future Trunks back to Future Trunks' time to train and give them the means to train quicker. Giving him instructions on how to get Broly reclaim his god form and give Future Trunks access Super Saiyan's Grimoire. They leave as Dial battles against the fused Demon and manages to knock him into the ground in his Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution - Desesperación form. Ace powers up to Potential Unleashed as Dial rushes to attack Gravoom and attacks him instead - only to be knocked down as Dial berates him for being foolish before be punched in the face. Future Bulla is sent back to her time and is given a chance to learn Super Saiyan's Grimoire from Future King Kai and trained by Cus until Age 950 arrives in her time and revived by Future Shenron. Dial uses his Arcane Fear Hyper Galick Gun as Gravoom is launched at Lightning Radiance Flash; resulting in an energy clash. Both energy waves cancel each other out as they clash with one another in hand-to-hand combat across the sky and manages to lacerate Dial on the arm with his scythe. He crushes Gravoom's head against a cliff before being stunning him with a kick to the gut and tries to impale him with his scythe, but manages to block it with his fingers. Gravoom is knocked down as he attempt to take down Dial and emerges from the rubble covered in wounds as he strikes Dial down with a punch to the face and stomps on him before Dial grabs his scythe and bisects him from the middle. However, similar to Shroom; the injury isn't permanent and is able to restore his body to normal before taking the battle into the stratosphere. Gravoom manages to block each punch before being hit the face as he hits Dial in the face. His aura begins to change as Dial looks on confused as Gravoom reminds him of his death god stance and states that his fusees' victims can make him stronger and accesses a new state that enables him to overpower Dial briefly and manages to knock him into the vacuum. Gravoom attempts uses Death on Dial, but he manages to redirect him into touch one of his soldiers and causes him to instantly die as a result and increase his power. Dial senses Death-Force coming from it and manages to dodge it in time as a flower on earth crumbles to dust. Dial kicks several space rocks to Gravoom, but he manages to cut through it with ease and he manages to get behind as Dial tries to keep his distance and nearly hits him with a Death energy infused punch. Aware of the fact he cannot touch Gravoom any more - he tries to keep his distance and kick space debris at the Death God, but he keeps dodging each rock and nearly touches him. He swipes his scythe and manages to sever several space rock before finally hitting a Demon Realm Ship and lacerates several soldiers; killing them. Beerus grabs Gravoom by the wrist as he prepares to attack Dial and demands answers and after giving them to Beerus - he deliberately invokes Dial's fear of becoming evil so he can transform into a form that'll allow him to resist Gravoom's power and successfully causes his Dios del Miedo transformation. Dial impales the Death God as he punches him and shows that he can resist the power of his Death God Power and knocks him away with a kick, but Gravoom proves his power by kicking him in the back before double axe handling him in the stomach and slamming him face first into a space rock with his tail. They eventually ended up striking each in the face and causing a massive shockwave.
As the two are flown away from force of each others punch and crash into space rock. Bella in her Great Terror knocks the space rock into another and causes Gravoom to be sandwich between the rocks. She powers up to her Horrified State and helps her father by fighting at distance to remain unseen as he continues his assault. She shows off her Fear Accelerate form before enter her Desesperación form. She assist in the fight to best of her ability, but is unable to touch him and only does it from a distance. However, he desire to be more helpful grows stronger and triggers her Desear transformation. Despite her power increase; he is still untouchable to her. Dial slams Gravoom into space rock before kicking him in the gut before kicking him in the back of the head. Gravoom almost grabs Bella, but she dodges it in time and results in her to feel anxious as a result. She blasts him with a barrage of ki in order to gain some distance, but he keep tries to get near her as becomes more anxious by the minute. Dial nearly hits them both with an energy blast and knees Gravoom in the back as attempts to attack Bella again, and is impaled by his spike; leaving a hole through his back and on his abdomen. Gravoom severs himself to remove the hole in his abs with his scythe and restores to normal. Bella attempts to calm herself down, but before she can Gravoom burst through a space rock that is passing by her and nearly grabs her tail, but only manages to grab her ring as she detaches it and fails to harm her. Despite escaping her death - she finally gives into her fear and result in her Dios del Miedo form. She fires her Hi-Speed Fear Flash in his direction as Dial fires his God Arcane Fear Hyper Galick Gun and causes an immense explosion that leaves the fused demon god batter, bruised, and bleeding from the mouth. Gravoom is outmatched by the power of two Dios del Miedo users and is having trouble anticipating their patternless and uncoordinated attacks. He looks around at something to kill in order to make him more powerful, but while he is looking the two attack him and causing him to go flying. He searches all over Earth; stating that he's going to kill something that normal shouldn't die. He spots a kid and begins to generate Death energy through his scythe as Future Pan works out what he is aiming at and flies to save the kid as he charges is attack before releasing it as Future Pan flies at top speed only for Future Vegeta to workout who the real target is and gets Future Goku to stop her. However, it ends up being too late as she is hitting by the attack and as result is killed by the invisible energy slash as he powers up even further and unleashes his Lightning Death Flash on the both of them and manages to send the two back into the earth and into South City; killing all inhabitants along with Future Goku in the explosion and increase even more in power. In the middle of the crater - lies both Dial and Bella and are no longer in their Dios del Miedo forms. Dial realises that he is back in True Form while Bella is in her base state. The two stand up in the centre of the crater as Gravoom watches from above and the two contacted by Whis and Cus to instruct them with a Sealing Spell powerful enough to seal away Gravoom's Death God Power. The two battle against Gravoom and manage to deal heavy damages to him as he attempts to avoid their attacks and nearly finishes him off with double axe handle, but he manages to use his Barrier of Dark Light technique to create a Dark Halo to defend himself. Unable to get near him; they attempt to fire ki blasts at him, but they are destroyed after getting too close; leaving him unscathed. The two try to get closer, but they are knocked back with debilitating pain each time they try. Dial powers back up to Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution - Desesperación while Bella enters her Desesperación form, and uses vanish to get behind Gravoom begin preparing their God Arcane Fear Hyper Galick Gun and Fear Super Galick Gun respectively as the auras produced by their energy combines and surrounds them both. They fire their Father-Daughter Galick Gun at him; destroying his Barrier of Dark Light and sending him crashing into the Earth as his scythe shatters before it begins to glow as it and Gravoom hit the water. Gravoom begins to emerge from the ocean in his Giant Demon form as he stares down at the two. Gravoom has 54 minutes before he defuses.
Wasting no time - he swats down the father-daughter duo and manages to knock them out with an energy punch as Future Bulla arrives from Age 980 after training for 30 years in the afterlife with various deities and reveals her Spectral Super Saiyan God form as she reveals that she can maintain the form for 50 minutes as Future Trunks arrives in his Spectral Super Saiyan Blue along with Broly God at the same time as Future Bulla and tells them the same thing while noticing the halo above Future Bulla's head. Her time pass has been improved to allow her to stay on Earth for a longer period of time than normal. They battle against Gravoom as Future Kami begins to transforms and focus his energy. Broly is sent flying as Gravoom swats him away while blocking both Future Trunks and Future Bulla's punches and kicks respectively. He manages smash them into the ground with his palm as Future Kami unleashes his power and emerges in the Limit Removal form. He joins the fight the other three and manages to turn the tide of the battle slightly and takes the battle into the sky as they cause large earthquakes and disperse clouds. Future Piccolo looks on in amazement as the four are able to throw off Gravoom by their uncoordinated attacks and attempts to power up to his Limit Removal form, but is having trouble using it as he immediately returns to is base form. Future Bulla heel drops on the back of Gravoom's head as Broly shoulder-charges him in the stomach while Future Trunks and Future Kami simultaneously kick Gravoom in the back and sends him crashing into the ground. As he tries to get himself up he looks over to the others and finds that Chronoa is missing while the other fighters are still incapacitated before looking over to Shroom's severed arm and his severed legs. He gets up and grabs Broly before slamming him in the ground and repeatedly punching him until. He emerges from the ground behind a mountain and reveals his Future Legendary Super Saiyan 4 form - calling it his Future Legendary Super Saiyan God form to prevent the others from becoming aware and proceeds to punch Gravoom sending him slightly off the ground as Future Trunks crashes him into the ground. Future Kami nullifies Gravoom's flight ability as he attempts to get to space and is knocked into the ocean as he falls back down. Future Trunks attempts to take him down with a powerful punch, but Gravoom grabs him and smashes him into a mountain in the distance. As Trunks swings his sword at him Gravoom grabs it and sends him flying into a cliff before shattering the sword to pieces. Future Bulla attempts hit him in the back with her mace, but he destroys it with simple punch before kicking her away. Future Trunks powers up to Spectral Super Saiyan Blue Powered-Up and manages to strike Gravoom down with a kick to the stomach before kneeing him in the chin. Future Kami punches him in the back before sending him into the air with a knee to the back of the head. Broly drop kicks Gravoom as he reaches the stratosphere and Future Bulla grabs him by the tail and drop double kicks him in the knee. He crashes into the ground and struggles to get up as his leg has been broken. As 10 minutes pass; Gravoom unleashes his full power as he knock the four away with only a little difficulty and each of them are knocked to the ground. Future Kami has suffered damaged to his body due to his Limit Removal form and struggles the most to get up. Future Bulla switches to her Mage Transformation before re-entering her Spectral Super Saiyan God as she attempts fight him with out the time limit, but is knocked down with ease as Future Trunks gets up to attack, but is knocked down again with his tail as Broly shoulder-charges him in the back and knocks him into the ocean. He gets up as Future Bulla and Broly attempt to attack him, but he grabs them before slaming them into each other and knocking them down with his tail. For the next ten minutes; Gravoom overpowers them and manages to knock out Broly as Future Bulla and Future Trunks remain in the fight as Future Trunks has 23 minutes left of his transformation and Gravoom has 34 minutes of his fusion left. Future Trunks and Future Bulla attack together as Gravoom blocks each attack and knocks them away with his tail as Future Kami stands up fully healed in his Red-Eyed Namekian Master State as Cell's Future Dende, Dende of Age 950, and Cell's Future Piccolo stands with him in their Red-Eyed form with Cell's Future Dende using his Great Namekian form to be the same height as the rest and Tambourine arrives to join the four. All five engage their Metamo-Ring and prepare for a Five-Way EX-Fusion.
The five of them perform the fusion and result in Denkamicolorine being formed and immediately flies up to Gravoom. Future Piccolo asks how had a Piccolo from "Cell's Future and Denkamicolorine explains that he had him revived for one day with the Kami from that time and they fused on his request. Future Piccolo is restored to normal and enters his Red-Eyed Great Namekian form once again as the two Namekian battle against Gravoom. Despite being smaller than Future Piccolo and Gravoom at the moment; he is able to do more damage and sends Gravoom flying a punch and sends him crashing into the ground with an Explosive God Wave. He pierces his arm with Special Beam Cannon as Future Piccolo dodges a punch, and Gravoom is struck in the back by Denkamicolorine's Eye Laser. Future Piccolo clotheslines Gravoom causes him to flip as Denkamicolorine uses his Wah-tah Kick on him and follows with wedging him into the ground with his One Hundred Arms technique. Denkamicolorine flies onto Future Piccolo's shoulder to heal him as Future Piccolo is grab by the face and smash through several mountains before being thrown across the desert and landing in the crater of South City. The fused Namekian manages to generate enough force to fly into Gravoom and sending him flying into the edge of the crater. The two namekians attack him at the same time causing him to become bruised and battered from the attacks.Gravoom grabs Future Piccolo by the ankle and smashes him several times into the ground before throwing him at Denkamicolorine and causing him to crash into the opposite side of the crater. Future Piccolo moves in order to let Denkamicolorine to continue the fight, and sits the rest out in order to recover. He transforms to his Great Namekian form and matches the height Gravoom's Giant Demon God form and begins fighting him and even takes it to the stratosphere as uses his Hundred Arms technique. The two enter a clash of fists and kicks, but Denkamiccolorine is clearly overpowering 'Gravoom as he manages to cut his arm with swipe of his fist. Cus notices arm has been injured weirdly and suspects that since Shroom's arm was severed before fusion Gravoom's arm may be his weakest part. The fused Namekian warrior grabs the fused Demon God by his wrist and managed to throw him across the sky. Using his technique All-Out; he is able to easily overpower Gravoom even further and is even able to knock him into space. Cus gives him a barrier in order to follow Gravoom and manages to grabs by the ankle in order to through him into a large asteroid as they manage to get further away from the planets. Denkamiccolorine increase his height to that of a planet's size and begins pummel him relentlessly and destroys the asteroid as a result. The two continue battling one another across the vacuum of space and Denkamicolorine tries to avoid the planets due to his size. After kicking Gravoom back into Earth's atmosphere; he shrinks down to manageable size and flies him into the ground; resulting in large impact. Denkamiccolorine stomps on Gravoom's weak arm and manages to break it as the fused Demon God tries to escape and attempts to heal it, but is kicked away before he can. A punch to the gut lunches Gravoom across the crater and into the sky. Denkamiccolorine smashes him in the back and causes him to smash into Dragon Rock. The commotions causes the dinosaurs to flee from the area as the two giant beings battle at it against one another. They continue to clash with one another as they change the shape of the area and even cause giant waves with each clash of their fists and kicks. With a knee to the gut; Gravoom becomes enraged as he unleashes his energy and causes several storms and earthquakes in the area. He breaks off a large rock from a formation and impales Denkamiccolorine through his back, but he manages to regenerate his wound. He uses Psychic Stone Bullet in his rage to pepper Denkamiccolorine with stones and pierces him multiple times. He regenerates from the injuries as he grabs him by the neck and punches him the gut in order to knock him down, but Gravoom's anger reaches it peak and result in his transformation to his Giant Demon God Dark Fusion as a result of his anger.
As he looks down on Denkamiccolorine as he contemplates his new form and impales him through the chest with punch; shocking him and Future Piccolo as he watches from a distant. He easily thrashes him as battles against the giant fused Namekian with his new strength and as he easily picks him up and throws him against a cliff. He knees him in the chin as he is thrown as into the water as he crashes against an island; head first. He grabs the fused Namekian warrior's wrist as he headbutts him and manages to break his nose. Future Piccolo rejoins the fight as he attempts to protect him, but he is swatted down easily. Denkamiccolorine begins to power-up as Future Piccolo continues to protect him despite being at a great disadvantage as he is knocked away with ease. Despite that; he continues to assist as Demkamiccolorine powers up and eventually enters the Limit Removal Form. He battles against Gravoom and manages to withstand his attacks as they exchange attacks with one another and manages to dodge every attack as he delivers a powerful kick; enough to destroy the entire area. They punch each other in the face as they continue to battle across the sky and eventually repel each other as Denkamiccolorine's fibula shatters faster than normal. Gravoom knocks him into the ground with a kick to chest and as a result sends him into the ground; resulting a giant crater and the area being reshaped. He knees Denkamiccolorine in the jaw before punching in the face and follows up with kick to the gut as continues to give him a beatdown as his bones crack from the pressure of his new form. He breaks Denkamiccolorine's wrist and his remaining usable leg preventing him from getting up again and bites him; sending the remain Death energy that he still has in him to infect Denkamiccolorine with energy that slowly begins to kill him as he lays on the ground in agony as Future Piccolo resumes his fight against Gravoom. Denkamiccolorine arms begin to rot as Future Piccolo continues to fight against Gravoom as Chronoa arrives to keep the bite from killing Denkamiccolorine. Gravoom toys with Future Piccolo relentlessly as he laugh at Chronoa's attempt to save Denkamiccolorine as she should know that a Death Bite cannot be cured or indefinitely halted. Future Piccolo grabs him by the back of the head and tries to kicking him, but he breaks Future Piccolo's wrist before kicking him in the gut and throwing him into a mountain. He continues to torment Future Piccolo and insult Chronoa as he explains that Earth will be a wondrous place to live in after exterminating all life in Universe 7 to make way for the Demon Realm. Chronoa uses her powers to enable Denkamiccolorine to Freeform Fuse with Pend's Dios del Miedo form and manages to protect Future Piccolo for a little while before Gravoom's bite causes him to collapse as his legs begin to rot and accidentally damages his on Metamo-Ring undoing his Freeform fusion. Gravoom kicks Denkamiccolorine in the jaw before slamming him back into the ground. Chronoa tells Future Piccolo that the bite that Gravoom gave the fused Namekian is affecting him physically and even he assimilated him; it'll save him. Future Piccolo uses Solar Flare to blind Gravoom and begins to places his hand on Denkamiccolorine.
Future Piccolo tells him to remain in his Limiter Removal-Great Namek form while he preforms the Namekian Fusion. Denkamiccolorine and Future Piccolo begin the fusion as the giant fused Namekian glows as a result. Unlike the other fusions; this seems to be different as tremors begin to occur while the waves in the ocean begin to become larger. Denkamiccolorine begins to disappear and eventually the fusion is complete. Future Piccolo stands up as Gravoom looks on Chronoa observes the timer on his fusion and reveals to Future Piccolo that Gravoom only has 9 minutes left of his fusion before returning to Conton City to finish repairing it. Future Piccolo uses Light Grenade to launch Gravoom back into the coast near West City and lands in front of him as he stares him down while his new power circulates through his body with no signs of body damaging power or loss of energy despite fusing with Denkamiccolorine in his Limit Removal-Great Namek form. Future Piccolo flies towards him until he as closes as possible and begins charge an attack. Gravoom tries to knock him away as he gives him a barrage of punches and kicks, but nothing is happening as he isn't fazed. He continues to charge his attack as Gravoom bombards him with attacks, and nearly falls over when he misses at one point. Despite the water torrent-causing blows; nothing works and eventually staggers as Future Piccolo causes larger waves to form and smash against Gravoom. As electricity streaks begin to emerge from Future Piccolo' unleashing his attack on Gravoom and calls it his Overcharged Hyper Demon Explosive Wave; vaporising the coastal area and destroys Gravoom's flesh before disintegrating his skeletal structure as his earrings are destroyed at the same time. With the death of Gravoom; Future Piccolo finally relaxes along with everyone else as they discuss on how to revive their fallen fighters. Future Bulla returns to Age 980 and immediately returns to Age 950 without her halo and explains that she was revived by Shenron as Conmoory takes Dende's place. However, as they begin to relax Mira arrives with Towa as he knocks away Future Trunks, Dial, and Future Gohan before Towa binds the rest of the fighters with her magic. Future Trunks powers up to Super Saiyan 3 and attacks Mira, but he easily overpowers him and throws him into Future Gohan after becoming Super Saiyan 2. Dial transforms into his Super Evolution form and attempts to knock down Mira, but because of his injuries and loss of stamina during his battle with Gravoom - he easily knocked away. Mira uses Bomber DX on Future Gohan and proceeds to use a sealing jar to seal the other fighters leaving the trio behind. Mira uses his Galick Beam Cannon before leaving and manages destroy the area in order to prevent them from attacking him again. Chronoa and Naraku finish fixing the platform and uses every ounce of their strength to reanimate Face in order to repair the rest of the damages to Universe 7 and even revives all inhabitants on Planet Potaufeu along with Original Future Goten, Future Pan, and Future Goku. They are informed of what happened and are about to go after them, but Mira briefly returns to seal the recently revived Future characters and thanks them for the assistance as he leaves again. The three collapse as Chronoa and Naraku contemplate on how they are going to stop Mira and Towa before using Face to great a One-Way Portal to the Demon Realm. They try to decide how to handle the situation and have feast with the remaining fighters.
Invasion of Earth[]
- 319 - Fall of Conton City
- 320 - 23 Years Later... in Age 820
- 321 - Preparations for Battle...
- 322 - Shroom and the Shinigami Soldiers
- 323 - Into the Abyss!!
- 324 - The Prince of Saiyans... No Dark Fusion For You!!
- 325 - Shroom's Transformation!!
- 326 - Invasion of Earth!! Hypabramia and Future Bulla Protect Earth!!
- 327 - Return of the Dark-Masks!!
- 328 - A Losing Battle!! Vs. the Dark-Masks!
- 329 - The Prince's Resolve!! Harbinger Returns!
- 330 - The Prince's Daughter!! Return of Spectral Super Saiyan!
The King and the Low Class Warrior[]
- 331 - Bardock vs. Dark-Masked King
- 332 - Royal Assault!! Bardock is Overpower!?
- 333 - To Shatter a Mask!
- 334 - The Shattered Mask
- 335 - The Heart of Saiyan
- 336 - Regroup at the Lookout!!
- 337 - Putine's Assault!!
- 338 - Chronoa Fights!!
- 339 - The Seal of Planet Potaufeu!!
- 340 - Secrets of the Unleashed Superhuman Water!!
- 341 - Vegeta Disappears?!
- 342 - The Menace of Clone Vegeta!!
- 343 - King Vegeta vs Clone Vegeta!!
- 344 - Father-Son Duo!! Clone Future Trunks Attacks!!
- 345 - The Fierce Battle on Potaufeu!!
- 346 - Father-Son Reunion!!
- 347 - Return of Broli?
- 348 - Future Piccolo vs. Broli Dark
Broli's Return[]
- 349 - Broli's Assault!!
- 350 - Future Kami vs. Broli!!
- 351 - Broli's Ascensions!!
- 352 - Defeat of Broli!!
Future Piccolo's Ascension[]
- 353 - The Demons' Descent!!
- 354 - Death God vs. Saiyan Prince & Angel Sorcerer!!
- 356 - Demons vs. Namekian!!
- 357 - Gravy's Power!! Shroom's Defeat?
- 358 - The Next Step to Domination!!
- 359 - Father and Daughter!!
- 360 - A Giant Demon God's Power!
- 361 - Five Way EX-Fusion
- 362 - Failure of the Five-Way EX-Fusion!?
- 363 - Namekian Fusion!!
Major characters[] |
Supporting Characters[] |
Minor characters[]
Flashback fights[]
- King Vegeta vs. Frieza (1st Form)
- Dark-Masked King Vegeta (Demon Heart) vs. Brench-seijin
- Dark-Masked King Vegeta (Demon Heart) vs. Humans
- Dark-Masked King Vegeta (Demon Heart) vs. Heroes of Age 950
Flashback training[]
- King Vegeta (Demon Heart) vs. Towa
- King Vegeta (Demon Heart) vs. Mira
- King Vegeta (Demon Heart) vs. Shroom
Training Battles[]
- Future Bulla (Base/Super Saiyan), & Future Pan vs. Clone Future Bulla, & Clone Future Pan
- Future Trunks vs. Future Vegeta (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2)
- Future Gohan vs. Future Piccolo
Major Fights[]
- Taino Force vs. Demon Realm Soldiers
- Hypabramia (True Form) vs. Demon Realm Soldiers
- Hypabramia (True Form) vs. Demon Realm Soldier Ψ (Base/Dark Fusion)
- Hypabramia (Demon Realm Soldier Ψ Absorbed) vs. Demon Realm Soldiers (Base/Dark Fusion), & Demon Realm Soldier Ψ (Base/Dark Fusion)
- Hypabramia (Demon Realm Soldier Ψ absorbed) vs. Golden Demon Realm soldier
- Future Dragon Team vs. Death God Soldiers
- Future Vegeta (Base/Super Saiyan 2/Strengthened Super Saiyan 2) vs. Golden Demon Realm soldier, & Death God Soldiers
- Future Bulla (Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2), & Future Vegeta (Strengthened Super Saiyan 2) vs. Shroom (Demon God)
- Future Vegeta (Super Saiyan 3) vs. Shroom (Demon God/Makaio-ken/Makaio-ken x5/Makaio-ken x15)
- Future Trunks (Super Saiyan God) vs. Shroom (Makaio-ken x15/Makaio-ken x30)
- Future Vegeta (Evolved Super Saiyan 3/Super Saiyan God/Enhanced Super Saiyan God) vs. Shroom (Makaio-ken x30/Demon God/Dark Fusion/Dark Fusion V)
- Future Bulla (Base/Super Saiyan), & Hypabamia (Demon Realm Soldier Ψ absorbed/True Form) vs. Demon Realm Soldiers
- Hypabramia (True form) vs. Golden Demon Realm Soldiers
- Hypabramia (True form/Pure Majin/True Form) vs. Diamond Demon Realm Soldier
- Future Bulla (Super Saiyan/Potential Unleashed) vs. a Golden Demon Realm Soldier
- Hypabramia (Diamond Demon Realm Soldier Absorbed/100% Diamond Demon Realm Soldier Absorbed True Form/100% True Form/Super Evolution), & Future Bulla (Potential Unleashed/Base/Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan 3) vs. Dark-Masked King Vegeta (Demon Heart) & Dark-Masked Mr. Satan (Dark-Mask Evolution)
- Shroom (Dark Fusion V) vs. Future Gohan (Super Saiyan Blue), Future Trunks (Super Saiyan Blue), Future Pan, Future Piccolo, Future Goku (Super Saiyan), & Original Future Goten (Super Saiyan)
- Future Vegeta (Enhanced Super Saiyan God/Base/Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan God/Ultra Instinct "Harbinger") vs. Shroom (Dark Fusion V)
- Future Bulla (Potential Unleashed) vs. Dark-Masked Mr. Satan (Dark Mask Evolution)
- Hypabramia (Super Evolution) vs. Dark-Masked King Vegeta (Demon Heart)
- Bardock (Base/Spectral Super Saiyan/Spectral Super Saiyan 2/Spectral Super Saiyan Blue/Spectral Super Saiyan Rosé) vs. Dark-Masked King Vegeta (Demon Heart/Demon King Vegeta/Out of Control/Demonic-Super Saiyan) & Dark-Masked Mr. Satan (Dark Mask Evolution)
- Diamond Demon Realm Soldiers vs. Earth Soldiers
- King Vegeta (Super Saiyan 2) & Bardock (Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan 3) vs. Gravy (Demon God/Dark Fusion/Dark Fusion V)
- Future Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue/Ultra Instinct "Harbinger"), & Future Goku (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Putine (Dark Fusion/Dark Fusion V/Dark Fusion W)
- Future Piccolo, & Future Gohan (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Putine (Dark Fusion W)
- Future Bulla, Hypabramia, Future Trunks, & Original Future Goten vs. Putine (Dark Fusion W)
- Chronoa (Time Power Unleashed) vs. Putine (Dark Fusion W)
- Demon God Gravy vs. Mogan
- Demon God Gravy vs. Jiya's Race members and Vamp's race members
- Demon God Gravy vs. Llyrg (Gryll's Body)
- Galactic Patrol vs. Diamond Demon Realm Soldiers
- Future Vegeta (Super Saiyan God), & Future Goku (Super Saiyan God) vs. Diamond Demon Realm Soldiers
- King Vegeta, & Future Trunks vs. Cloned Llyrg (Dark Evolution)
- Bardock (Super Saiyan Blue), & Future Goku (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Cloned Vegeta (Base/Super Saiyan God/Saiyan beyond God)
- Future Pan vs. Cloned Llyrg (Dark Evolution)
- Future Pan & Future Bulla (Potential Unleashed) vs. Cloned Vegeta (Saiyan Beyond God)
- Future Bulpan vs. Cloned Vegeta (Saiyan Beyond God)
- Bardock (Super Saiyan Blue/Spectral Super Saiyan God/Spectral Super Saiyan Blue) & Future Goku (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Cloned Vegeta (Saiyan beyond God/Super Saiyan Blue/Spectral Super Saiyan Blue/Ultra Instinct "Harbinger") vs. Cloned Llyrg (Dark Evolution)
- King Vegeta (Potential Unleashed/Super Saiyan Blue/Potential Unleashed: Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Cloned Vegeta (Ultra Instinct "Harbinger"), & Cloned Trunks (Base/Super Saiyan 2nd Grade/Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan 3/Super Saiyan Blue/Super Saiyan Powered-Up/Super Saiyan 3rd Grade)
- King Vegeta (Potential Unleashed: Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Cloned Vegenks (Super Saiyan Third Grade-Ultra Instinct "Harbinger"/Commeson Seal Jar & Key Absorbed)
- Future Gohan (Spectral Super Saiyan Blue), Future Goku (Super Saiyan Blue), Future Bulpan, & Original Future Goten (Super Saiyan) Vs. Cloned Vegenks (Commeson Seal Jar & Key Absorbed)
- Bardock (Spectral Super Saiyan Rosé) vs. Cloned Vegenks (Commeson Seal Jar & Key Absorbed)
- Vegeco (Base/Super Saiyan/Spectral Super Saiyan Rosé) vs. Cloned Vegenks (Commeson Seal Jar & Key Absorbed)
- Future Piccolo, Dial (True Form), & Hypabramia (Super Form) vs. Golden Great Ape Broly (Body Control Device)
- Hypabramia (Super Evolution/Super Evolution: Diamond Demon Realm & Demon Realm Soldier Ψ Absorbed/Super Majin/Super Majin: Super Xeno Cooler Absorbed/Super Evolution:Super Xeno Cooler Absorbed), Dial (God True Form), & Future Piccolo vs. Broly (Body Control Device: Legendary Super Saiyan 4)
- Future Piccolo (Base/Great Namek/Red-Eyed Form) vs. Broly Dark (Legendary Super Saiyan 4)
- Dial (God True Form/Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution - Desesperación), Hypabramia (Super Evolution: Super Xeno Cooler Absorbed/True Form/Ultimate Evolution), & Future Piccolo (Red-Eyed: Giant Namekian form) vs. Broly Dark (Legendary Super Saiyan 4)
- Future Kami (Namekian Master), Future Goku (Super Saiyan Blue Powered-Up/Upgraded Super Saiyan Blue), & Dial (Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution - Desesperación) vs. Broly Dark (Legendary Super Saiyan 4/Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Full Power/Future Legendary Super Saiyan 4)
- Future Piccolo (Limit Removal) vs. Broly Dark (Future Legendary Super Saiyan 4)
- Future Goku (Upgrade Super Saiyan Blue) & Ace (Future Super Saiyan) vs. Gravy (Demon God/Dark Fusion V/Giant Demon God)
- Future Bulla (Potential Unleashed/Mage Transformation/Super Saiyan's Grimoire) vs. Shroom (Dark Fusion V/Giant Demon God/Giant Demon God Dark Fusion)
- Future Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue Powered-Up/Upgraded Super Saiyan Blue/Royal Super Saiyan Blue), Future Pan (Mage Transformation/Power of Inferno Neon), Dial (Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution), & Original Future Goten (Super Saiyan/Future Super Saiyan) vs. Shroom (Giant Demon God Dark Fusion)
- Future Piccolo (Red-Eyed form/Limit Removal/Limit Removal-Great Namek/Red-Eyed form-Great Namekian), & Future Kami (Namekian Master/Red-Eyed Form/Red-Eyed Namekian Master/Red-Eyed Namekian Master (Giant)) vs. Shroom (Giant Demon God Dark Fusion) & Gravy (Giant Demon God/Giant Demon God Dark Fusion/Angered State)
- Future Piccolo (Red-Eyed Form), Future Kami (Red-Eyed Namekian Master), & Chronoa vs. Shroom (Demon God) & Gravy (Dark Fusion V)
- Future Piccolo (Red-Eyed Form), Future Kami (Red-Eyed Namekian Master), Chronoa, Future Vegeta (Royal Super Saiyan Blue), Future Trunks (Super Saiyan Blue Powered-Up), Future Gohan (Spectral Super Saiyan Blue), Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan 3), Dial (Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution - Desesperación/Dios del Miedo), & Ace (Potential Unleashed) vs. Gravoom (Death God Power)
- Dial (Dios del Miedo/True Form/Ultimate Sorcerer God Evolution - Desesperación) & Bella (Great Terror/Horrified State/Fear Accelerate/Desesperación/Desear/Dios del Miedo/Base) vs. Gravoom (Death God Power/Base/Dark Halo/Giant Demon God)
- Future Trunks (Spectral Super Saiyan Blue/Spectral Super Saiyan Blue Powered-Up), Future Bulla (Spectral Super Saiyan God/Mage Transformation/Spectral Super Saiyan God), Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan God/Future Legendary Super Saiyan 4), & Future Piccolo (Limit Removal-Namekian Master) vs. Gravoom (Giant Demon God)
- Denkamiccolorine (Great Namekian/Limit Removal-Great Namekian/Freeform fusion with Pend), & Future Piccolo (Red-Eyed Great Namekian/Fused with Denkamiccolorine) vs. Gravoom (Giant Demon God/Giant Demon God Dark Fusion)
- Future Trunks (Base/Super Saiyan 3), Future Gohan (Base/Super Saiyan 2), & Dial (True Form/Super Evolution) vs. Mira (Evolved State w/o Tokitoki's Egg)
- The fight between Future Vegeta and Shroom in 275 mostly takes inspiration from Goku vs. Vegeta, Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta vs. Goku Black, and Jiren vs Goku.
Dragon Ball sagas | |||||||
Dragon Ball | |||||||
Son Goku Group | Emperor Pilaf • Tournament | ||||||
Red Ribbon Army Group | Red Ribbon Army • General Blue • Commander Red • Fortuneteller Baba | ||||||
Piccolo Group | Tien Shinhan • King Piccolo • Piccolo Jr. | ||||||
Dragon Ball Z | |||||||
Saiyan Group | Vegeta | ||||||
Namek/Frieza Group | Namek • Captain Ginyu • Frieza | ||||||
Frieza/Android Group | Garlic Jr. • Trunk | ||||||
Androids/Cell Group | Androids • Imperfect Cell • Perfect Cell • Cell Games Saga | ||||||
Majin Buu Group | Great Saiyaman • World Tournament • Babidi • Majin Buu • Fusion • Kid Buu • Peaceful World | ||||||
Dragon Ball Super | |||||||
Gods of the Universe Group | Battle of Gods • Resurrection ‘F’ | ||||||
Zen-Oh Group | Universe 6 • 'Future' Trunks • Universe Survival | ||||||
Universe 7 Group | Broly • Galactic Patrol Prisoner | ||||||
Dragon Ball Advanced | |||||||
Warriors of Time Group | Z\Super • Dark King Demigra | ||||||
Cell-X Group | Super Bardock • Age 993 • X | ||||||
God of War Group | Fallen Time Patroller • Age 1000 | ||||||
Grand Tour Group | Black Star Dragon Ball • Baby • Super 17 • Shadow Dragon | ||||||
Revenge Group | Return of the Demon Clan | ||||||
Timespace Rift Group | 2nd Timespace Rift Tournament • Majin Vegeta • Bimfutsu | ||||||
Zenkai World Group | Universe Salvation • Galactic Patrol Most Wanted • Galactic Conquest | ||||||
Karo Group | Universal Field Trip | ||||||
Dr Gero Reborn Group | Neon Blue | ||||||
Frieza Homeworld Group | Icicle and Icefall | ||||||
Dragon Ball Revelations | |||||||
Ginny Group | Majin Dōka • Piccolo III • Ultimate Piccolo • Zaiko • Ginny | ||||||
Evil Gogeta Group | Evil Goku • Evil Gogeta • Evil Confinement • Clash of Saiyans | ||||||
Android 22 Group | Jamie Saga • Intern Saga • Android 22 Saga • Super 18 Saga • World Terror Saga | ||||||
Karma Group | Tekken • Fallen Angel • Warp • Datenshi • Karma | ||||||
Waru Group | A Demonic Tournament • Age 666 | ||||||
Spin-off | |||||||
Dragon Ball Fairy Tales | Toi Saga • Glacier Saga • Guardian of Toi Saga • Imaginary Friend Saga • Genie Saga | ||||||
Dragon Ball Advanced pe-revamp | Z/Super Saga • Episode of Bardock • Dabura and Psidevilman • Universe 1 • Tale of Two Coolers • Cell-X • Demon Realm Invasion • Dark Empire • Evil Dragons of Time • Descent of Mechikabura • Temporal Disturbance |