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This page, Children of Chaos, is property of KidVegeta.

Children of Chaos

Age 744


Age 752




Colonel Violet
Nathaniel (†)

Main Members:

Colonel Violet
Nathaniel (†)
Captain Carmichael (†)
Lieutenant Rui Yang
Sergeant Tyrian (†)
Corporal Shyrin (†)
Captain Cassian (†)
Children of Chaos pilot (†)


Negative Utilitarianism League
Chàoxing Gon


The Children of Chaos was a military group owned by Colonel Violet. They were financed by Nathaniel, the mayor of South City from Age 739 - Age 747. They were primarily a drug cartel that made money for Violet on the side. Their existence was not known to her superiors at the Red Ribbon Army. Their insignia was three pairs of crimson teardrops descending diagonally away from the chest.


In Age 747, during the events of Chasing Oblivion, the Children of Chaos were first seen in their Yunzabit Heights research facility watching over a four-month retreat of a small group of members of the Negative Utilitarianism League, which Nathaniel had joined three months prior due to a nervous breakdown. They aided in the mayor's plot to release the Yalung (a yeti-like creature) upon the NUL-ites, even after it broke loose and ate Sergeant Tyrian.

Following the butchering of the NUL-ites, the Children of Chaos put down the Yalung and then traveled with Nathaniel and Violet to the Diablo Desert to help Violet track down the infinite energy device that Doctor Gero had illegally sold to Yunwu, the deputy mayor of South City.

In chapter 7, Violet, Corporal Shyrin, Corporal Cassian, and ten other soldiers landed in the Diablo Desert. There, they found Hasky, and after a brief firefight in which Shyrin was killed, Violet and Cassian subdued Hasky and took the infinite energy device from her.

Thereafter, the 127 remaining Children of Chaos (including Violet and Nathaniel) settled in Bonetown, taking over the only town in the Diablo Desert for their drug trade. Following Yunwu's death, Koicharu Mazuchiru, the leader of the Chàoxing Gon crime syndicate, was promised by Violet that he would be made the new deputy mayor and be put in charge of the Diablo Desert's drug trade. An alliance was formed between the Chàoxing Gon and the Children of Chaos to prevent further bloodshed. However, the mayor was displeased with Mazuchiru's sexual advances towards Violet and eventually instigated a fight on the outskirts of Bonetown, leading to all of Mazuchiru's elite yakuza being butchered. Only he and the driver of his hovercar escaped, though he took three gunshot wounds from Violet (after shooting the mayor and critically wounding him for calling the man a little cuck bitch) in the firefight. The Children of Chaos took moderate losses in the engagement. There were still close eighty of them remaining.

Later on, Yamcha had a confrontation with a detachment of Children of Chaos, led by Lieutenant Rui Yang. After defeating them in hand-to-hand combat, he returned them to Bonetown, ordering the group to tell Violet never to disturb him again, lest he retaliate with fire and fury, the likes of which they had never seen before.

Medics tried to save the mayor following the shootout in Bonetown, but his wounds were too grievous, so they transferred him to the South City hospital. A dozen or so soldiers remained there, guarding his floor (with snipers in the surrounding buildings) until Violet mercy-killed him.

More than a year later, Yamcha and Puar captured a caravan hauling silver ore. They took the ore to Bonetown with hopes of selling it there, but found the place lying in ruins, bodies strewn about. Yamcha noted that the bodies were of the Children of Chaos and of soldiers wearing white-and-black armor from an organization he did not recognize. These soldiers were most likely members of Earth's military sent by King Furry to cleanse the desert of all its filth. While this force did not destroy the Children of Chaos, it certainly weakened them severely, causing them to flee temporarily so they could regroup and build up their numbers again. Violet was most likely on assignment with the Red Ribbon Army when this occurred, which did not allow her to organize a proper defense of Bonetown. Nevertheless, as of Age 749, the Children of Chaos had disappeared into the shadows, and it was some months later before they were heard from again.

In Age 751, Elijah stumbled upon Violet and two of her men selling cocaine to the false samurai Minamogi in a cave at the base of one of the mountains near the town of Cardan (which was located three miles south of Orange Star City). Elijah killed her men as he snuck into the cave. She was unable to negotiate a price with Minamogi, which brought him close to attacking her, but then Elijah appeared and killed him and his bandits. Violet shot Elijah three times and ran off, leaving the daimyo to bleed out.

In Age 752, Violet finally tracked down the Chàoxing Gon to the Goldfish Casino in Orange Star City. After Carmichael captured a yakuza soldier named Takebashi Hareki, the man snuck them inside. They found Mazuchiru in a private room hooked up to medical devices. He was in a coma. Violet killed him nonetheless. As they exited the building, they were attacked by Gunjaro Sugoro and his men. The Children of Chaos were slaughtered (including Cassian) save for Violet and Carmichael before Eugen stepped in, sniping the yakuza down.

They were then taken by Eugen to see Cardinal, who took them prisoner. Cardinal forced Violet to kill Carmichael and hand over the location of her Children of Chaos or else he would kill her father, Charles Mauvin. Cardinal sent a kill team to eradicate the Children of Chaos soon afterward, leaving Violet as the only surviving member.

Known members[]


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