Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki

This page, Be a Man/741 Age, is property of KidVegeta.

14trophy This page, Be a Man, was a recipient of the official 2014 Dragon Ball Fanon Wiki award for “Most Original Stories”. Legendary job!

741 Age[]



3/31/741 Age

Dear Samuel,

The past few months have been a whirlwind. Dr. Gero pushed us to the absolute physical limits of our bodies. Only a few of us have proved to be pure enough for the egghead's experiments, though. Me and Gero's son, Nagiri, both passed! We're in the elite group of Red Ribbon soldiers who got the biological enhancements. My surgery was four days ago. I got a psychic implant in my brain. Nagiri got some reflex boosters. After we heal up, Commander Red is going to send us on a mission to test out our new powers! I'm so excited. I have been lying here in bed just itching to move something with my mind! But the doctors say I can't try until my wounds have healed up. I'm getting pretty impatient! How's life back home? Is dad doing better? Is mom still all stressed out? How's school? Write me back when you get the chance.

Love, Lukas

Samuel Blue
NTH 814502 CCR
North City



08/08/741 Age

Dear Samuel,

It's been a while since I've written you. Commander Red has taken command of those of us who got the bio implants. He's calling us the Red Ribbon Elite. I like it; the name has an elegant feel to it. We have been doing some dark ops for him since we healed up. I can't talk too much about them, but it's been rather crazy. Nagiri is so fast. I've never seen a human move like he can. I have been working with my implant, but it takes a lot of concentration. I can only move small things right now, but it's getting better every day. Next week, Commander Red is deploying us to the far west of the world. We're going to disable a few Capsule Corp. manufacturing plants. They're some rival group of ours. I'm not exactly sure, but I think they're the ones who produce all those dynocaps that are all the craze right now. I don't expect this operation to be very dangerous, so I should be back relatively soon. If Commander Red allows it, I will return home for the holidays. How's life back home, little bro? What's high school like? Are you having fun? How's the art going? Write me when you can, and please stay safe, Sammy.

Love, Lukas

Samuel Blue
NTH 814502 CCR
North City



12/11/741 Age

Dear Samuel,

I'm back at Muscle Tower. It's been snowing a lot. Our mission to the Capsule Corp. manufacturing plants didn't go so well. We destroyed one of the buildings, but then we were ambushed by some guards. There were more than anyone thought there would be. We were completely outnumbered. My friend, Nagiri, is dead. I tried to save him, but there were just too many guards. I don't know what I could have done… but there had to be something. Maybe if I was a better shot or quicker or if I had trained with my psychic abilities more. I don't know. I don't know what to do, Sammy. He was my only friend here. Dr. Gero is taking it pretty hard too. He hasn't come down to check up on my implant since the mission. Only a few of us survived it, so Commander Red is dissolving the Red Ribbon Elite. I'm back in General White's army. I'm not sure what to do. I bought myself some roses to cheer myself up, but it isn't helping. Hope things are going better at home. I miss you all.

Love, Lukas

Samuel Blue
NTH 814502 CCR
North City
