Dragonball Fanon Wiki

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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Brudikai's Attacks, is the property of Brudikai222.

Through the years of brudikai living on planet earth he has learned Ki attacks such as the kamehameha and inherited the erasor cannon and omega blaster from his father. He uses powerful attacks that arn't ki blasts also, like meteor commbation and gigantic hammer. Here are some other techniques Brudikai has learned.

Jack hammer smash- forms ki energy balls in hand like boxing gloves and continuosly punches the foe 10 times then finishes with a double axe fist sending them to the ground.

Deadly crusher- charges at the enemy kicks them into air. forms an erasor cannon, teleports behind them and hits them in the stomach sending them back to the ground and explodes.

Are you ready?- Brudikai teleports behind the enemy, as they turn around he grabs ther face smashes them to the ground a couple of times and throws them away. Brudikai then teleports in front of them as they are flying towards him and punches them in the face sending them 180 degrees the other direction.

I that all you got? brudikai taunts the foe making them fire a ki blast at him and deflects it away with one hand. "Is that all you got?" Brudikai continues to taunt the enemy and they continue to fire ki blasts at him until they get tired. Then brudikai blasts the foe with an energy wave.
