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This article, Daniel Iusepe Mamani Choque Ayawaska Uzumaki Namikase (la pulga), is the property of SasukeUzumaki78028373737373. |
He is the son of Austin the Saiyan and Coohan born from the intercourse between Kid Vegeta and Planet Namek, his powers come from being a sonic fan making him unable to be heterosexual.
He has a cyber girlfriend called Amy Rose who he lost his cyber virginity, in real life his dog is his wife and lover
He appeared in Dragon Ball AF #3 as the 4th Dragon Ball. He is also said to be intrested in his best friend as he calls him "the prettiest sayan he has ever met"
Danza chambeadora: in this state his power level increases 100x times the power of a Bolivian child, he is said to able to dissapear any sonic plush using his rectum
Spin Dash: He can crawl into a ball made out of his own desire to kiss men and attack minorities
YoKai State: When he uses his yo kai watch he gets bullied relentlessly, making him more powerfull than goku in his base form
Legendary super saiyan: he is a pridefull warrior that gained his powers from living in the closet
Ultra hunger state: in this state he adquires the power of his colombian people
super sayan 2: he thinks he is a super saiyan but he just likes men