Dragonball Fanon Wiki

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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Buu, is the property of Nikon23.

Buu Jr.
date of Birth:
810 Age
Date of Death:
Dragon Ball SF Chapter # 219
Appears in:
Dragon Ball SF, Dragon Ball GF
Majuub (Father)

Buu's Mother (Mother)

Majin Buu (Prenament Fusse of Father)

Kid Buu (Original form of Father)

Majuubs five Siblings (Uncles and Aunts)

Majuub's Father (Grandfather)

Majuub's Mother (Grandmother)

Buu is the Son of Majuub and his Wife that makes a minor appearance in Dragon Ball SF and has a much larger role in Dragon Ball GF. he is named after Majin Buu, who is the prenament fusse of his father.

Early Life:[]

Buu was born in the 810 age to Majuub and his wife shortly after the defeat of Ultimate Ark. he is named after Majin Buu, but he is no part of a majin, making him completely human.

Dragon Ball SF:[]

Ultimate Ark Saga:[]

8 years after the defeat of Ultimate Ark, Buu and hi sfather competes in the 39th World Martial Arts Tournament along with most of the Z Fighters. he competes in the Junior Division along with Sunto,Gochi and Kira. he later witnesses the fight between Goku and the reincarnation of Ark, Ark Jr in the final macth of the Adult Division.

Dragon Ball GF: []

Techniques and Special Abilities:[]

Flight: the abilty to fly with the use of Ki.

Ki Blast: The most basic forms of Ki Blasts.

Ki Sense: The Ability to sense Ki.

Ki Cannon: a burst of Kiai emitted from the mouth like a shout of energy. Buu learned this attck from training with his father, Majuub. 

Full Power Energy Wave: A Full Power Energy Wave launch in a similar matter to Vegeta's Final Flash.

Full Power Energy Wave Volley: A Rapid Barrage of Ki Blasts.

Explosive Wave: A Burst of energy emitted from the entie body.

Super Explosive Wave: A massive burst fo energy emitted from the entire Body.

After Image Technique: the ability to move so fast that it gives of a after Image, in order to fool the opponent for a open attack.

Wild Sense: The more advanced version of the After Image Technique.
