Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This page, Chaos (KidVegeta), is property of KidVegeta.

Chaos is a pervasive force in the Dragon Ball universe. It is introduced in the story, KidVegeta's Theogony: From Silence to the Greater Kais. After Silence materialized into The Nameless Being, Chaos was formed. Half of Silence's power was given to Chaos, and it became the dominant force after The Nameless Being split into the Twelve Divines. Thereafter, Chaos seeped into the hearts of the Twelve and caused them to collectively create Heisis, the thirteenth and most powerful of the Original Divines. Chaos persisted thereafter and acted more as a tool to be used by Heisis than as a being of its own. It continued to be the main force acting against order and harmony for the rest of time.

Dragon Ball Theogony Characters
First Beings SilenceChaosThe Nameless Being
The Thirteen Divines MaltrionZentryxIantosSethysIcaeusDapherionSoranosValciaPytheThessiaNylosHaseideneHeisis
Second Generation Gods ThibbeBacciaPhemysGersiaBemeitaWeyvnSessinaCiraNelosZiantosBeinusAmuIsyenMaevusQualosVestiaBorellosOuraliaCephiaZeruosDutramoAziesDibolanPhestaChivinSelphosDynaeBhushoGarriosMacklanGyxForelDencionLorelosXeliaJesino
Other Characters AnakuBibidiMajin BuuSupreme Kai