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Dragonball Fanon Wiki

Amaterasu in her Human form

character image
Dragon Ball PD Character
Vital statistics
Aliases/Nicknames: Goddess of Destruction and Creation
Birthplace: unknown
Power level: Immeasurable
Homeworld: unkwown
Species: god
Gender: Female
Hair Color: white
Eye Color: blue
Rank: God
Children: Brudikai (adopted)
Grandchildren: Brock and Brulla (through Brudikai)
Personal Weapons Systems
Chronological & Political Information
Amaterasu (U93)

Her Wolf form

This article, Amaterasu (U93), is the property of Brudikai222.

Amaterasu, the goddess of universe 93 who is in charge of the creation (since universe 93 doesn't have kais.) and destruction. She lived on Earth in a forest for thousands of years, when a saiyan pod landed infront of her cave. A saiyan baby was inside, she adopted him and called him by his saiyan name, Brudikai . She raised the saiyan to be kind to earthlings, and told him about his heitage and his father, Broly. Amaterasu trained him how to fight and imbued god ki with in him. She crafted his outfit into his father's style to contain the god ki otherwise it would rip the young boy's body apart due to the emense shift in power.

Brudikai grew up and on his wedding day she gave him her blessing, a spell called Blessing of the Undying. Amaterasu only gave this to 2 other people and if she truely cares for the people she meets. Amaterasu has two forms, a human form and a wolf form.

Dragon Ball PD was created before the Battle of Gods movie. So therefor in Universe 93 She is the be all end all. An omnipotent being.


Universal destrcution and creation

Time line destruction and creation

the Hakai technique- The killing skill Beerus used on Zamasu

Creation- She has the power to creat life and even take it away if she wishes.

godly instant transmission- a skill that allows her to travel across the universe and even to other univeres at will.

Blessings and Curses- Amaterasu a place a blessing on you or a curse. She rarely does this and only if he has a significant impact on her mood or life.


Undying- Dispite the name you can still die although it is extrmely hard (look on Brudikai 's page to get a fill run down of the blessing)

Luck- You will have good luck everyday for the rest of your life.

Wishes- Your inner most wishes will come true, kinda like the dragon balls without the work of getting them.

Adaption- A blessing she never used cannonicly. This blessing is the ultimate power to give to a mortal they will have eternal strength infinetly growing. In the non cannon verse she did give it to Brud. Naming himself Ultimate Power Brudikai


Eternal pain- This Curse will give you external or internal pain for the rest of your life and in the after life until she removes it (If she even remembers to)

Bad luck- Bad luck for the rest of your life

Realm of darkness- Amaterasu can trap you in arealm of darkness where your nightmares reign supreme until she reopens it to let you out. So far she only had to do this once to trap the demon god Orico.
