Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki
Dragonball Fanon Wiki
This story, Daniel Iusepe Mamani Choque Ayawaska Uzumaki Namikase (la pulga), is is not a good representation of this wiki, due to choices in poor grammar, poor set up, and/or general incoherency. This is not an example of something you should write.

This article, Daniel Iusepe Mamani Choque Ayawaska Uzumaki Namikase (la pulga), is the property of SasukeUzumaki78028373737373.

La pulga phase 1

This is La Pulga in his base form, he is said to be more powerfull than Gonzalito the master of Pepino

He is the son of Austin the Saiyan and Coohan born from the intercourse between Kid Vegeta and Planet Namek, his powers come from being a sonic fan making him unable to be heterosexual.

He has a cyber girlfriend called Amy Rose who he lost his cyber virginity, in real life his dog is his wife and lover

Amy Rose

Amy Rose, la pulga's cyber girlfriend

He appeared in Dragon Ball AF #3 as the 4th Dragon Ball. He is also said to be intrested in his best friend as he calls him "the prettiest sayan he has ever met"

La pulga and his lover

As always he expresses his true feelings in this manga panel


Danza chambeadora: in this state his power level increases 100x times the power of a Bolivian child, he is said to able to dissapear any sonic plush using his rectum

Spin Dash: He can crawl into a ball made out of his own desire to kiss men and attack minorities

His first anime apearence

his first anime adaptation

YoKai State: When he uses his yo kai watch he gets bullied relentlessly, making him more powerfull than goku in his base form



La pulga in LGSS State

Legendary super saiyan: he is a pridefull warrior that gained his powers from living in the closet

Lil boy

His ultra hunger state

Ultra hunger state: in this state he adquires the power of his colombian people

super sayan 2: he thinks he is a super saiyan but he just likes men


La pulga's in his super sayan 2 mode

La Pulga Danza Chambeadora

Daniel When he fought his homosexual tendencys using his Danza Chambeadora
