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Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


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This article, Bukha, is the property of HygorBohmHubner.

"Life is a battle. No bother in trying to deny it. If I am not on the battlefield, then I'm not living. I once dreamed of living a peaceful life, but I quickly realized: I'm not supposed to live a peaceful life. I must fight in order to allow the rest of the world to live peacefully. I suppose that peace isn't meant for me."
— Bukha about his motives for living

Anime name Buka
Manga name Buka
Alternate names Time Patroller
Race Saiyan
Date of birth Unknown
Height 300 cm (9'10")
Address Conton City
Occupation Time Patroller
Allegiance Time Patrol
Mentors Chronoa
Students Future Trunks

Bukha (ブカ Buka) is a Saiyan from an undisclosed alternate timeline, who was sought, and ultimately, recruited into the Time Patrol due to his overwhelming power and righteous nature.


Bukha's appearance consists of extremely long, spiky black hair with a prominent widow's peak. His facial features are similar to Goku's, although Bukha displays a more stern facial feature. He also possesses a thick black beard over his face.

His outfit consists of an all-brown attire; a cape that covers his battle armor, which possesses three cuirass that reach his knees, which are wrapped underneath a dark silver belt. His pants are made of a traditional Gi, and his boots are from the same material used for Saiyan battle armors. He also carries a very large sword on his back, and his defining physical trait is the scar on the right side of his face.


Considered to be the most powerful warrior of his timeline, Bukha is benevolent and wise. He has an almost unearthly calm and relaxed demeanour and almost constantly gave off an aura of serenity and composure, rarely displaying intense emotions of anger or fear. He was known for typically speaking in a calm, collected voice, and being firm, but reasonable and kind. He was always courteous, even towards the most vile of enemies.

He often uses humour to make people feel comfortable in his presence. Bukha has been known to be quite philosophical; often, very few people have the understanding (or patience) to comprehend his philosophies. As a supremely talented fighter, Bukha showed numerous examples of extraordinary abilities. His capabilities as a warrior are combined with his extraordinary intellect and extremely cunning and subtle mind that allows him to comprehend human nature and turn the better aspects of humanity to his enemies's disadvantages. Due to this, Bukha wields extraordinary powers of deduction that allows him to be completely unfooled by any charades who could fool even the most perceptive of individuals, and recognise instantly any deception that may have initially fooled him at the slightest of slip ups. Bukha always maintains his composure, even in situations that would terrify others.

While Bukha never displays arrogance or conceit, he has no use for false modesty either, and if a situation warrants it, is perfectly willing to acknowledge his virtually peerless intelligence and power. More than anything else, Bukha is motivated by his belief in the power of the human spirit. He also has a deep capacity for love, frequently reminding others that love is the greatest source of power of all, mentioning the numerous times that Goku and his friends achieved new levels of power were based on strong emotions, mostly steeming from love towards their friends and family.

Nevertheless, a very lonely and reserved individual, Bukha prefers spending his free time alone, often meditating and keeping an eye on others from a distance. Although this approach prevented him from becoming close with many people, it enabled Bukha to think and act without prejudice or preconceptions, instead evaluating things strictly on their own merits. Bukha unintentionally gained many friends and admirers for his genuine concern for others despite his passive nature. For this reason, Bukha never developed the very common trait of arrogance and pride that many other Saiyans have, never underestimating others, and if an opponent exceeded his expectations or posed a legitimate challenge to him or his allies, Bukha would freely admit it.

Bukha is extremely secretive towards his origins, always trying to change the subject whenever questioned about his home and past, only giving out vague details, but often describing his timeline of origin as being an "apocalyptic nightmare". The only description that Bukha freely shares is how his timeline was extremely severe and depressive, and was the sole factor for his lack of arrogance and pride, as watching many of his friends pass away in tragic manner caused him to seek peace and tranquility above all else. However, Bukha quickly realized that he couldn't live in peace due to his need to assist the Time Patrol, and instead, opted to spend the rest of his life fighting in order to allow others to live in peace in his place.

Bukha, while often kind and calm, does have a very serious side of himself and is capable of a terrifying wrath, and the very few who witnessed his wrath described it as being "hell in human form". This was rarely witnessed, but appears to be well known and heard of, and combined with his exceptional abilities, made very few of his allies willing to cross him and almost all of his enemies feared him. Even a slight exertion of Bukha's seriousness and anger could intimidate the likes of Mechikabura, who himself is an extraordinary entity.

"Regret is my constant companion. Do not let it become yours."
— Bukha on the nature of regret

Bukha is haunted by his traumatic family history. In particular, he is riddled with guilt over the circumstances surrounding the death of his family and friends. He feels enormous remorse for his selfishness and deemed himself tortured for the rest of his life by the fact that he dismissed the threats that ultimately took his family's lives, believing them to be "minor", and the unability to avenge his family caused him to become suicidal at first, although he opted to spend the rest of his life atoning for his mistakes.



Bukha was born in an undisclosed alternate timeline, where constant catastrophies and deaths were frequent, to the point where the people of his timeline were often accustomed to the loss of a loved one, although Bukha himself was constantly in denial, believing himself and his family to be safe because of their outworldly powers. Dismissing the threats, Bukha often chose to spend his time away from his family, training himself for fun, and would shrug off any attempts to remain hidden.

This ultimately came back to haunt him, as Bukha's family were ultimately killed by an destructive natural disaster caused by his planet's unstable weather, and Bukha blamed himself for not being present in order to protect them, and subsequently decided to allow himself to get killed in order to join his family, but ultimately decided to instead defend others to prevent anyone else from suffering the same tragedy as he had.

After decades of protecting his planet, Bukha's planet was close to destruction due to the unstable weathers causing the planet's core to suffer damage, but before his planet was destroyed, Bukha was transported away and found himself in Conton City, where Garia, Future Trunks, and Shaya introduced themselves and explained their motives for saving him. Hearing about the Time Patrol and their mission, Bukha accepts the invitation and decides to assist them on their mission to rescue the Supreme Kai of Time.

Dark King Mechikabura Saga[]

Six months after Chronoa's disappearance, Bukha continues his regular duties as a Time Patroller, until Elder Kai warns them about a disturbance in time. The Time Patrol head to Age 790 where they witness Gogeta fighting against Omega Shenron. Soon after arriving, Gogeta's friends and family are under a form of mind control and attack them, and Garia finds himself battling against Majuub while Shaya battles Pan, Xeno Android 21 battles Gohan and Bukha battles Gotenks. Shortly afterwards, Demigra and his henchmen Chamel and Robelu appear. With Towa and Dabura also in the area sporting a new more powerful Demon God state, Robelu tells Garia and Future Trunks to fuse. Doing so, Garia and Trunks fuse into Garunks.

Following Garunks's battle against Gogeta and Fin, a mind-controlled Chronoa appears and freezes everyone in place, Chamel uses his magic to teleport the Time Patrol and their allies to Demigra's lair, by which time Garunks has defused, leaving Gogeta in his altered timeline. The Time Patrol are told by Chamel of the six Hell Gates and that behind each one lies a Demon God who is maintaining a barrier to Mechikabura's Palace and they must all be defeated.

Bukha heads through the black gate. On the ground below, Shroom is there waiting for him. He fires off an energy wave from his scythe and Bukha easily moves himself out of the way. Bukha transforms into a Super Saiyan Full Power and engages Shroom in battle. He manages to kick Shroom to the ground but then notices a small cut on his face from the scythe. Bukha falls to the ground and reverts back to his normal state as Shroom tells him that he has harvested some of his spirit. As he is about to finish off Bukha, Bukha surprises Shroom by transforming into a Super Saiyan 2 Full Power, and hits Shroom and knocks him to the floor. Shroom charges at Bukha with his scythe, but Bukha counters with a powerful Kamehameha that destroys Shroom at last. Bukha then collapses from exhaustion afterwards due to the effects from Shroom's scythe.

He then returns to the hideout where he is subsequently frozen briefly by the mind controlled Chronoa and later struck by a mass of dark energy belonging to Mechikabura. Heavily injured, unable to fight and with Future Trunks being the only one left standing thanks to his Key Sword, Bukha along with the other Saiyans give Trunks their energy so that he can go on to face Mechikabura at the Time Nest, unexpectedly transforming him into a Super Saiyan God in the process.

After recovering, Bukha and the others travel through a rift to the now desolate Time Nest to assist Trunks and Chronoa in their final battle against Mechikabura. While Chronoa recharges the Key Sword for Trunks, the others attempt to buy them some time. Bukha transforms into a Super Saiyan God and attacks Mechikabura though he is able to block it. When he attempts a counter-attack, Bukha is protected by Chamel and Robelu's magic. Eventually, Gaks takes up the Key Sword to deliver the final blow and seal Mechikabura away in an eternal labyrinth. After Tokitoki assumes a giant form and restores the Time Nest to it's original state, everyone celebrates their hard earned victory.


Bukha is one of the strongest mortal warriors in the multiverse, often referred to (including by deities) as the most powerful and fittest warrior of his timeline of origin. His power level is unreadable by scouters as it glitches out from attempting to scan his powers, and just a burst from his energy is enough to leave a massive crater on the area. A natural prodigy, Bukha showcases highly advanced skill, evidenced by his rapid rise in power. His prowess is so impressive that it is said he could take on an planet by himself.

After obtaining the Super Saiyan transformation, Bukha was instantly able to overcome the usual aggression and drawbacks that the form brought, able to gain complete mastery over the form in mere seconds, and furthermore, is capable of reaching the next stage completely effortless. After absorbing godly energy from Garia, Bukha became able to tap into a new, godly, source of power: Super Saiyan God. With his newfound power, Bukha became able to fight head-on against Beerus, the God of Destruction, and while still not stronger than Beerus, the God of Destruction himself exclaimed that Bukha would inevitably surpass him eventually.

Despite his status as a rookie Time Patroller, Bukha quickly became famous across his peers as an extremely experienced fighter, and gained many admirers and students, including Future Trunks, who despite being a more tenured Time Patroller, admitted that Bukha's fighting skills were better than his, and requested for Bukha to train him.


  • Flight – The ability to fly with the use of ki.
  • Ki Blast – The most basic form of energy wave.
  • Ki Sense – The ability to sense the energy of other beings. He can also hide his ki to prevent someone else from sensing his.
  • Energy Absorption – The ability to absorb ki from others. This ability allowed Bukha to attain the Super Saiyan God form without the need of the ritual.
  • Kamehameha – Bukha's signature move. Bukha learned this technique while training with Garia and Shaya.
  • Explosive Wave – A technique where Bukha bursts out ki from all over his body in order to repel the opponents around him.
  • Masenko – A technique which Bukha learned from Future Trunks. He holds his hands crossed with the palms facing forward above his head, creating a yellow-colored energy sphere. Then he throws his hands forward and fires the yellow beam.
    • Double Masenko – A variation of the Masenko in which Bukha fires two Masenko blasts out of his hands at his left and right sides.
    • Combined Masenko – Bukha usually uses his Masenko in combination with either Future Trunks or Shaya.
    • Hyper Masenko – A stronger version of the Masenko used by Bukha during his battle against Kid Buu.
  • Fierce Combination – A physical attack which Bukha learned from Garia.
  • Solar Flare – A technique invented by Tien that Bukha learned at an unknown point in time.

Super Saiyan Full Power

Main article: Super Saiyan Full Power

Bukha SSJ

Bukha as a Super Saiyan Full Power

Upon obtaining the ability to become a Super Saiyan, Bukha instantly learned how to overcome the form's drawbacks of increased aggression and rapid loss of stamina and energy, as well as common sense, and quickly obtaining the full mastery over the transformation. This allows him to fight at his full potential and not lose energy like an untrained Super Saiyan.

Super Saiyan 2 Full Power
Main article: Super Saiyan 2 Full Power
Bukha SSJ2

Bukha as a Super Saiyan 2 Full Power.

This form multiples Bukha's power 200 fold. Bukha achieved this transformation whilst training in Conton City's Hyperbolic Time Chamber. While in this form, Bukha's muscle mass increases slightly and his hair grows even spikier than usual. While the regular Super Saiyan 2 transformation caused the user to suffer a burst of aggression and sadism, Bukha's mastery over the transformation allows him to bypass these side-effects, effectively allowing him to retain his common sense and lack of recklessness.

Super Saiyan God

Main article: Super Saiyan God

Bukha SSJ God

Bukha as a Super Saiyan God.

Bukha unlocked this powerful, yet mythical, transformation by absorbing some of Garia's godly energy through a fist battle, allowing Bukha to achieve this form.

Bukha's appearance in this form changes dramatically, with Bukha's hair color changing into red, his eyes becoming pupiless and showcasing a fiery aura emerging from them. His aura generates like an orange flame. Because Bukha was capable of achieving this form without the ritual, Bukha's Super Saiyan God form has no time limit, which allows him to fight to a greater extent than the usual manner of a regular Super Saiyan God.

God-like Saiyan

Main article: God-like Saiyan

Bukha Calm

Bukha as a God-like Saiyan.

Bukha was able to obtain this state by taking on and then dropping out of Super Saiyan God. He is able to access the god-like power without changing forms. As explained by Whis, that in order to retain this state, the Saiyan must raise their energy while also controlling it so it does not leak out – Bukha states that because of his ability to contain his ki within his body and his refusal to allow it to burst out, he was quickly able to master this form.

  • Scouter – A wearable, all-purpose computer that members of the Time Patrol use.
  • Time Machine – A machine that allows members of the Time Patrol to travel through different points in time to eliminate any traces of foul-play on the course of history. The Time Patrol's time machine are specifically designed to erase any alterations and encounters that Time Patrollers create upon their return to Conton City.
  • Senzu Bean – Mystical beans with immense rejuvenation properties.
  • Gravity Machine – A device invented by Future Bulma to help the Time Patrollers train under more powerful gravity in order to become stronger and raise their power levels.
  • Sword – Bukha's primary choice of weapon. The sword's material is stronger than a usual sword, allowing Bukha to cut through the most solid of objects.


