This article, Dark Tuffle, is the property of dark TRUNKS. |
dark Tuffles are a powerful race of magical creatures. They are a sub-race of dark COUNTERPARTS. They have not a true race in the normal sense. Instad dark Tuffles are a race created by the Eternal Dragons. dark Tuffles were first seen when dark TRUNKS wished to his brother, Shenron, that he could have the tools to defeat the Saiyans. This gave him the only dark Tuffle shown so far, dark BEBI, to match Vegeta.
Physical Appearance[]
dark Tuffles look exactly like normal Changelings, except their entire body isnegative and they are covered in colored glyphs.
Notable dark Tuffles[]
dark BEBI[]
dark BEBI is the dark COUNTERPART of Bebi Vegeta. He has all the powers of the original Bebi Negeta except he is as powerful as a Super Saiyan 5.