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This page, Damani Dominion, is property of KidVegeta.

Damani Dominion

567,033,851 Before Age


181,067,522 Before Age


Universe 7


Anaku (†) (until defection in 349,862,174 Before Age)

Main Members:

Anaku (†) (until defection in 349,862,174 Before Age)
Sertung (†)
Verlate (†)




The Damani Dominion was the political leadership of the Damani species that existed many hundreds of millions of years Before Age. During the peak of their power, they were able to locate Other World, relocating their homeworld of Krakatan to there, and began to govern over the other mortal species due to their superior intellect and technology. They were eventually struck down with plague and infertility by Amoon, a Second Generation God, in favor of the Supreme Kais.


When the Daman reached their techological peak, they ventured into Other World, led by Anaku, the most gifted of their species. He decided that they would serve as gods of the universe and would watch over all other species. There were those who stood against Anaku and his beliefs. They were summarily killed in a brutal, but short-lived civil war. It was said that by this point that Anaku's power rivaled that of the old gods. Weyvn, son of Maltrion, allied himself with those who stood against Anaku's power grab, for Anaku's mania threatened the stability of Other World itself. Millions died in the civil war. Their conflict came down to a final duel between the two, in which Anaku and Weyvn fought to the death. Both were mortally wounded in the affair. Weyvn was able to obliterate Anaku at long last, though he shortly after died from his own wounds. Anaku was thereafter locked away in Hell, unable to participate with other occupants.

Following that, the Daman no longer governed the species of the universe, instead attempting to spread knowledge and technology from planet to planet. However, their species was clearly in decline at this point, as they had no dominating leader.

Still, for many years to come, the Daman saw themselves as the judges and watchers of the universe, using their time and power to look over the mortal species existing in the plane below them. From this position, the Daman were struck down by Amoon with disease and infirtility, for he had grown jealous of their way of life.

It did not take long for the Damani species to wane as a result of Amoon's interference. They became less preoccupied with other species, instead devoting their time towards their own internal strife, and during that time, their powers waned considerably.

The Daman soon became aware of the Kais, and sent a Legate to their world to study them. When Verlate was overwhelmed by the Kais, her power being stolen from her, resulting in the destruction of the Kais' homeworld, the Daman were forced to concede power to the Kais. Verlate was placed in a mind prison for her failures and the judge Sertung was the last capable Daman remaining to teach the Kais how to watch over the universe.

The regional Kais ruled from planets that had previously belonged to the Daman. The Damani Dominion collapsed soon afterwards, though that is not say that every member of their species died with their empire.

Known members[]

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