Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Cell's Student!, is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time..


Chronoa managed to remove the Demon God emblem from Dial and sent to a mountainous region in Age 850 - resulting in a massive explosion. Chronoa reveals to the Time Patrollers about the identity of Demigra and she reveals that Demigra suddenly changed 75 Million years before Age and she was forced to seal him in the Crack of Time. Demigra began trying to usurp her predecessor's position and attempted to undermine her predecessor by changing history. Once Chronoa was made the Supreme Kai of Time - she sealed Demigra away in the Crack of Time.

Cell attempted to respond but Chronoa shot back at him that Demigra doesn't have allies or friends just puppets and schmucks willing to believe that one act of kindness is enough to convince them to side with him. Vegeta and Gohan back-up her claim by revealing their time as a Masked warrior with a fraction of Demigra's true powers granted to them. Goku, Future Trunks, and Future Mai chose to remain quiet as Dial asked Cell if he was okay with being nothing more than a puppet meant to divert their attention. Cell considered Dial's question before looking back at him and ask whether or not he's a puppet for Chronoa. Dial responded by telling him that he chooses to be part of the Time Patrol to both preserve history and a chance to fight against history's strongest warriors. Dial made a vow to Cell and said that if Cell personally trains Dial - he'll remove the collar and let him go back to his proper era with his new power. Cell revealed that he was revived a few months after the Cell Games and doing so would change history and he'd rather fight Gohan as he is now. Dial understood that it was Goku's cells making Cell say such things and told he'll place him in an era that would be appropriate. Cell agreed as Dial took to Toki Toki City to train.

Goku and Vegeta discussed Past Ginyu and Past Vegeta allegiance with Towa but Future Trunks explained that they joined for the chance of getting stronger and new power. As they were discussing the matters - Raditz and Nappa appeared in the Time Nest. Goku and Vegeta prepared to fight them but Raditz immediately told them that they were defecting after Mira (Dragon Ball Advanced) tried to abandon them. Vegeta was sceptical as was Goku, but Future Trunks was willing to accept their defection but told that he'll strike them down himself - if it turns out that they are just playing them. Vegeta was approached by Sour and asked if wanted to continue training as Sour had to leave soon - Vegeta agreed as Nappa and Raditz asked to receive training as well. Sour initially refused but after giving him a tasty treat - he accepted and took them with him to train them.

Mira (Dragon Ball Advanced) was training Past Ginyu, Past Vegeta, and Slug aggressively and continued to fault them on every misstep. Slug's uniform was completely destroyed while Past Ginyu and Past Vegeta are several holes and cuts in their respective uniforms resulting in Towa repairing their outfit and scolding Mira for training them to hard as they are still necessary. Towa returned to updating and upgrading Agnilasa with the recent data from the battle with Cell.

Goku was training Gohan and Turles to help Gohan master Ultra Instinct while helping Turles reach Super Saiyan 3.

Meanwhile - at an unknown location in Age 850; electricity began to sprawl across the ground before turning into an energy sphere which melts the area around it and left a gaping hole in the ground as An individual resembling Mira appears along with Octopapa and robot that sounds similar to Tao. Octopapa identifies the individual as Mira and the robot as Taoku. Mira asks Taoku if they have arrived in the correct world this time and Taoku coldly remarks in the affirmative. Mira told Octopapa that they're going to retrieve Towa and take her back to the Xeno World.

However, a mirage of Demigra appeared before them as Mira entered Super Saiyan E-type and proceeded to attack Demigra but he simply passed through him as Demigra stated that he was just a mirage. Octopapa was about to assist but Mira instructed him not to interfere. Mira reflected on his time when had absorbed Fin as well as the time he used the Supervillain State and reflected on in his Ultimate Battle Form and Weakened Battle Form. Mira demanded Demigra to return Towa but Demigra refused to heed Mira's demands and attempted to bind him with magic but Mira dodged his attacks and proceeded to absorb Octopapa and Taoku. Demigra was shocked at Mira's new power as the Bio-Android proceeded to attack Demigra, but his offensive was halted as Bio-Warrior Mira had arrived and used a restraining technique to behind his counterpart. Mira tried to snap Towa out of whatever spell Demigra had her under but she simply prepared a sealing spell and managed to seal him inside a seed for a Tree of Might.

Meanwhile back at Toki Toki City - Dial exited the Room of Spirit and Time along with Cell. Cell admits that he is impressed that Dial was able to learn all his moves and developed quickly, and simply states that if Dial wished to identify himself as his student than he has his blessing. Cell requested the removal of the ring and Chronoa removed it as she sent him to Earth of Age 850.

Chronoa asked Dial if he was ready to return to work and Dial nodded at her. Dial observed the Scroll of Eternity and absorbed a battle involving Innocent Buu with Super Saiyan 3 Goku being absorbed but before he could see the outcome - he told Chronoa that he identified to change and will be leaving immediately. Chronoa nodded at him as he teleported away with Chronoa commenting that he seemed more mature.




  • Earth
  • Time Nest
    • Time Vault
    • Toki Toki City
  • Towa's Hideout



  • Mira (Super Saiyan D-type/Octopapa & Taoku absorbed) vs. Demigra (Demon God)