Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You will never be forgotten.


Dragonball Fanon Wiki
Android 16171920
Race Cyborg
Gender Male
  • Android 1617 (Fusee)
  • Android 1920 (Fusee)
  • Lapis (SSJJ) (Fusee of Fusee)
  • Android 16 (SSJJ) (Fusee of Fusee)
  • Android 19 (SSJJ) (Fusee of Fusee)
  • Dr. Gero (SSJJ) (Fusee of Fusee)
  • Android 16171920 is the EX-Fusion of Android 1617 and Android 1920.


    Android 16171920 appearance is combination of his fusees. His top half is of Android 1617's hair, and lower is 1920's hair. He has Gero's Moustache, and 19's white skin. He has the vest of Android 16, and undershirt of Android 1920. The vambraces and socks of Android 1920, and Android 1617's boots. He has the blue pants of Android 17, and red absorption devices on his palms.
