This article, Android 170, is the property of Pandalove93. |
Android 170 alias Kuro is the son of Android 17, and General Copper's stronger version of Android 17.
When he was young, he lived with his family, but his and 17's relationship was bad, and one day he runs away from home, and then he met General Copper, who promised to make him stronger than his father. He then became part android, part human.
Because he had a poor relationship with his father, he was cruel, sadistic and hated his family. He only cares about his android partners, and destroing cities, and his only plan was kill Z-fighters. But still he has something good inside him, because he couldn't kill Marron, because she's his cousin, and when he was revired by Silver Star DragonBalls, be stop for being mean, and he became a hermit.
Android 170 was strong enough to battle with Super Saiyan Pan, and Potential Unleashed Gohan, but he isn't strong enough for Android 22.
Flight: Ability to fly by using ki.
Ki Blast: Most basic form of energy wave.
Android Barrier: A technique where energy is thrust out from the body in the form of a barrier with great force.
Endgame: When the opponent attempts to attack, Android 170 says "It's all just a game" as he palm strikes the opponent's stomach before roundhouse kicking the opponent away, inflicting a great deal of damage.
Electic Shot: First Android 170 puts his two hands together in front of him, after he charges his pink energy sphere which irradiates electricity, and finally he fires the attack at the target or opponent to blast it.
Photo Flash: It is an energy wave emitted from the hand of its user.
Electro Eclipse Bomb: Android 170 places his hands forward and he forms a sphere of deep black energy that has another gray sphere inside it that turns black in the center and has red electricity flowing around it. If he charges the attack for a few seconds, it seems to take on a decagon shape, but most commonly looks like a circle. Once he fires it, it leaves a shot black trail of energy behind before it hits the target, very easily causing a nuke-sized explosion that destroys everything caught in the explosion.
Android 360: Ex-Fusion between Android 170 and 180.