Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki
Dbz Cooler 002

This article is currently under construction and is incomplete at the moment.

DBZ BH game 3 is a fighting game using the 3 Sparking formula (character select screen from Sparking!/BT1, level up, alt clothes and being able to transform from Sparking! Neo/BT2 and tought computer AI from Sparking! Meteor/BT3)

Starting characters[]

  • Prince Bartek (Normal,Big Hamster,SH,SH2) (Gohan (Freeza saga) like armor, Gohan (Freeza saga) like armor + scouter)
  • Queen
  • Evil Bardock (Normal,Great ape,Super Bardock,Majin Super Saiyan 2) (Full clothes, Full clothes + scouter, No armor, In briefs)
  • Evil Turles (Normal,Great ape,Super Saiyan,Super Saiyan 2,Majin Super Saiyan 2,Super Saiyan 3)(Full clothes, Full clothes + scouter, No armor, In briefs)
  • Salt (Normal, Majin)
  • GT Goku (Normal,Super Saiyan,Super Saiyan 2,Super Saiyan 3,Super Saiyan 4) (GT suit, End of Z suit)
  • Earth Bardock (Normal, Super Saiyan,Super Saiyan 2,Super Saiyan 3,Super Saiyan 4) (GT Earth clothes, Z Earth clothes, His old armor with bandana)
  • Gine (Normal,Super Saiyan 1,Super Saiyan 2,Super Saiyan 3,Super Saiyan 4) (Earth clothes, Her old armor)
  • Good Turles (Normal,Super Saiyan,Super Saiyan 2,Super Saiyan 3,Super Saiyan 4) (Earth clothes, His old armor)
  • Gotenks (Adult) (Normal,Super Saiyan,Super Saiyan 2,Super Saiyan 3)
  • Pan (GT) (GT clothes with bandana, GT clothes without bandana,28th martial arts tournament clothes,Piccolo jr's GI)
  • Uub (GT)
  • Buu (Good)
  • Future Gohan (Normal,Great ape,Super Saiyan,Super Saiyan 2)
  • Future Pan (Normal,Super Saiyan,Super Saiyan 2) (FGohan's GI with kanji of "bread" in back, Trunks's CC clothes)
  • Future Trunks (Normal,Super Saiyan)
  • Future Videl (Red training bra with short pants with red bandana and green boots, First apearence outfit, wedding dress)
  • Princess Chi-Chi (Adult)
  • Princess Pan (Normal, Great ape, mystic Super Saiyan, Mystic princess) (Goku's/Gohan's no kanji GI, Piccolo jr's purple GI)
  • Queen Videl (Bikini armor, Fight T-shirt with pigtails, "wedding" dress)
  • Prince Goten (Normal, Super Saiyan) (T-shirtless vest with short pants, his brother Orange GI, Ox king's clothes)
  • Vegito (Normal,Super Saiyan,Super Saiyan 2,Super Saiyan 3)
  • Pan (Strongest) (Normal,Great ape,Mystic) (Standart outfit, Vegito's GI, Goku's GI, Piccolo's GI)
  • Great Saiyaman (Full costume, Bandana and sunglasses)
  • Great Saiyaman 3
  • Great Saiyagirl (Normal version as designed by Kruzer, alt version by Kerubot)
  • Yamcha Desert Bandit
  • Mystic Gohan (GI with glasses, Phantom of the opera White tie with scars and mask on left face, GI with no glasses)

Unlockable characters[]
