This article, DRAGONBALL Xz: ICE BREAKERS, is the property of dark TRUNKS. |
DRAGONBALL Xz: ICE BREAKERS is a unique side story that takes place during the Lord Chill Saga. It uses the mechanics from THE BREAKERS in a single player setting. There will be 3 characters; 2 main characters (Puar and Yamcha) & a secret character. Puar starts off as the only unlocked character. After beating Puar's Story, you unlock Yamcha. Once Yamcha's Story is also cleared, you will unlock the final character.
Each charactyer has a different tool they can use to evade Verdant Ice Shocktroopers, described in their Plot section. Each character is unable to handle direct combat with even one Shocktrooper, as there is no Dragon Change, so utilize your skills and evade the enemies with stealth and complete the objectives.
Puar's Story[]
Puar's Story begins with Puar sitting around Yamcha's house in West City. Puar hears a crowd building up outside of Yamcha's house, so Puar opens the blinds. As Puar does, the a large black shadow consumes everyone as Puar looks up along with the civilians. The camera pans up to the sky, we see the Changeling Universal Army's armada fill the skies, the shadow cast upon Puar being the largest ship there. Puar's fear spikes as a two figures leave the largest ship and start floating above the city. Puar whimpers Yamcha's name as one a third figure flies up, gets his head chopped off, and killed. Suddenly, the other figure raises his hand and suddenly the entire area is consumed in a massive, violent explosion.
When Puar wakes up, West City is destroyed and Puar wishes Yamcha were here. Puar decides that the first order of business is to find Yamcha. Right before leaving, Puar watches as some civilians are killed by Shocktroopers, prompting Puar to be sneaky and stealthy. This introduces a tutorial on both the game's mechanics as well as Puar's signature ability.
Puar's skill is Shapeshifting, which can function like both Change: Missile and Change: Camouflage. In addition to being able to disguise as a regular object and flying undetected across gaps, Puar can use Shapeshifting to disguise as a Shocktrooper in later parts, which is only good at a distance, but can be helpful if you need to move across a sightline as the regular camoflague doesn't let you move and the flight can't be used across sightlines.
The story takes you through Puar's trip through the ruins of West City. All the while evading Shocktroopers and trying to find Yamcha. During the story, scenes from the Lord Chill Saga will happen overhead during the most tense moments; including Lord Chill's Death Ball as well as the efforts to stop it, the largest ship's destruction and crashing into the ruins (which Puar will have to avoid), and the final fight between Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, & Krillin vs Lord Chill and Polaris.
During Lord Chill's transformation from his Eldritchian Wrath form into his base form, everything that's left of the ruins begins to shake and crumble. Puar is caught out by some Shocktroopers and about to be killed, but then suddenly at the last moment, Yamcha appears to save Puar. Puar's Story ends with Puar crying out Yamcha's name in joy as Yamcha starts fighting the Shocktroopers.
Yamcha's Story[]
<To Be Revealed Soon>
<???>'s Story[]
<To Be Revealed After a Later Episode of the Lord Chill Saga>
The 3 characters will be revealed later: