Dragonball Fanon Wiki

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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This article, Blaze (Nikon23), is the property of Nikon23.

Date of Birth:
Over 100 Million Before Age
Date of Death:
Dragon Ball GF Chapter # 4
Appears in:
Dragon Ball GF

Blaze is alien known as Infernoian fromt he Planet Inferno. He makes a appearance in Dragon Ball GF.

Dragon Ball GF:[]

Planet Trade Order Saga:[]

In Dragon Ball GF, 7 years after the defeat of Ark Jr, Goku and his friends arrive on planet inferno and accidently awaken him from his slumber on the planet. this cause a brief fight to take place between Goku and Blaze. in the end due to Goku's strength, Blaze is defeated, but Blaze vows to one day have a rematch against Goku in the near future and Goku happily accepts his challenge.

Fighting Technique and Special Abilities:[]

Flight: the abiltity to fly with the use of Ki.

Ki Blast: the most basic forms of Ki blasts.

Kiai: a invisable form of Ki.

Ki Sense: the ability to sense Ki.

Wild Sense: the advance versino of the After Image Technique.

Wrath of the God of Destruction: a massive finger beam tehcnique learned from Whis.

Continuous Energy Bullets: a rapid Barrage of Ki Blasts.

Explosive Wave: a Burst of eenrgy emitted from the entire body.

Super Explosvie Wave: a more adavnce version of the Explosive Wave.

Heat Wave: a full power Fire like Energy Wave that is very similar to a Full Power Energy Wave.

Heat Wave Barrage: a rapid barrage of the Heat Wave.

Heat Armor: a defensive attack that cause the entire blody become cover in flames.

Flame Sword: a sword made out of flames.

Volcano Sphere: Blaze's Ultimate Technique. a Very large sun like fire Energy Sphere that is capble of wiping out a entire planet within a bliknk of a eye.
