This article, Android 80, is the property of Pandalove93. |
Android 80 is variant of Android 8, and one of General Copper's creations. Android 80 was created in Copper's space station lab, and he had been programmed to destroy Z-fighters. Later he became part of Pan's Dragon Team, when Bulma program him again, until he gets killed by Android 22, and absorption by him.
Unlike his Android 8, 80 was brute, cruel, loyal to his creator, and he doesn't feel sorry for anyone. But he didn't hurt peoples, who aren't part of Z-fighters, because he wasn't programmed to it. When he was programmed again by Bulma, he became more calm and friendly, and he began to appreciate mankind. In fighting he trust his great size, strength, stamina and special abilities.
Flight: The ability to fly without the use of ki.
Bear Hug: Grappling clinch hold and stand-up grappling position.
Rocket Punch: A technique where Android 80 launches one of his arms or fists at his opponent in the manner of a rocket, and then it explodes on colliding with someone or something.
Self Destruct Device: Android 80 can kill himself to create a huge energy wave.
Blast Fist: Android 80 delivers a powerful uppercut, causing explosions in its path, inflicting a large amount of damage.
Backdrop: Wrestling move, where Android 80 grabs his opponent and throws it over his shoulder.
Piledriver: Wrestling move, where Android 80 grabs his opponent upside down, jump in air, spin around and smash his opponent to ground.