Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, DBK Manga: Chapter 2, is the property of GekuTheSaiyan.

Champa: Beerus!

Beerus: What?!

Champa: I want to see how strong your universe is, so I want you to pick 5 strong fighters.

Beerus: Fine, what's the deal?

Champa: You give us your dragon balls.

Goku: we have some on earth

Vegeta: I guess our team can be Kakarot, me, Geku, Piccolo and Buu. If he's not sleep. * calls Hercule *

Vegeta: Is buu Asleep?

Hercule: Yes.

Beerus: Then we'll get the strongest fighter i've ever faced.

Vegeta and Goku: What?!

Beerus: I guess it's set.
