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This page, Chàoxing Gon, is property of KidVegeta.

Chàoxing Gon

Age 688


Age 752




Koicharu Mazuchiru

Main Members:

Koicharu Mazuchiru (†)
Hiramogi Higataro (†)
Gunjaro Sugoro (†)
Jiro (†)
Takebashi Hareki (until defection in Age 752)


Yunwu (†)


The Chàoxing Gon was a yakuza crime syndicate operating primarily out of the Orange Star City area. They also had significant activity in the region around South City. Led by Koicharu Mazuchiru, the gang was involved in numerous illegal activities, such as a black-market firearm trading, running illegal drug manufacturing and trading, extorting and blackmailing businesses and local city governments, as well as being involved in numerous racketeering operations in the aforementioned cities. They were allied with Yunwu of South City, allowing them to do much of this criminal activity without suffering repercussions, as well as Cardinal, the leader of the New Red Ribbon Army, who formed an alliance with them following the breakup of the Red Ribbon Army in Age 750.

In Age 752, the Crane School, Children of Chaos, and New Red Ribbon Army assassinated the gang's remaining leaders, causing it to fracture.


In Age 747, during the events of Chasing Oblivion, Yunwu sent a detachment of Wolfe's Wings, led by Silver Snead, to fulfill a bounty request given to her by Mazuchiru - to assassinate King Furry's Captain of the Guard, who was staying in a brothel, The House of the Blue Lotus, in South City. After this operation was completed, Mazuchiru agreed to lend soldiers to Wolfe's struggle against the Night Snakes.

In chapter 2 of Chasing Oblivion, a detachment of Wolfe's Wings attacked a group of yakuza in the desert who were digging up buried barrels of zeni. They killed the Chàoxing Gon and took the money. When Mazuchiru heard of this, he suspected Wolfe's crew of being responsible, for this had occurred in their territory, although he made no mention to Yunwu that he would pay them back for what they had done.

Later on, Mazuchiru captured Yamcha and Rheems. He took them to the Noh theater, then treated them to a sushi dinner prepared by his cook Jiro. Afterwards, he asked them to kill Wolfe for him, not explaining why. When Rheems refused, Mazuchiru slit his throat, forcing Yamcha to agree to do it. However, once outside the yakuza's base, the boy bolted, stealing a motorcycle and escaping into the traffic of South City. Jiro and several yakuza pursued him, but crashed in the chase, dying in the process.

Later on, after the Night Snakes and Wolfe's Wings fought their bloody final bout, resulting in the total annihilation of the Night Snakes, Mazuchiru and a large percentage of his remaining Chàoxing Gon (their numbers being much reduced from a previous battle against Makare, Naigo, and the rest of Makare's Band in Orange Star City a few days prior) showed up at the scene. They attacked Wolfe and his men for what they had done to the yakuza in chapter 2. Wolfe's Wings were routed, with only a handful escaping with their lives. This ultimately forced the survivors to flee the Diablo Desert, setting up the Chàoxing Gon as the dominant force in the badlands until the Children of Chaos showed up and took over Bonetown soon after.

Following Yunwu's death, Mazuchiru was promised by Colonel Violet, the mayor of South City's girlfriend, that he would be made the new deputy mayor and be put in charge of the Diablo Desert's drug trade. An alliance was formed between the Chàoxing Gon and the Children of Chaos to prevent further bloodshed. However, the mayor was displeased with Mazuchiru's sexual advances towards Violet and eventually instigated a fight on the outskirts of Bonetown, leading to all of Mazuchiru's elite yakuza being butchered. Only he and the driver of his hovercar escaped, though he took three gunshot wounds from Violet (after shooting the mayor and critically wounding him for calling the man a little cuck bitch) in the firefight.

The Chàoxing Gon had taken significant losses following the battles against Makare's Band, Wolfe's Wings, and the Children of Chaos. Their gang was in a state of chaos and weakness, and thus they retreated to Orange Star City to regroup, recruit more members, and plan for the day when they would eventually take the desert back.

In Age 752, Violet finally tracked down the Chàoxing Gon to the Goldfish Casino in Orange Star City. After Carmichael captured a yakuza soldier named Takebashi Hareki, the man snuck them inside. They found Mazuchiru in a private room hooked up to medical devices. He was in a coma. Violet killed him nonetheless. As they exited the building, they were attacked by Gunjaro Sugoro and his men. The Children of Chaos were slaughtered save for Violet and Carmichael before Eugen stepped in, sniping the yakuza down.

Later, Tonji Masamune and Elijah assisted Tien and Paik in locating and performing a hit on Hiramogi Higataro. The hit went smoothly and the final boss of the Chàoxing Gon along with around twenty of his soldiers were eliminated. Following that, the gang fractured due to lack of leadership and was no longer in operation a few weeks later.

Known members[]


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