Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, DBK Manga: Chapter 1, is the property of GekuTheSaiyan.

Goku: Come on Geku! I know your not at full power!

SSB Geku: Fine! Kaioken!

SSB Goku: Alright! * attacks *

SSB Geku: * attacks *

Whis: Time to start training Geku! First! You fight me.

SSB Geku: Kaioken x20! * attacks *

Whis: Oh my. You're movements, they're slow.

SSB Geku: Fine. * powers down * * attacks *

Whis: * blocks * ngh.

* Continues *

Whis: You're tired aren't you.

SSJ2 Geku: hehe. you know everything.

???: Beeus! Come Here!

Beerus: Why.
