This article, Brussel (Sendoverse), is property of Tsukune sendo. |
Brussel is a major character in Dragon Ball Z: Rising Moon.
At birth Brussel had an amazingly high power level. She spent her childhood conquering but at the age of seven she was sentenced to death by King Vegeta. She is the queen of the Shkria and is worshipped as the highest goddess in the Vampri-jin pantheon due to her saving both planets from crises.
Transformations []
Oozaru-It is assumed that Brussel can use this transformation.
Restrained Super Saiyan- This form is identical in power to the super saiyan form and is the result of her ki inhibiters preventing her form becoming a Legendary super saiyan.
Brussel Rssj

Brussel lssj
Erasor cannon
Revenge missile
Star canon
Ki blasts