Dragonball Fanon Wiki

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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Commander Black Jr., is the property of Pandalove93.

Commander Black Jr. is son of Staff Officer Black and leader of Black Ribbon Army.

After his father's death, Commander Black Jr. was planning revenge for Goku and his family. 

So when Master Katsu challenged Mr. Satan to prove that his students was better tham Katsu's, Black Ribbon Army kidnaps baby Mark Jr. and demanded 500,000 million zenis and Mr. Satan's school for ransom.


Black Jr. was a greedy, sarcastic and self-centered, but also charismatic and tactical leader. His minions was afraid of him because he was accurate and very strict, and he may fire his minion for little reasons. He's also little vain, when he don't want ruin his outfit and he gets upset if it get's ruined.

When he was kidnapping Mark Jr., he shows some caring and affection for little baby, but he didn't wanna show it to his allies.

He's also very smart with money and can use it for anything, like when he builds military machines for his army or when he hire new subordinates.


Black Jr. is very good with firearms but he's also shows to be very good with martial arts and boxing. He's stronger than his minions, but he's weaker than Master Katsu and Ox-Man. Unlike Katsu, Black Jr. doesn't use use any ki-moves.

But when he was battling with Tekka, who comes to rescue Mark Jr. with Pan, he wasn't no mach for Tekka.

Black Jr. fights mainly with his Robot Armor.


  • Gun: Black Jr. carries an ordinary handgun.
  • Robot Armor: Black Jr.'s ultimate weapon, a powerful mech suit.
    • Hikou: The Robot Armor  is able to fly with rockets.
    • Rocket Punch: Powerful Rocket Punch can be fired from Robot Armor's right hand.
    • Laser Beam: Laser Beam can be fired from Robot Armor's chest.