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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Broly (DBS: SMRPG:LOTMS Destiny), is the property of WOTWorldofTanks.

"This power is rising, it is overflowing!"
— Broly says himself

DBS: SMRPG:LOTMS Destiny Character
Vital statistics
Aliases/Nicknames: Great Green Demon Lord
Birthplace: Planet Namek (it was been destroyed by Archon)
Power level: 75.000 (his birth)

150.000 (when he is 15) 200.000.000 (base) 1.6 trillion (LSSJ form)

Species: Saiyan, Demon
Gender: Male
Birthdate: Unknown
Date of Death: He is alive
Height: 9'0
Weight: Unknown
Hair Color: Green
Father: Paragus (dead)
Personal Weapons Systems
Chronological & Political Information
Enemies: Goku and Vegeta | His archenemy is Archon currently

Broly is a character from DBS SMRPG: LOTMS Destiny. Unlike other manga, Broly appears as a viking in this drama. He was born on the Planet of Namek and was the first horned Saiyan during the first birth research. While in the LSSJ form, his horns come to energy that can create violent thunderstorms. Broly can also conduct electrical and explosive attacks. In manga, his explosions are green, but in this series the explosions are in their original color.


Hawth meeting with him[]

In Chapter 2, Hawth goes to Namek Planet exploded by Archon. One of the pieces of Namek was shining with green light and it went to the radiant place. The luminescent was actually Broly's Legendary Super Saiyan form. He hid when he saw Hawth because he was so scared. Hawth saw his light and called to him: When he said, "Come out, cowardly," Broly went into a long-term war with Hawth and Hawth won. Broly surrendered and he met Hawth. After a long conversation, they left this exploded planet. Hawth made him invisible because he was a devil, making people chaos. He brought Broly to Goku and Vegeta, and Hawth immediately interrupted and wished them: "Broly may be your enemy but can help you with potential conquest and potential danger." Broly nicknamed Hawth: "The bearded devil".

Battle with Archon in Age 800 and Vegeta's Resurrection[]

Large events were turning around in the 800 Age, and Archon would conquer Universe 7 but failed. Broly and Goku fought against Archon and were repulsed. Archon had to retreat and his war failed. On the other hand, Vegeta died spearly in the war, but the medical team in Homestead IV took him and took him to the resurrection room. They took out the spear from his chest and started treatment. Despite all efforts, they couldn't save him, but Broly came and resurrected him with tremendous force. The medical team was surprised, because they didn't know that Broly would be helping out.

2. Power Tournament[]

The 2nd Power Tournament started in August. Broly's intense power was enough to defeat all the warriors in Universe 1. No one could beat him, but Jiren defeated him even harder. After the long war, Universe 7 won the tournament and Broly was delighted. After the tournament, Archon would come with the 2nd army and conquer U7, but still failed. It is Broly who won the wars. His efforts put the Homestead IV Ministry of Justice in motion. The Ministry of Justice removed Broly from the danger category and placed him in the Great Protectors category.


He is a viking and becomes extremely dangerous when in LSSJ form. His LSSJ form aura is green and gets aggressive. While in a calm state, he makes Goku bullying in society and belittles him. Due to their high height, people and the HSIV Ministry of Justice are accepted as "Jotun" in Homestead IV.

As he meets Hawth, Broly calms down to some extent and tells him about the Mastered Ultra Instinct. Broly confuses Homestead IV due to very aggressive and uncontrolled behavior. Hawth's training took years and Broly reached the Mastered Ultra Instinct.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Ki: The burst used all characters.
  • Gigantic Catastrophe: He collects energy from his mouth, making an extremely intense burst of energy.
  • Planet Gayser: By squeezing an explosion of energy to that place, it can create underground fire columns.
  • Gigantic Hammer: Broly can confuse his enemy, stun for a long time or even kill instantly.
  • Aegishjalmur: Passing in the Legendary Super Saiyan form, the Aegishjalmur rune appears on his stomach and protects him from all violent attacks.
  • Fire Beard: When the beard from the fire is in the form of Broly LSSJ, the beard turns from green to red, and the beard begins to turn into fluid lava. Its beard protects against close-turn attacks from enemies. When the enemy is in close combat, its hands will be burned by the beard.
  • Thunderstorms: Thunderstorms, change the weather by shooting into the air when Broly's horns are fully charged. He stuns and kills enemies by giving them electricity because of the thunderstorm. The same goes for lightning strikes.
  • Flight: Broly can flight when combat.
  • Teleportation: Broly can teleport.


  • Legendary Super Saiyan: It is his strongest form. Broly goes through this transformation, dealing heavy damage to enemies. Because he was trained by Hawth, he can transform on to Mastered Ultra Instinct.
  • Mastered Ultra Instinct: This is an extremely rare technique and one of its most powerful transformation in the universe. Broly mastered Hawth's years of training. He is completely immortal until this transformation ends.


Legendary Super Saiyan

MUI Form
