Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Cooler (DBA), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..


Cooler's third form is remains identical to Akira Toriyama's design of Cooler while Cooler's First Form resembles a smaller variation of Frieza's Third Form. However, Cooler's True Form is somewhat similar to Frieza's although Cooler possesses a pair of white horns on either side of his while his deep-purple skin becomes covered in Bio-armour while his carapaces remains distinct from his bio-armour. When he enters of his Fourth Transformation in his True Form; his bio-armour breaks away from his body.


While Cooler seems somewhat similar to King Cold and Frieza; he is different due to the fact that he spent most of his life on life-support after his mutations proved deadly for his body. Cooler is much more serious and intellectual when dealing with problems.



Cooler was born sometime before Frieza, however, after his body began to decline the mutations placed upon him - King Cold considered him a failure and placed in a life-supporting machine where he led a small squadron against weak planets. Cooler met Frieza years later after King Cold showed Frieza what happens to "failures".

In Age 712 - Cooler's Spaceship was intercepted by Towa on orders of Demigra and she was able to use her magic to complete his mutations and proceeded to unlock his hidden potential which granted him power far beyond even Frieza's original power level during his fight with Goku.

At some point - Cooler was able to achieve the Fourth Transformation and in Age 779; Cooler and his Squadron were intercepted by Demigra and sent to Future Trunks' timeline prior to Future Zeno erasing the timeline and tasked with disrupting the fight as much as possible.

Dragon Ball Advanced[]

Z/Super Saga[]

Main article: Z\Super Saga (SSJJ)

Cooler proceeded to attack Infinite Zamasu, Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks. However, due to being unable to send Dial or anyone else to deal with Cooler. Chronoa was forced to send Cell and Frieza with the promise to letting them return to their respective eras alive.

1st Form Cooler fought against 1st Form Frieza and Super Perfect Cell, but transformed into his Second and Third Form after they were able to overpower him. Cooler then proceeded to transform into his Fourth Transformation and while at first he was able to overpower True Form Frieza; he was vastly overpowered by Golden Frieza and Golden Perfect Cell.

Cooler was granted the Villainous Mode by Demigra which placed in a level far beyond the power which resulted him overpowering the power. Cell reverted to his Super Perfect form before taking on his Perfection Evolved form. Cell proceeded to use his tail to absorb some of Infinite Zamasu's life-force and gained an excessive amount of Saiya Power allowing him to transform into his Super Perfect Evolution state.


Cooler was notably born with a massive ki receive which was suppressed by unknown means which gave him the power level of 0.003, however, Cooler's power after his hidden potential was unlocked placed him at the power level of 120,000,000 in his First Transformation.


  • Flight - The ability to fly with ki.
  • Ki Blast - The basic form of ki.
  • Death Wave - A ki-slash attack used by Cooler.
  • Death Ball - An energy sphere used by Cooler.
    • Supernova - A stronger variation used by Cooler in his 3rd and True Form
      • Supernova Cooler - A stronger variation of Supernova used by Cooler in his Fourth Transformation.
        • Full Power Supernova - A full powered version of Supernova Cooler.
  • Finishing Blow - Cooler used a technique similar to Finishing Blow against Golden Frieza.

First Transformation

The first form of the Transforming ability's suppression forms. In this state; he is roughly 2 feet taller than First Form Frieza although he stands with a hunch. He has an extremely long elongated skull similar to Third Form Frieza's head, he has a pair of black horns on the back of his head which curve upward while the pair closer to his forehead are white. He face is deep-pink and is noseless just like Third Form Frieza's face.

The armour on his shoulders extend out. The armour on his body resembles a carapace similar to his Third Form while a pair of spike protrude from his kneecaps. The centre of his chest bares a single blue gem with bio-armour underneath that surrounds his waist, crotch, and his upper legs.

Second Transformation

His second appearance puts him at least 2 feet taller than Second Frieza while his face gains a nose and becomes less beck-like. The armour on his shoulder curl over his shoulders while the gem on the centre of his chest disappears. The spike on his kneecaps disappear and his head shape shrinks.

He loses his slight hunch and his head resembles the head shape of Janemba although he Cooler's blue gem on the top of his head has become smaller. The bio-armour around his waist, crotch, and upper legs breaks away,

Third Transformation

Cooler's third form resembles the initial form used by Cooler (DBZ) in the Dragon Ball Z movies. He becomes shorter and while his horns recede completely.

True Form

Cooler's true form somewhat resembles in Frieza in that his entire body is covered with bio-armour while his carapace from his suppression forms and Fourth Transformation somewhat more pronounced. He has a pair of white horns on either side of his head while a blue gem on his head, chest, shoulders, wrists, and ankles.

Fourth Transformation

Cooler's Fourth Transformation remains the same as his counterparts in the appearance. When entering this form in his True Form; his bio-armour except his carapace shatters while his body retakes the appearance of his third form before morphing into his Fourth Transformation due to him evolving into this form via his Third Transformation.

Villainous Mode

Cooler gains black markings around his eyes similar to Demigra's markings while gaining a strong purple aura that gives his body a dark purple hue. In this form; he is far stronger than Golden Frieza and Golden Perfect Cell.

Super Fourth Transformation
Cooler was able to achieve this form after receiving excessive ki after Demigra collected energy from a number of different eras. As a result; his entire body is once again covered with bio-armour much like his true form while his shoulder armour extend with it curving downwards as blue gems appear on his chest and shoulders. Gems appear on his kneecaps while the gems on his ankles are replaced by a single gem above his feet. His head morphs into the same shape as Dial's in the Super Fourth Transformation and Coolieza's. Cooler retains his visor while his height remains unchanged.
