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This article, Demigra (SSJJ), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..


Manga name Demigra
Alternate names Demon God Demigra
Debut Game: "Dragon Ball Xenoverse"
Manga: "Dispatch! Time Patrol"
Appears in
Super Dragon Ball Heroes
Race Shinjin (formerly)
Gender Male
Date of birth 75 Million Before Age
Date of death Age 850 (revived in Age 852)
Address Demon Realm
Crack of Time
Allegiance Supreme Kais (formerly)
Dark Empire (formerly)
Time Patrol (formerly)
Demigra Army
Affiliations Mechikabura (creator/surrogate father)
Dosei (sister)
Villainous Mode puppets (Victims)
Tokitoki (Absorption Victim)
Cell-X (Modified Clone and Mentor)
Chronoa (Nemesis)
Mira (Summoned Ally)
Towa (Summoned Ally/enemy)

Demigra (ドミグラ Domigura), usually referred to as Demon God Demigra (デーモン ゴッドドミグラ Dēmon Goddo Domigura) after his ascension, is the main antagonist of Dragon Ball Xenoverse, a recurring antagonist of Dragon Ball Heroes, and main antagonist of the Z/Super Saga and Demon God Demigra Saga. He is a Demon God hell-bent on distorting history to free himself from his imprisonment and reign over time itself as a God.



Demigra has a god complex, possessing an unshakable belief that he is an almighty god who deserves to rule all of time and the universe. He is deceitful as well and due to his time spent imprisoned in the Crack of Time, he has become extremely patient and tenacious. He also displays arrogance as he tried to control Beerus, which would be seen as a signing of his own death warrant.

After he absorbs Tokitoki's power and truly becomes a god, he shows a sadistic side, and uses Future Trunks, who Demigra manages to control via his dark magic, turning him into Villainous Future Trunks, then laughing at the pain and injury that Dial was inflicting on his ally and creator. His sadistic personality is seen further when he shows great delight in inflicting grievous bodily harm to the Supreme Kai of Time. He also displays some frustration as due to both Dial's and Goku's experience with Godly Ki made them resistance to his control, and shows contempt in them. He displays some knowledge in Frieza's Race and insults Dia for being righteous unlike most of Frieza's clan.



Seventy-five million years ago, Demigra was a wizard of the Heavenly Realm who worked with Chronoa raising Tokitoki. He started suspicious experiments on Tokitoki in a castle - causing a time distortion. Chronoa noticed and went to expose his plans and stop him. Demigra and his two allies Putine and Gravy fought Chronoa directly and were defeated. Along with many evil wizards including Mechikabura, Demigra was imprisoned in a space which the wizards transformed into the Demon Realm.

Super Dragon Ball Heroes[]

Dark Demon Realm Saga[]

Main article: [Dark Demon Realm Saga]

Demigra revealed himself to Chronoa and Xeno Trunks after they returned to the Time Nest in the Manga.

Dark Empire Saga[]

Main article: [Dark Empire Saga]

After Mechikabura and Chronoa was sealed away with the Time Labyrinth - Chamel was shown kneeling before Demigra telling him it is time to make their move.

Dark King Mechikabura Saga[]

Main article: [Dark King Mechikabura Saga]

Demigra and his Army assisted the Time Patrol in the final battle against Mechikabura and his Demon Gods.


Following the sealing of Mechikabura - Demigra escaped to the Main World and began using the Time Nest for his own agenda - he used it to rewrite Main World Mechikabura's history - transforming him into a fusion of a Demon Realm Race and a Core Person as well as destroy his Main World counterpart in order to take his place.

At some point - Demigra sealed away the power and become a regular Demon Realm race member and killed the main world counterpart of Towa before kidnapping Towa from the Xeno World and sealing away her power and memories in order to control her.

Demigra went 75 million years before Age having replaced his own counterpart, where he was sealed in the Crack of Time by the Supreme Kai of Time when he tried to control the Time Nest and kidnap Tokitoki. He would spend his time restoring his power

Dragon Ball Advanced[]

Z/Super Saga[]

Main article: [Z/Super Saga]

Demigra spear-headed a Time Crusade, and reached Mira and Towa in Age 1000 using Face with a mirage, and called them to Age 850. He gives them the power to go through time and create distortion, convincing them to do so to make Mira stronger when they are in fact making him stronger. He briefly appears during Future Trunks' future, helping Dial get to the distortion and save Future Trunks in Age 850. He secretly placed a Majin Emblem on Dial after he left, and later appears again controlling Piccolo, Bee, and Super Buu/Kid Buu. He is later defeated by Beerus after trying to control him and escape the Crack of Time.

Dark King Demigra Saga[]

Main article: [Dark King Demigra Saga]

After being free by distortions in history, Demigra eats and absorbs Tokitoki, gaining the power of Space and Time. Demigra barely gets the chance to celebrate in his return as Dial shows up and begins to battle him. He attempts to make Future Trunks and Dial destroy each other, but Dial frees Future Trunks. Goku and Dial proceed to fight Demigra: first in Toki Toki City, and again in the Crack of Time until he is killed by both Goku and Dial.

Pre-revamp story[]


Towa later revived Demigra and powers him up in order to become equal to the combined power of Gravoom and Mira's power. During his battle against Goku Black and Vegeta Black, he manages to obtain his Makyouka Form and overpowers their current forms with ease. He summons fighters from Xeno Bardock's Dimension, but they are all defeated and Xeno Frieza is destroyed.

After destroying Xeno Frieza, Goku Black and Vegeta Black fuse into Vegito God and battle against Demigra. They overpower him with every attack they throw at him, and eventually kill him by breaking his neck.


  • Flight - The ability to fly with ki
  • Ki Blast - The basic form of ki
  • Magic - The ability to use magic
    • Dark Magic - Demigra's style of magic
      • Corrupted Ki Blasts - The combination of Ki and Demigra's or Towa's Dark Magic.
      • Bloody Sauce - An energy attack using Corrupted ki.
      • Baked Sphere - An energy attack using Corrupted ki.
      • Seasoning Arrow - An energy attack using Corrupted ki.
        • Seasoning Spear - A variation of Seasoning Arrow in which Demigra summons a single ethereal staff to launch at his opponent
      • Energy Boil - An energy attack using Corrupted ki.
        • Energy Stew - A darker, stronger variation of Energy Boil used by Dark King Demigra.
      • Rage Saucer - A rush attack using Corrupted ki.
      • Time Shackles - A sealing technique using Corrupted ki.
      • Trick Strike - A rush attack using Corrupted ki.
        • Teleporting Uppercut - A teleporting rush attack used by Demigra.
        • Teleporting Punch - A teleporting rush attack used by Demigra.
        • Boiling Breath - An energy attack using Corrupted ki.
      • Energy Jet - An energy attack using Corrupted ki.
        • Energy Fountain - A darker, stronger variation of Energy Jet used by Dark King Demigra.
      • Boiling Burg - An energy attack using Corrupted ki.
      • Boiling Fist - A rush attack using Corrupted ki.
    • Candy Beam - The ability to turn others to candy.
    • God Meteor - An offensive technique used by Demigra
    • Draw - A magic restraining techique used by Demigra
    • Mirage - The ability to create a shadow of himself.
    • Wormhole Generation - Demigra is capable of creating wormholes.
      • Interdimensional Wormhole - Demigra was able to create a wormhole that enabled him to summon Xeno Frieza, Qurita, and Xeno Piccolo from Xeno Bardock's dimension.
      • Space-Time Meteor Bullet - Demigra calls down a meteor shower through a massive wormholes reinforcing the meteors with ki and magic.
      • Space-Time Blast Wave - Demigra creates a large wormhole and uses his magic to draw in energy, water, fire, lightning, wind, and dust - condensing it into a small ball before unleashing it all has a massive tidal wave - dealing massive damage to his opponents.
  • Remote Self-Destruction - An ability granted to him that enable him to force all his Mirage to self-destruct
  • Ki Sense - The ability to sense ki.
    • Godly ki Sense - The ability to sense godly ki.
  • Power Smack
  • Divine Language - While in the Xenoverse World; Demigra forced Xenoverse World's Fuwa to summon Super Shenron and grant him the ability to speak and understand the Divine Language.
  • Body Change - Demigra's ultimate protection and evasion skill granted to him from Super Shenron. At the point of fatal attack used on Demigra; Demigra's soul is placed within another person's body at random and thus protecting him from death.
    • Biological Override - Upon taking over a target's body; the body while alter on the genetic level and will match Demigra's appearance in his Demon God form even if he was in his True Demon God form at the time of his soul swapping. As a result; Demigra receives no benefits from the body he overtakes due it being altered on the biological level.
  • Ruthless Blow - After being imbued by the Dark Factor - he killed Robelu using this technique.
  • Lightning Distortion - A technique used by Demigra.
  • Wizard Barrier - A barrier technique that Demigra copied from Babidi

Demon God

After gaining enough Kili, Demigra turned into a Demon God - giving him black magic that transcends human knowledge, he wields an overwhelming power. He was granted the ability to wield Light Magic by Dark Shenron in Manga. Thanks to his wish to Super Shenron; should he every be at a point where he is about to be killed; his soul will be sent into another's person body and force that body change appearance and biology - resulting Demigra being restored to his Demon God state.

God of Time and Space

After turning Tokitoki into a candy and consuming him - effectively absorbing him; Demigra becomes the God of Time and Space. He gains greater manipulation of time and space as well as gaining the power to freely enter the Crack of Time. He is surrounded by a greenish-bluish aura. He originally took on this form during his attack on the Xenoverse World. He took on this state a second time after absorbing Tokitoki from the Main World in a similar fashion to when he invaded the Xenoverse World.

While in the main world; he lost this power as a result of Dial and Goku's Final Spirit Kamehameha which was a combination of Dial's Final Flash and Forced Spirit Fission, and Goku's God Kamehameha.

Giant Demon God

Also called the True Demon God form; be using every ounce of one's Demon God power; they merge with their weapon and clothing a take on form equivalent to the size of a Great Ape. However, the downside of the form is that Demigra becomes much slower in this state. It's hinted by Towa that the Demon God state exists to separate the full power of the True Demon God state in the form the user's weapon and the user themselves, and as a result by merging with one's weapon grants the user full, unrestricted Divine Power granted by the Demon God form.

With Tokitoki absorbed; Demigra was even more powerful but during his first encounter was defeated by Xenoverse Goku and Xenoverse Future Warrior. The second time in he used this state with Tokitoki absorbed was against Dial and Goku. However, Demigra lost Tokitoki as a result of Dial's Forced Spirit Fission.

Transcendent Demon God

Demigra eventually attains a stronger form than True Demon God, known as Transcended Demon God, he appears using it after he is defeated in the True Demon God form in Dragon Ball Heroes. He appears to be much smaller without clothing covering the upper part of his body, he retains his red hair but much smaller, straigthened up, and spiky. He also has the lower part of his True Demon God form such as the tail and blue coloured legs. His pupils turn dark red, and his sclera turns black. He has a dark purple aura in this form.

Dark King

After feeling to defeat Super Emerald Super Fourth Dial and Ultra Instinct Goku; Robelu arrived in the Main World and presented Demigra with orb that contained excessive amounts of black element/dark factor (暗黒因子). He gains eyebrows that match the colour of his hair while the sclera of his eyes remain black and his pupils remain dark red. He gains a black-and-white outfit with gold lining and buttons; similar to a formal military uniform, however, he retains his tail from his Transcended Demon God form. The red markings under Demigra's eyes remain unchanged while his hair becomes longer and flowing - reaching the arch of his back while also covering his ears resembling Super 17's hairstyle, however, unlike Super 17 - Demigra doesn't have two bangs in front of his face nor does he make any effort to pull his hair back.

Unlike Fu; he doesn't gain clothes as well as he doesn't gain a cape.

God of Time and Space

After absorbing Tokitoki, Demigra becomes the God of Time and Space. In this state, he is vastly more powerful than he was, with his power being comparable to Goku post-Super Saiyan God and Emerald Super Dial. He also gains much greater manipulation of time and space than he demonstrated previously. In this state, he possesses Godly Ki.

Demon God

Demigra became a Demon God, giving him black magic that transcends human knowledge. After training with Cell-X, he became more powerful, and didn't need to absorb Tokitoki to become stronger. He was strong enough to defeat Saiyan Beyond God Goku, and God True Form Dial.

Giant Demon God

Demigra Final is the final transformation taken by Demigra. In this form; he resembles a demonic dragon, and has hair same length has a Super Saiyan 3. He has grown horns on his head, and shoulders. While this form he is strong enough to hold his against Super Saiyan 3 (Godly ki) Goku, and Dial is his combined Super Evolution, and Ultimate Evolution form.

Transcendent Demon God

Demigra's true Final Form. This form seems to be the hybrid of his Final and regular forms as he was able to block Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku's attacks effortlessly and manage to dispel Dial's Emerald Supernova. He appears much smaller than his Final Form and without clothing covering the upper part of his body. He retains red hair, but much smaller, straightened up, and spiky, as well as the lower part of the Final Form, such as the tail and blue colored legs. His eyes turn dark yellow and the pupil become black.

Demon God Advanced
After being imprisoned in the Time Labyrinth - Demigra gains the Demon God Advanced form. In this form - hie retains his red hair, but much smaller similar to his Makyouka Form except that his hair is curled. He gains an outfit similar to one he wears in the Dark King Mechikabura Saga complete with a red staff. He is sealed away by Xeno Raditz. The extent of his new form is unknown as he is sealed away rather quickly.

  • Staff - A staff used by Demigra.
  • Dark Staff - After becoming a Dark Staff in which is black version of his previous staff with a dark red used in his Dark King form.

Characters killed[]

  • Xenoverse Towa - Killed after he failed in his attempt to become a Supreme Kai of Time and the death of Xenoverse Mira.
  • Main World Demigra - Killed his Main World Counterpart in order to take his place.
  • Main World Towa - Killed Towa's Main World counterpart in order have Towa take her place.
  • Towa - Killed with a Ki blast.
  • Future Mai - Killed with a ki blast.
  • Gohan - Killed when he forced his Mirage to Self-Destruct after he used Dark Shenron to make the Mirage's self-destruction powerful enough to destroy the Main World and numbers of Parallel Worlds.
  • Piccolo - Killed when he forced his Mirage to Self-Destruct after he used Dark Shenron to make the Mirage's self-destruction powerful enough to destroy the Main World and numbers of Parallel Worlds.
  • Vegeta - Killed when he forced his Mirage to Self-Destruct after he used Dark Shenron to make the Mirage's self-destruction powerful enough to destroy the Main World and numbers of Parallel Worlds.
  • Trunks - Killed when he forced his Mirage to Self-Destruct after he used Dark Shenron to make the Mirage's self-destruction powerful enough to destroy the Main World and numbers of Parallel Worlds.
  • Raditz - Killed when he forced his Mirage to Self-Destruct after he used Dark Shenron to make the Mirage's self-destruction powerful enough to destroy the Main World and numbers of Parallel Worlds.
  • Turles - Killed when he forced his Mirage to Self-Destruct after he used Dark Shenron to make the Mirage's self-destruction powerful enough to destroy the Main World and numbers of Parallel Worlds.
  • Demigra's Mirages - Destroyed when he force them to Self-Destruct
  • All inhabitants of Age 850 of the Main World except Gods of Destruction, Angels, Time Patrollers protected by Whis, and the Omni-Kings - - Killed when he forced his Mirage to Self-Destruct after he used Dark Shenron to make the Mirage's self-destruction powerful enough to destroy the Main World and numbers of Parallel Worlds.
  • All inhabitants of Age 782 of the Heroes' World except Gods of Destruction, Angels, and the Omni-Kings - Killed when he forced his Mirage to Self-Destruct after he used Dark Shenron to make the Mirage's self-destruction powerful enough to destroy the Main World and numbers of Parallel Worlds.
  • All inhabitants of Age 793 of the Xeno World except Gods of Destruction, Angels, and the Omni-Kings - Killed when he forced his Mirage to Self-Destruct after he used Dark Shenron to make the Mirage's self-destruction powerful enough to destroy the Main World and numbers of Parallel Worlds.
  • All inhabitants of Age 852 of the Xenoverse World except the Gods of Destruction, Angels, and the Omni-Kings - Killed when he forced his Mirage to Self-Destruct after he used Dark Shenron to make the Mirage's self-destruction powerful enough to destroy the Main World and numbers of Parallel Worlds.
  • Robelu - Killed using Ruthless Blow against her.
  • Xeno Goten - Killed with the blade of Future Trunks' sword
  • Xeno Gohan - Killed with Seasoning Spear.
  • Xenoverse Fu - Killed with a ki blast.


  • He has the highest kills of any namesake saga villains.
  • He is the third villain to be revived by an Eternal Dragon, the first being Frieza by Shenron, and both Future Cooler and him were revived by Mr. Poko Poko.